Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1969 Assessment of Medicine Saint

The elixir gradually took shape, emitting faint fluctuations. As time went by, at the last moment, when he was about to succeed, something suddenly happened.

The whole elixir started to tremble slightly like a bomb, and finally the explosion dissipated on the ground. Zheng Chenxuan looked at this scene and felt a little disappointed. He looked at the Medicine Saint next to him.

There was a violent storm in the Medicine Saint's heart at this time. He did not expect that Chen Xuan's talent in elixirs was so high. Although he did not succeed the first time, he was very close.

You must know that when he first made alchemy back then, he failed hundreds of times before he managed to make Li Yao.

Then the old man said: "It's normal for you to be a little unable to control your elixir for the first time when it finally takes shape. You've done a good job. Keep practicing."

The old man patted Chen Xuan on the shoulder and said, he agreed. Then he worked even harder to refine the elixir. After failing five times, the elixir finally succeeded, exuding faint fluctuations.

The old man came behind Chen Xuan again at this time. He reminded Chen Xuan to take the elixir. Chen Xuan looked at the elixir in front of him and drank it. The elixir turned into waves of medicinal power in his mouth and gradually spread throughout his body.

He only felt a coolness lingering in his limbs. The body is extremely comfortable. The old man looked at this scene, showed a happy smile, and said to Chen Xuan: "You have done a good job. You can read the remaining books first. They record some low-level alchemy techniques. This paragraph Just practice when you have time, and after you have fully mastered it, I will teach you more advanced methods of refining elixirs.

Then, the old man floated away like he did a few days ago, leaving Chen Xuan alone. He felt the methods in the book. These seemed to be written by the old man himself. The book was a little worn and the words inside were very crude, but It faintly exudes the aura of the Great Dao. Compared with the elixir techniques spread outside, although the content is simple, the method is more mysterious.

After dozens of months, dozens of drops of liquid in front of Chen Xuan gradually merged together, wrapped in flames, condensed and formed, and finally turned into a fiery red pill.


He exhaled, and another elixir has been successfully refined. This is the last elixir. He has also mastered all the dozens of elixirs left by the old man, and is basically extremely proficient in them.

Usually, he can successfully refine it nine times out of ten times. Although they are some of the lowest elixirs, they also show his talent in elixirs.

He stood up and moved his body a little. During this period, the old man came several times and pointed out some of his shortcomings in the elixir. As Chen Xuan became more and more proficient in his techniques, the old man gradually let him refine the elixir alone. medicine.

Following the method left by the old man, Chen Xuan silently sensed it in his heart.

After a few breaths, the old man floated over again. There was a happy smile all over his face. Looking at Chen Xuandao: "Yes, even my teacher is amazed by your talents in elixirs. Now I am here to teach you the true art of elixirs. Compared with what I am about to teach you, you can refine it now." These are all the lowest level things, Chen Xuan, please listen carefully." The old man's face turned slightly serious, "The method of alchemy in my lineage of the Medicine Clan is based on a mental method. You must first pass the test in front of me and then I can complete it. Teach you."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly, and then with a wave of the old man's big hand, he fell into the darkness. Old Zheng's voice was also gradually heard: "This is the assessment for our Medicine Clan to advance to junior alchemy master, and it is also your current test. You What needs to be done is to tame all these elixirs within three years, but you must remember to communicate with your heart. Only with a strong mind can you truly achieve success in alchemy. "

Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes, and the old man's voice had also disappeared, but the Medicine Saint's words were deeply engraved in his heart.

In front of him is a world of silvery white. There are tens of thousands of elixirs floating in the air. This test seems to be to successfully communicate all the low-level elixirs, or to communicate with the top-level elixir at the top.

Chen Xuan let out a breath and looked at the densely packed pills in the sky. His heart settled slightly, and his eyes gradually became firmer.

"Master, I will definitely complete the test you left." He thought to himself.

Then he jumped and landed in front of a blue pill.

This elixir exuded a bright blue light. His consciousness gradually came out and wanted to communicate with this elixir, but he encountered resistance from the elixir.

The blue elixir seemed to be angry at Chen Xuan's rude behavior, and it emitted waves and suppressed him. Although the elixir was relatively low-level, the waves it emitted had little impact on him, but Chen Xuan's heart suddenly became cold. For a while, the first pill was extremely difficult, and there were so many more to come.

Although he felt vaguely difficult, he still adjusted his condition and tried the elixir again. This time Chen Xuan changed his method, and his entire consciousness exuded a natural aura. He looked at the elixir and wanted to analyze the herbs used in the elixir. Use your consciousness to imitate the breath of these herbs, and then gradually move towards the package of elixirs.

The elixir felt the fluctuation and wanted to resist, but then found that the breath was different. The intensity of the struggle gradually changed, and Chen Xuan was already on the edge of success.

As time passed and with his patience, the elixir finally accepted his breath.

He was slightly happy, this was his first successful elixir!

With this successful precedent, Chen Xuan believes that he will pass the next test. Firmly believing in his heart, he headed towards the second pill.

Still using the same method as the first one, first feel the structure of the elixir, carefully deduce the breath of the elixir, and then wrap the elixir and subdue it.

As time went by, Chen Xuan absorbed more and more pills. What surprised him was that with each pill he absorbed, his consciousness became stronger, which seemed to be directly proportional.

It seemed that the test given to him by the Medicine Saint was not only to test his ability, but also secretly gave Chen Xuan an opportunity.

Thinking of this, he worked harder and harder. Step by step, he absorbed the elixir faster and faster, and his understanding gradually improved. His whole temperament became a little different, and there was a faint shadow of the elixir master.

During the consumption test, although there were variables in some pills, Chen Xuan's ability at this time was not comparable to when he first came in. He successfully conquered it with a little extra time.

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