"Since you are all like this, I will accept him as my disciple, but I have to give him a new name."

When Aaron heard that Chen Xuan was about to name himself, Gao Xin came over and squatted in front of him.

"You idiot, why are you still so stupid? Since you have a master, you need to ask the police, and then worship. By then, you will have a master, and you will not have any relatives."

When the village chief said these words, his eyes were filled with tears, and his eyes were full of strange light. They had watched this child grow up, and he was about to leave them in an instant, and there was still some reluctance.

"That's right, the village chief's grandpa is right. Don't worry, master. I'm confused all of a sudden. I'm smart at other times. You don't want it, because you don't want this."

Chen Xuan smiled when he saw Aaron's silly look, and suddenly he had a name in his mind.

Since this guy wants to have a good future so much, why not just call him Qiancheng.

As soon as Chen Xuang thought about the name, Aaron brought out a cup of tea from the room. It seemed that they had hidden it for a long time and were reluctant to drink it. They were waiting for some distinguished guests, but it seemed to come in handy now.

"Master, please bow to me, my disciple."

Chen Xuan sat on the temporary chair they moved over, nodded slightly, took the cup of tea, and drank it in one gulp.

"From now on, you are my apprentice. Your name will be Qiancheng, which means you have a bright future. If you don't want to stay with me anymore, just come back and repay your adoptive parents!"

Qiancheng nodded happily when he heard Chen Xuan's instruction. A few days ago, he always dreamed of meeting noble people, but he didn't expect that it really came true. He really met his master, and he was such a kind man.

"Then you can go out with me from tomorrow. When you come back, you will no longer be the same person. You are capable and promising. Even the county magistrate may ask you for help."

Chen Xuan didn't want the child to lose confidence, so he encouraged him in advance, but he didn't expect to touch him again. When he met him again, he found that the child had a foundation in martial arts, which would be even better.

"Master, don't blame me. I practice this for self-defense. We fellow villagers don't know how to take care of themselves. Every time the county government comes over, they are bullied, so I want to learn some martial arts. Not only It can protect them and help yourself.”

Chen Xuan nodded that it was wrong not to have him, and then the whole night passed with excitement.

The second Shili brought back all the things he had prepared before. When the people in the next village heard the rumors here, they felt incredible and ran over to watch the fun. But when they saw everyone and their own fields, they returned to their own hands. When I went up, the excitement seemed to be contagious.

"Strong man, we have already made your request. When are you going to plan it? Let's go to the back mountain to see what happens."

Chen Xuan stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry. You've only reached 2\\/3, and there's still 1\\/3 left. Do you want to wait until you come back to solve the problem? If you come back then, you don't want to solve the problem, so I can agree to it. So think about it yourself now.”

The county magistrate had been threatened once before and the sense of crisis came to his mind again, but he seemed less panicked.

"Try what the strong man is right. Since this time the strong man is fully confident that he can get the treasure over there, then we will listen to you and do whatever you want. The food is already on the way and we will take pictures soon. Go down and give them back their anger."

The leader of the monitor was so moved with the sweet books in his hands that he really didn’t know what words to use to express his current excitement.

He remembered that when he was young, these fields were taken over by the government, and the county magistrates passed them down from generation to generation, but now it is not easy to hand them over.

"I think you don't seem to be very willing. If that's the case, then if something happens, I won't be able to guarantee that you will come back safely."

Chen Xuan didn't care what the county magistrate might do now, as long as he promised to follow him now, when the time comes, he would go over there, his martial arts skills were inferior to his own, and he was unarmed, so he could leave them there at any time.

This is not because of anything else but what they have done to these villagers over the years.

Afterwards, they all discussed it, and the villagers returned to normal. They took money to run to the market, and went to the farmland to see it. Now it was worth it. What was exciting was that none of them was not grateful for Chen Xuan's contribution. .

They also secretly vowed to develop their current careers into a bright future.

Not wanting to disappoint his benefactor, Chen Xiang felt relieved when he saw the expressions in their eyes.

"Master, I think there is something wrong with this now. In fact, in order to avenge the people in the village, I have been to his house many times."

Qiancheng's words caught Chen Xuan's attention. It's no wonder that the county magistrate agreed too simply before. It sounded like there was a ghost.

"What? Look, I'll see what else he can do in my name then."

Qiancheng pulled him aside and said.

"Actually, it was like this at the time. They had long wanted to go to the back mountain to find out what happened, but because the people in the county government were incapable, they delayed it."

Chen Xuan waved his hands quickly. This was not what he wanted to hear. The key was how he learned to tell the truth now.

"What happens after that? They have been keeping it in hand. After you come, I probably want to attack you. I'm afraid that the things he took out will be taken back by then, and everyone's treasure will be lost. That's not true. All in vain!"

When Chen Xuan heard this, he remembered that he had almost forgotten.

"County magistrate, you are so anxious to find that treasure. Why don't you sign a union with me now? This requires your home page. If you regret it, I can directly bring it to the emperor and ask him to report it. Got your job."

The county magistrate originally thought that if he didn't think about this scene, he would no longer worry, but after hearing his words, he became worried again.

He quickly apologized and smiled.

"Strong man, what do you mean by this? How could we do such a thing? Besides, since I agreed to hand over the things, I will not regret it. Why don't you believe me so much?"

The county magistrate opened his mouth to code, haha, but obviously Chen Xuan would not believe him. If he had been effective in calling Malaysia Airlines, these villagers would not be like this.

"Stop talking nonsense, take some paper and put your fingerprints on it."

The county magistrate couldn't help but nodded and obeyed.

Chen Xuan looked at the child in front of him with satisfaction and nodded.

Early the next morning, Chen Xuan packed his bags and prepared to set off.

The county magistrate led a group of people and stood at the entrance of the village, looking at Chen Xuan with a sneer.

Behind the county magistrate were a group of villagers.

The villagers all had earnest looks in their eyes, as if they were reluctant to part with Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan looked at the county magistrate coldly, without any fluctuation in his eyes. He walked up to him and said, "You have returned two-thirds of the land. Where is the remaining one-third?"

The county magistrate had a fake smile on his face and said: "You rescue my son, and by the way, pick the Ganoderma lucidum. When I saw these two things, I naturally returned them all. I believe that two-thirds of the Land, is it enough to show my sincerity? Don’t worry, I am the same.”

Chen Xuan sneered, looked at the county magistrate's face, and asked, "Two things?"

"Yes, my son, and Ganoderma lucidum." The county magistrate chuckled, not noticing his speech problem at all, and continued: "Aren't these two different things?"

The villagers on the side were already snickering, and Chen Xuan also laughed and asked: "Is the affectionate magistrate's son actually a thing?"

The county magistrate's face turned dark instantly, and then he realized his speech problem, and immediately snarled his neck and retorted: "That's my son, not a thing!"

"Oh~~~~" Chen Xuan deliberately prolonged his voice, nodded, and said: "It's clear, it turns out that the county magistrate's son is not a thing. I'm sorry, I'm stupid."

"You!" The county magistrate was furious, pointing at Chen Xuan's nose and wanting to scold him, but he didn't dare. After all, he was a cultivator, and he could be wiped out with just a few fingers. He was just a mortal, how could he dare to yell at him?

"You are so quick to talk, rescue my son and get the Ganoderma lucidum back. We... are waiting for you!" The county magistrate smiled sinisterly.

He has concluded that Chen Xuan must be a meat bun to beat a dog when he goes there. After all, the evil dragon in the mountain has been visited by countless wandering Taoist priests who wanted to surrender, but in the end, all of them were spared and were swallowed by the evil dragon one by one. After entering the stomach, there is not even a dregs left.

The county magistrate is not a cultivator, so he naturally doesn't know what the level is. He just thinks that the level may be a little more powerful, but it is still not enough in front of that evil dragon.

After all, that evil dragon is said to have existed since ancient times. It is so powerful that a mouthful of dragon saliva can bring down torrential rains. Although Chen Xuan is a cultivator, he is still a human being after all. How can he kill the dragon?

Chen Xuan no longer followed the county magistrate and went up the mountain alone.

At the foot of the mountain, the county magistrate's people had already dispersed, but the group of villagers were still watching his way up the mountain.

Chen Xuan lowered his head and looked at the villagers at the foot of the mountain, who were already as big as ants, and gritted his teeth.

It wasn't that Chen Xuan insisted on meddling in this matter. After all, this was the place where the love in his heart was born. He thought that a place that could give birth to such a beautiful woman must be filled with outstanding people, but he didn't expect that it would be so dilapidated.

But even so, he was willing to protect the village.

When he learned that there was an evil magistrate in Cu, he made up his mind to kill the magistrate.

However, when he really wanted to take action, he hesitated.

He couldn't eliminate the root cause. Many of the county magistrate's vassals were still hiding in secret. If he was really killed, the remaining members of his party would definitely take revenge on these villagers.

Now that this person has passed away and his beauty is gone, Chen Xuan just wants to protect the villagers here. These people who have witnessed the existence of the one he loves are still alive.

After all, this is the only evidence that she existed in this world.

However, Chen Xuan never dreamed that his decision would make him regret it for the rest of his life.

This mountain towers into the clouds. There are countless caves in the mountain. I don't know where the evil dragon is hiding, so I have to look for the spiritual wisdom first.

After climbing all the way to the top of the mountain, Chen Xuan felt how extraordinary the cluster was.

Chen Xuanxian's cultivation at the eighth level was actually unable to fly in this mountain. He could only climb up step by step, as if there was an invisible force restricting him.

In the middle of the top of the mountain, there was a colorful altar. Chen Xuan raised his eyes and saw that in the middle of the altar, there was a little bit of precious light flickering. After a closer look, it turned out to be the fairy grass Ganoderma lucidum.

Chen Xuan was overjoyed and ran towards there quickly.

But suddenly, a roar came from behind him.

"Stop, Longchi Cave, don't break in!"

Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, thinking that besides being guarded by evil dragons, there were also people on this mountain?

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan immediately looked back.

Standing behind him was a thin man, holding a magic sword shrouded in black energy, and his whole body was also covered in black devilish energy. If you look closely, you can see that his clothes are the same as those of the mountain people in the village, and the sword tied around his waist The jade pendant was exactly the same as the token the county magistrate showed him.

Is this the county magistrate’s son?

However, it was obvious that he was possessed at this moment.

It seems that he was transformed by the evil dragon's influence and became its slave.

Chen Xuan stood with his hands behind his hands and shouted at the man: "Are you Young Master Zhu Yang?"

The county magistrate's name is Zhu Kejin, and his son's name is Zhu Yang. These are what the county magistrate told him. After all, if he wants to save his son, he must tell him something to identify him.

However, even if the name is not confirmed, Chen Xuan can probably confirm it.

Because the jade pendant on his waist was a token given to him by the county magistrate.

This should be the son of the county magistrate, Zhu Yang is undoubtedly.

But Zhu Yang didn't answer him. Instead, he stared at Chen Xuan, shook his head, and murmured: "If you don't kneel before the guardian, you will die unjustly. Just accept death!"

Chen Xuan looked at Zhu Yang in surprise. This child was probably deeply affected. He actually called himself a guardian and asked Chen Xuan to kneel down to him.

As Zhu Yang spoke, he came towards Chen Xuan with the magic sword. Chen Xuan didn't want to dodge, but he didn't expect that the magic sword in Zhu Yang's hand was not an ordinary thing. There was a surge of magic energy in the air, and it could cause lightning and thunder. , roaring with the roar of the avenue.

And Zhu Yang took a closer look and found that Zhu Yang's level of strength was already at the seventh level of immortality!

It seems that this evil dragon really has some abilities!

He was able to turn a mortal into a cultivator of the seventh level of immortality. Unfortunately, he had forgotten who he was and spent his life only protecting this evil dragon.

Chen Xuan snorted coldly, shifted his body slightly, and avoided the shocking blow. Then he raised his palm and gathered all the energy in his right palm. It seemed like thousands of stars were evolving in his palm, and even the surrounding space began to distort. .

Chen Xuan directed his palm towards Zhu Yang's spirit cap. Sure enough, Zhu Yang was forced to reach the seventh level of immortality. He only had strength but no combat experience and skills. He couldn't escape Chen Xuan's surprise. one strike.

This palm hit Zhu Yang's spiritual cap hard. The demonic energy on Zhu Yang's body was instantly shot away, and his strength disappeared instantly. He closed his eyes and fell softly to the ground. However, that The moment the demonic energy was blown away from Zhu Yang's body, it condensed into a human shape in the air, and then quickly returned to Zhu Yang's body.

Zhu Yang's body that was about to fall suddenly stood up at a strange angle, and his eyes opened at the same time, glowing with blood-red light.


Chen Xuan was secretly frightened, sneered, looked at the direction where the demonic energy was gathering, and slapped a palm of black and yellow energy in the air.

With a "boom", the black and yellow energy did not dissipate in the air, but hit an object. Suddenly, a dragon roar came, and the evil dragon appeared in the air.

Sure enough, Chen Xuan's guess was correct. The evil dragon was suspended in mid-air, but his figure was invisible.

The direction where the demonic energy gathered was the direction where the evil dragon was.

The evil dragon's roar penetrated the ground, and the earth began to tremble, and the mountains were crumbling little by little. Zhu Yang on the side looked at the earth in confusion, and at this moment, the evil dragon raised its claws, and the ones attached to it were The demonic energy in Zhu Yang was drained instantly and he fell down again.

Only then did Chen Xuan see clearly that Zhu Yang had been dead for a long time.

What drove him to attack was just this demonic energy.

The mission had failed and he could no longer rescue the magistrate's son.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath, looked at the villagers down the mountain who had already looked down upon him, and shook his head.

The evil dragon was still screaming, but Chen Xuan was extremely angry in his heart. He raised his hand and saw that eighteen immortal swords had evolved in his hand. Holding the Sword Art in his hand, the eighteen immortal swords roared directly towards the evil dragon!

These fairy swords are not entities, but are transformed from Chen Xuan's Xuan Gong essence. They stabbed towards the evil dragon's body one by one, and each sword hit the vital point.

Killing Immortal Sword Technique!

I can kill even immortals, but I can't help you, a demon dragon?

Chen Xuan didn't expect that it would be so easy to kill this evil dragon. After all, the strength of this evil dragon was indeed a bit unsatisfactory. It seemed to be just a pet raised by a certain demon, and the evil dragon seemed to be guarding something other than that. With just a piece of Ganoderma lucidum, Chen Xuan could already feel the waves of demonic energy in the mountain, as if a terrifying demon had been awakened.

Cu Nai is within the territory of Yongzhou. If a demon is really awakened, the entire Yongzhou city will never have peace!

The evil dragon roared in pain in the air, and then exploded and died. A black golden elixir slowly fell. Chen Xuan, with quick eyes and quick hands, quickly took it. However, before he could get it, the evil dragon suddenly exploded. The wave of death swept over, and a shocking uproar directly leveled the mountain!

Chen Xuan was blown away by the air wave, vomiting blood at the mouth, and almost comatose. However, before being shaken down the mountain, Chen Xuan picked the Ganoderma lucidum plant.

Just when Chen Xuan was sent flying down the mountain, he saw with his own eyes that the torrential demonic energy had engulfed all the creatures at the foot of the mountain. Chen Xuan closed his eyes in pain.

It's over, everything is over.

The county magistrate is gone, and the village is gone.

The only place that could prove her existence no longer existed.

A tear slipped down Chen Xuan's face.

When Chen Xuan woke up again, he was in a cave. The wave of energy caused by the dragon's death cut off a large piece of the mountain top, and also damaged Chen Xuan's vitality, causing him to drift here.

Chen Xuan examined the wounds in his body, sighed, and raised his hand, a Ganoderma lucidum appeared in his palm.

You have to heal first.

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