Chen Xuan was sitting cross-legged in the stone cave. He was like a whirlpool, and all the spiritual power from the earth was sucked in and injected into Chen Xuan's body.

The spiritual power in Chen Xuan's body was like the waves of the sea. It gradually surged, and after reaching a peak, he used all his strength to break through the barrier. "Ah!" he roared. It was too painful to break through like this. His dantian seemed to have been stepped on by countless wild elephants, and the pain was excruciating.

After persisting for a long time, the barrier finally showed signs of breaking through. "More...harder!" Chen Xuan was sweating profusely and his muscles were extremely sore.


Finally, Chen Xuan broke through to the peak of the eighth level, and one step further would be the ninth level of immortality. He clenched his powerful fists, feeling the terrifying power contained in them, and couldn't help laughing. I have finally grown to this point.

Suddenly, a soft black air floated into the cave where Chen Xuan was practicing. He used his spiritual power to hold the black air in his hand and felt it quietly. Although this black air was vague and absent, it contained the evil spirit. The artistic conception is indeed unprecedentedly terrifying.

Chen Xuan looked solemn and jumped out of the cave.

Compared with the back mountain of Yongzhou half a year ago, it is simply a day of change. Chen Xuan's eyes were like torches, and his eyes were deep as he looked at the desolation around him, where the evil spirit was raging and all life was in ruins.

Flying into the air, overlooking the Yongzhou Back Mountain Mountains, the entire mountain range has lost its life, there are corpses of insects and beasts everywhere, and the evil energy is dense on the mountains.

But these evil spirits all have a common characteristic. They all seem to fly from the same direction...

"Yongzhou City!"

Chen Xuan took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, and then urged Feishenlu to rush towards Yongzhou City. As the speed increased, the heartbeat actually accelerated a little.

"I hope nothing happens to Yongzhou City."

Along the way, Chen Xuan cleaned up countless demonic energies, which made his heart feel colder and colder. This place was still more than 30 million kilometers away from Yongzhou City, and the concentration of demonic energies was already so dense. He couldn't imagine that Yongzhou City in the center would be What does it look like.

"That's it!" Chen Xuan stared at the demonic formation eye above Yongzhou City. The entire town was surrounded by the demonic energy emitted by the formation eye. The evil energy was spinning like a tornado, and it was about to completely destroy Yongzhou City. Crush.

There seems to be an extremely terrifying demon standing above the formation eye, emitting endless dark aura through the formation eye!

The dark aura covered the sun, the demonic energy surged, and the bloodthirsty meaning contained in it made Chen Xuan feel a little solemn.

"Ah!" "Hi~roar!!"

"Ugh~Help!!" "Dad! Mom! Ah!!" The miserable cries of the people in the city seemed to attract the attention of the dark atmosphere, which transformed into blood demons biting innocent people in front of Chen Xuan. .

Flesh and blood were flying everywhere, broken limbs and arms were everywhere, and the whole city was bleeding like a river. The devil smiled evilly in the air, and his entire figure turned into a black hole, melting the corpses of the dead into blood and sucking them into his belly for his own use.

Seeing that the villagers he once knew and loved were reduced to food for the devil, but he was unable to turn back. After all, it was still a step too late.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's anger was burning, and there was a hint of confrontation with the full demonic energy. Jumping up into the air, the sound wave added the power of spiritual power and roared at the demon above the formation: "Damn monster! Who is this monster! Today, I, Chen Xuan, will kill you, the evil monster!!"

"Hehehehe, Chen Xuan? You look like a master. If I eat you, I might be able to break through the bottleneck." The devil smiled evilly, and the devilish energy swept towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's face was solemn. He had just felt that the demon in front of him had reached the eighth level of demon cultivation. Although there was some gap between him and himself in terms of momentum, he was still at the eighth level after all.

Chen Xuan did not dare to neglect, he quickly formed water and fire seals with his hands, and his aura turned into an ice-flame magical beast and pounced on the demon.

"This demonic energy seems a bit weird, it can actually consume and absorb my spiritual power."

I saw the devil's demonic energy wrapping around the magic beast transformed from Chen Xuan's spiritual power, slowly shrinking and trembling. The magic beast's whole body erupted with twin flames of ice and fire, half of which was blue and white with cold air, and the other half was The extremely red giant flame.

The twin flames of ice and fire are entangled with the demonic energy, attriting each other, while the magical beast is struggling in the envelope of the demonic energy, but this demonic energy is weird, very tough and sticky, clinging tightly to the beast's body to absorb power, allowing the magical beast to use all its strength , the demonic energy has not dissipated even a bit.

Chen Xuan saw the beast's wasted body dim, and formed the seal again, "Fire Lotus Soul Beast!" "Yan!!"

A miniature magic circle appeared in front of him, suspended in mid-air and rotating slowly, and the originally blue-white spiritual power in his body turned extremely red after being blessed by the magic circle, pouring into the magic beast's body like a rainbow.

After the weak magical beast received this spiritual power, it instantly grew taller and its appearance was different. The places where the twin flames of ice and fire appeared on the beast's body were now the flames of lotus, and there was an extra one in front of its forehead. A beautiful fire lotus.

The evolved magical beast's body is more solid, and with a slight shock, the demonic energy entangled in the body is shaken away and burned, and the demonic energy is burned and makes a hissing sound.


The magical beast got rid of the entanglement of the demonic energy and rushed towards the demon. The entire beast body bombarded the demon, causing him slight injuries and spitting out black blood.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan also drew out his mysterious sword and attacked the devil himself.

"Drink!" Chen Xuan raised Xuan in the air and slashed at the demon, and the demon also used a strange-looking blood sickle to attack Chen Xuan.

The two people's breaths collided countless times, and the land that was already destroyed by the demon became even more damaged.


Xuan and the blood sickle collided with each other. Chen Xuan stared at the evil eyes of the demon head with angry eyes. The fingertips of his left hand holding the sword body quickly formed a seal on Xuan.

At the same time, Chen Xuan used a third of his strength, and the balanced situation was instantly broken. The blood sickle broke and merged into the body of the demon head.

"Demon head, accept your death!"

Chen Xuan shouted. He held the sword with both hands and slashed at the demon head desperately.

The surging fighting spirit turned into a beast behind Chen Xuan, pressing on the body of the demon head.

"Boom!" The demon head was blasted down from the air by the Xuan sword, breaking several mountains and going more than ten feet underground.

Chen Xuan took the opportunity to form a seal and formed the third level of the Floating Life Jue.

"Floating Life Seal!"

"Bang! Boom!"

The huge golden seal, like a real entity, smashed several times in the direction where the demon head landed, and the ground was smashed down.

"Hu~" Chen Xuan adjusted slightly.

If the Floating Life Seal is bombarded head-on, even a demon head of the eighth level of the demon, or a master of the ninth level of the demon, will be injured or even seriously injured.

After Chen Xuan finished resting, he flew towards the demon.

The place where the mountain was originally was blasted into a huge pit by the Floating Life Seal. Chen Xuan extended his senses to search.

"Something is wrong, the demon is not here

Suddenly, the demon appeared in front of Chen Xuan like a ghost, and gave Chen Xuan a palm. Chen Xuan flew backwards, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

The demon laughed a harsh evil laugh, and it was impossible to tell that he was a seriously injured person.

Chen Xuan's spiritual power shook and stopped the body that was blown away.

The demon's cold and dark body swept towards Chen Xuan with full demonic energy.

Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly noticed a piece of finger bone hanging on the demon's chest.

It seemed to be a piece of finger bone, emitting a strange dark light.

"This is... the finger bone of the Demon Lord! ! "

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