Hearing this unfamiliar name, Chen Xuan frowned immediately.

My memory seems not to be as good as this person Fang Ziwu. When did I offend this person again.

"This Alchemist Guild has a total of two vice-presidents. I am in charge of Pharmacist City here, and the other vice-president is in charge of a branch in the imperial capital. The Lu Mensheng who was imprisoned by you last time was Fang Ziwu. Please come and suppress me.”

Lanshan said with a sad face.

It has been an eventful time recently. Ever since Chen Xuan arrived, Medicine City has been in a state of flux. Now the Duke of Hongshan is also stationed here, making Lanshan even bigger.

"It's just Fang Ziwu. What's there to be afraid of? Even you can handle it now."

Chen Xuan said disdainfully, he was already a sixth-grade alchemist, and he still asked for help at every turn, and he was not afraid of being embarrassed. This guy really became more courageous as he got older.

"If it were only Fang Ziwu, I wouldn't be afraid. But the problem is, this time Fang Ziwu invited a guy who is even more powerful than Lu Mensheng to come out. This guy is the real troublemaker."

Lanshan sighed, sometimes he really wished he could be stronger, just like Chen Xuan, who has powerful and abnormal strength, and is not afraid of any difficulties that come his way, just kill one by one, but After all, people like Chen Xuan are in the minority.

"What is so powerful?"

Seeing Lan Shan scared like this, Chen Xuan couldn't help but become curious. It seemed that even if the Talisman Splitter King came, he wouldn't be scared like this.

It seems that only masters of the same profession can make Lanshan feel a sense of crisis.

This Fang Ziwu is nothing. Fang Ziwu's own alchemy cultivation level is not as high as that of Lanshan. Now Lanshan has directly broken through to the realm of a sixth-grade alchemist, and is still making steady progress.

Given time, there will definitely be some good achievements.

"The person who came is an elder from the Changsheng Dan Sect, named Jiuyan. At the same time, he is also the senior brother of Nalu Mensheng."

Lanshan Road.

"Tch, I thought it was coming from somewhere. A senior brother is nothing. If you can't handle it, just let Hongshan handle it. That guy has been busy lately."

Chen Xuandao, the Duke of Hongshan has recently been making plans to directly establish a base of the Talisman Master Association in Medicine City. In Chen Xuan's opinion, it is simply too idle. If he takes action as the latter, I don't believe this method. Everyone from Ziwu should step aside.

Even the elders from the Changsheng Dan Sect couldn't do anything.

Unless you have a cultivation level that shocked the Duke like the King of Splitting Talisman. In fact, the King of Splitting Talisman back then was also quite afraid of the Duke of Hongshan. As one of the top ten dukes in the Qifeng Empire, the Duke of Hongshan But a person with real power.

"Your Excellency, I can't invite you. I can only invite you. What's more, this time they are issuing a challenge, which is protected by the laws of this empire. No one can refuse it. Not only do they want to challenge me, The challenge is to have an exchange with their most outstanding disciples, which is called an exchange."

Lanshan said with a sad face.

Although your life will not be in danger if you lose, once you lose the chat, it will be a shameful thing.

"Oh, there is another disciple challenge. When is it?"

Chen Xuan immediately became interested. Several disciples in the Chen Family Mansion have been practicing for such a long time. It’s time to take them out to train. There is no use hiding at home and working behind closed doors. The progress will be great. Yes, as long as you communicate with other experts in various aspects and learn as much as possible, you will gain a lot.

"Yes, I am going to let you participate in the disciple challenge."

Chen Xuan almost raised his fist and punched Lanshan in front of him into the coffin.

You are simply kidding me to ask this dignified alchemist to participate in the disciple challenge.

"Ahem, just a joke, just a joke."

When Lanshan saw Chen Xuan looking like that, he coughed a few times in embarrassment and said quickly.

"So, there are two competitions in this exchange meeting?" Chen Xuandao, one is the master and the other is the disciple.

"No, there are three levels. One level is the vice president, one level is the disciple, and the other level is the elder level."

"You messed up associations have a lot of shit going on."

Chen Xuan couldn't help but said with disgust. He really had nothing to do after he was full. He had caused so much trouble for himself and set so many rules.

"Okay, how about a try to start?"

"Seven days later, some veteran alchemists from the Alchemist Guild will also be present. It is said that His Majesty has also sent His Highness the Second Prince to watch and learn."

"Okay, I understand. I will take people there after seven days."

Chen Xuan said indifferently.

Lanshan originally wanted to remind Chen Xuan that he must be polite when the second prince came, but when he thought about it, the patriarch of the Shangguan family and the Splitting Fu King were killed by the latter. You let such a A strong man is being polite to a brat?

Lanshan didn't dare to imagine that if His Majesty came today, Chen Xuan might not be respectful. At the end of the thought, he still shook his head and said nothing, but he really didn't like the reputation of the second prince. Dare to compliment.

If something happens to these two people, the consequences will be disastrous. It is better to send some people around to keep a close eye on them. They must not let His Highness the Second Prince provoke anyone from the Chen Family Mansion.

Wolf smoke city.

As a military-level fortress city, Langyan City can be built with copper walls and iron walls. Even if a bird flies into the sky, it will be registered. All information is under control.

At this moment, in Langyan City, a group of carriages were slowly advancing. Before stopping at a large military camp tent, the carriages stopped.

Fang Ziwu and a young man got off the carriage.

"Fang Ziwu came to pay a visit to His Highness the Second Prince."

Fang Ziwu cupped his hands in front of the military tent.

After the words fell, a young and hearty laughter came from the big tent.

"Hahaha, why do you need to give me a performance when Master Fang comes? Just come in and you won't get out of the way!"

Four guards immediately stood on both sides, respectfully greeting Fang Ziwu and others.

"Thank you."

Fang Ziwu said very politely. It seemed that he didn't have the airs of a vice president at all.

To serve in this imperial capital requires not only strength, but also sufficient IQ. Your Highness the Prince is free to do whatever you want, but you cannot really be free to do so.

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