Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 197 Disciples of the Underworld Sect

Entering the big tent, some generals took off their armor and wore casual clothes. They each held a singer in their arms and were drinking happily. Fang Ziwu couldn't help but frowned when he saw this appearance after entering the door.

Although he felt unhappy, he still had a smile on his face.

If His Majesty hadn't asked me to take the Second Prince to Medicine Master City, I wouldn't have bothered to come to Langyan City.

Originally, this Wolf Smoke City had strict military discipline, but after the Second Prince came, many generals were secretly framed, and some even suffered imprisonment. This made the Wolf Smoke City a mess, and the people suffered terribly. Speaking of which, the second prince is even more perverted and a complete slut.

But there is no way, this kind of character is also deeply loved by His Majesty, who made the mother of His Majesty the Second Prince stand up and exchange her own life for His Majesty's life when His Majesty was in danger.

Maybe it was a debt, but all the love for the second prince's mother was poured into his highness. Not only did the latter become the lord of this Wolf Smoke City, in charge of a hundred thousand beacon fire and Wolf Smoke troops, but he was also rewarded with gold, silver and jewels. Countless, even if they make some mistakes, they always turn a blind eye.

This time, he was able to go to the Medicine Master's City to watch the battle because the Second Prince actually hoped to let himself or Na Lanshan help the Second Prince refine a pill, but His Majesty did not speak directly.

In this military camp, people are drinking and having fun! How could such a corrupt life appear here? Fang Ziwu sighed and shook his head when he thought of this.

"Master Fang is here, come here, please give me a seat and call my prince's most beautiful singer to accompany me well! Master Fang, you are welcome, don't feel restrained just because I am the prince."

Fang Ziwu felt disgusted in his heart, but he still handed it over.

"Thank you, Your Highness."

The second prince was shocked when he saw the young man behind Fang Ziwu. ,

"If I'm not mistaken, this one is known as the number one young talent in the imperial capital, the future master of alchemy, and the pretty boy's chronicle, Brother Ji."

The second prince said, Ji Shu also smiled slightly, and then walked forward calmly.

"His Royal Highness the Second Prince Su Wen has a sharp gaze and is able to discern every detail. It is truly an honor for me to meet him today and admire his grace."

Ji Shu kept taking pictures of his flattery, which made the second prince laugh.

"Haha, okay, okay, I like flatterers like you. Since you like flattering so much, come on, bring a horse and let this book brother sit tight!"

The smile on Ji Shu's face suddenly stiffened. What did His Highness the Second Prince mean? Isn't this a public humiliation of himself? Others were sitting in front of the case, but he was riding on a horse. This was clearly the case. Play with yourself.

As the most talented young man in the imperial capital, Ji Shu's achievements are naturally unimaginable by ordinary people.

Although he is young, he is already a genuine fourth-grade junior alchemist. For this alone, no one in the entire Qifeng Empire can shoulder the responsibility.

Not only that, Ji Shu was accepted as an inner disciple by the top sect in the Qifeng Empire, the Ming Shen Sect.

There are seven top sects under it. Although the Underworld Sect is within the scope of the Qifeng Empire, it is not under the jurisdiction of the Qifeng Empire. Even the Qifeng Empire has to go to make offerings every year and conduct some friendly exchanges. Strengthen the relationship between the two parties.

The existence of the Qifeng Empire has a lot to do with the Underworld Sect.

According to current His Majesty, he is a disciple of the Underworld Sect.

This shows how powerful the Underworld Sect is.

Just as Mu Qingxuan said at the beginning, the king-level realm is just the beginning. There are still many things in this world that require the king-level realm to open the door.

For example, the Splitting Talisman King originally wanted to accept Shangguan Ninghun as his disciple, but he required the latter to reach the king-level realm before doing so. This was because, if people knew about the disciple he had accepted, even the king-level realm would not be accepted. Not even that, I'm afraid if I go out I'll make people laugh to death.

That's why there are such rules.

As one of the seven great mystical sects, the Underworld Sect is undoubtedly powerful. No one knows how many masters there are in the sect. Even where the Underworld Sect is located, few people know, but there are always those The disciples and elders of the sect came down the mountain to practice. If they met disciples with excellent qualities, they would bring them back to the sect.

According to the explosive potential of the chronicle book at that time, it was directly noticed by an elder from the Underworld Sect, and then he was accepted as a registered disciple and given a jade pendant. When the chronicle book breaks through to the king-level realm, he can Crush the jade pendant, notify the latter to come, and take him directly back to the Underworld Sect to become an inner disciple.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, this is a sure thing. To be able to obtain this honor, Ji Shu was even commended by His Majesty and given a golden belt, which can be exempted from the customs when meeting His Majesty. present.

Even His Majesty valued him so much, but now he was humiliated by His Highness the Second Prince in this military tent. Ji Shu's eyes suddenly turned cold. Others may be afraid of the Second Prince, but Ji Shu may not be afraid. , after all, I have the golden belt given by His Majesty in my hand!

Even His Majesty wants to curry favor with me, you are just a prince, how can you be so virtuous and capable.

However, Ji Shu saw Fang Ziwu's eyes and shook his head slightly, signaling Fang Ziwu not to get angry. If he couldn't bear it, his plans would be disrupted. If there was a conflict between the two parties, it would not be a good thing for either of them.

Soon, a soldier directly led in a black mule. It was obviously a horse, but this one was led in by a mule.

This was clearly another slap on Na Ji Shu's face. If he really sat on it, if word spread in the future, he would laugh out loud.

"What's the matter, Brother Shu, do you dislike this horse? No, I think the horse's temperament is a good match for you."

His Highness the Second Prince was enjoying it and ignored Ji Shu's angry gaze.

"Your Highness, we are here this time to go to the Medicine Master City to conduct an alchemy ceremony. This is His Majesty's will. Please take a look."

When Fang Ziwu saw this, he also came out to relieve the siege. He presented an imperial edict in his hand, and the surrounding soldiers knelt down one after another.

The second prince's originally drunken smile froze in an instant, and he dropped the wine glass in his hand on Lin.

He walked to Fang Ziwu, picked up the imperial edict, and glanced at it briefly.

Then he yawned.

"Lian Qiu Binghun, you two get ready and follow me to Medicine Master City!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

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