The phalanges worn on the demon's chest are floating strangely. Although there is only this part, one can feel the supreme demonic will in it.

It's as if the finger bone is the ancient giant who once owned it.

"Hahahahaha, fortunately Master gave me this treasure before he left, otherwise I would have fallen into your hands." The demon regained the momentum he had during the battle, and even got a little stronger.

Chen Xuan had only seen this phalanx in an ancient text record. Its original owner was a demon giant who had participated in that ancient battle.

Although he died in the end, this finger bone alone also possesses strange and powerful abilities.

"No matter how powerful its owner is, it can't change the outcome just by relying on this phalanx!" Chen Xuan clenched the Xuan Sword in his hand, his eyes becoming sharper.

Keep an eye on the devil and always be ready to fight the devil to the death.


The demonic energy around the demon's body turned into countless arrows and shot towards Chen Xuan.

"Hmph! You destroyed a demonic body of mine, and now I have to use your life to compensate for it!" The sour and harsh voice of the demon came followed by the sound of the arrow breaking through the air.

Chen Xuan looked solemn, quickly took out the spell, and then threw the Xuan sword in his hand into the sky.

The Xuan Sword glowed all over, and formed thousands of sword shadows, surrounding Chen Xuan and blocking the demon's attack.

Seeing that the arrows had no effect, the demon howled to stimulate the demonic energy in the demon's body.

The demonic energy formed a door of darkness behind the devil, and a mud-like monster crawled out of the door, exuding a disgusting stench all over his body.

The devil grabbed the monster and threw it towards Chen Xuan.

The monster paralyzed and flew to the top of Chen Xuan's head, trembling and trying to get into Chen Xuan's sword shadow defense.

"Xuan Dingxuan!"

Chen Xuan shouted, and the Xuan Jian Ying who was originally on the defensive suddenly merged into

A giant sword shattered all the demonic arrows around Chen Xuan.

The giant sword was fixed in the air, with a momentum that even suppressed the whole company. Even the spiritual power within a radius of dozens of miles seemed to be suppressed and flowed somewhat slowly.

But the mud monster was not affected at all. It was still hanging in the air and crawling toward Chen Xuan, trying to stick to him.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan used the Xuan Giant Sword to attack the monster.

The monster was divided into several lumps of black paste under the cutting of the sword's mysterious shadow.

Unexpectedly, the pastes attracted each other and merged together.

Still turned into a monster and attacked Chen Xuan.

"This thing is a bit weird, I'll try it with the Fortune Lotus Flame." Chen Xuan thought to himself, then he took out the seal, and the spiritual energy around his body rotated, rushed to the top of Chen Xuan's head, and turned into a ball of extremely red fire flame.

In the middle of the blazing fire, there is a jade-like lotus platform that is rotating.

"Go!" Chen Xuan drove the lotus flame towards the monster.

Monsters are indeed afraid of fire, let alone such extremely high-temperature lotus flames. Chen Xuan's lotus flames also contain the power of purification, which is the last thing such a dark thing can withstand.

The monster's whole body was burned with a hissing sound, and it struggled desperately in the flames. In the end, it melted like butter and dissipated in the flames.

The demon in the distance looked strange. This was one of the most powerful ferocious beasts that he could summon with his current cultivation.

Although it doesn't seem to have much offensive power, its ability to be immortal and absorb power by entangling enemies is quite perverted.

The devil didn't expect that the sludge monster would be completely burned by Chen Xuan before it showed its strength.

"Devil, if you have any other tricks, feel free to use them."

"Don't be too proud and try my best again!"

The demon sat cross-legged in the air, closing his eyes tightly and mumbling some spells.

Following the demon's movements, the finger bones hanging on the demon's chest began to emit infinite magic light, continuously emitting evil energy.

Immediately afterwards, a shocking scene happened. The phalanx slowly integrated into the demon's chest. The demon's body seemed to be unable to withstand the power of the phalanx. The body began to swell and turned into a giant. The whole body was full of momentum. , there is simply a hint of the ancient giant.

"Chen Xuan...suffer death!"

The devil's originally sharp and harsh voice suddenly became much rougher, and it also vaguely contained the power of the troll's law.

The giant transformed from the devil raised his arm and struck Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan quickly flew up and dodged the blow.


The ground hit by the demon was sunken, and cracks appeared on the earth.

Chen Xuan exhaled and put the Xuan Sword into his body.

Then his eyes were like torches, and his whole person burst out with endless power.

"Fu Sheng Jue! The second level!" Chen Xuan shouted softly.

He formed a seal in his hand, and then a huge seal appeared in front of him, golden in color, like a solid body, and blasted towards the devil.


"Only this little strength?" The devil sneered, and he actually took on the second level of Fushengjue with his bare hands!

Chen Xuan's face was condensed and he said nothing. He closed his eyes and continued to make the seal.

Chen Xuan's consciousness communicated with the body of Fushengjue in his body. Chen Xuan received a response and turned his hands into palms to attack the demon.

"You don't overestimate your abilities. I can catch all your spells with my bare hands. How big can your body be..." The devil looked at Chen Xuan with a mocking expression and accepted the palm.

Suddenly the devil's expression changed dramatically.

"What is this! What a terrifying power!"

I saw circles of French characters slowly turning in front of Chen Xuan's fleshy palm, but the power contained in them was extremely terrifying.

"This is the fourth level of Fushengjue! Devil, your death has come."

Chen Xuan's cold eyes pierced into the devil's mind like a sharp knife.

"No! Impossible!" The devil said in horror, "The thing the old man gave me was the finger of an ancient ancestor. There is no way I will lose to you!"

"No matter how good the thing is, if it is useless by itself, the other things will naturally be useless."

The strength in Chen Xuan's hand suddenly increased by one point, and there was a faint tendency to break through the fifth level.

This made Chen Xuan very happy. Fu Sheng Jue was one of his killer moves. If he could break through, the power would definitely increase by several levels.


The demon finally couldn't bear Chen Xuan's power, spit out a mouthful of black blood, and was seriously injured.

The finger bones were knocked out of the body and Chen Xuan grabbed him.

This finger bone is worthy of belonging to an ancient giant. Even after all this time, it is still full of ferocity.

The finger bones struggled in Chen Xuan's hand, and Chen Xuan seemed a little unable to suppress it.

"The amputated finger bone is the finger of a demon giant. It cannot be controlled without magic. Wait for me to escape and find the master, and then come back to take revenge."

The devil actually used a secret method to escape, but here Chen Xuan was still suppressing his phalanges and unable to separate.

"It's just a cut of the phalanges, let's see how much trouble you can stir up!" Chen Xuan shouted, pressing the phalanges into the body of Fushengjue, and the phalanges instantly stopped moving.

Chen Xuan exhaled. If it weren't for Fu Sheng Jue, he really wouldn't be able to suppress this finger.

"Huh? Want to run?"

Chen Xuan turned his head but did not see the devil, and chased after the devil with the evil aura on his body.

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