Chen Xuan looked at an ancient green pill in front of him. The round body was engraved with faint patterns. This was the last pill.

If the subjugation is successful, it means that he has passed the assessment. His face is quite solemn, he exhales lightly, adjusts to the best state, and becomes more serious.

Finally, his state reached its peak, and his consciousness took action. He slid towards the elixir like water, gradually wrapping it around him. He carefully felt the ingredients of the elixir and did not miss every penny. Chen Xuan had experienced tens of thousands of After repeated deductions, the composition of this elixir also emerged in his mind.

"Falling cherry blossom petals, rootless grass, floating leaves..."

Various herbs came out of Chen Xuan's mouth. After understanding all the ingredients, his consciousness changed. His consciousness surged with the breathing of the ground, and streams of natural breath flowed out, releasing the medicine. Be vigilant and attract Chen Xuan.

Finally, the last step was completed and he was about to pass the assessment. Tens of thousands of pills around him suddenly disappeared, leaving only the golden and clear pill at the top.

"The assessment should be over. I don't know how long it took. I haven't seen Master for a long time, and I still miss him a little, haha."

Chen Xuan was thinking in his mind, and suddenly countless white lights flashed in front of him. He passed out again, his consciousness was wrapped in something, and he came to a certain space again.

"Hey, son, I didn't expect that your talent in alchemy is so high. If you continue to develop like this, wouldn't you be the next Alchemy Emperor!" The old man looked at the unconscious Chen Xuan and secretly smiled: "Since there is such a good person Naturally, you can’t waste your talent. The previous assessment was just an appetizer for you. Don’t blame Master for being cruel, it’s all for your own good.”

Chen Xuan opened his eyes and looked at the dim space in front of him, wondering in his heart: "Didn't I finish the assessment? Where is this?"

"The first test! Begin!"

With an ancient roar, the entire darkness suddenly lit up. He looked at the stone giant in front of him with a strange expression. Didn't he already complete the assessment? What happened to the giant that suddenly appeared? What happened just now? The first assessment, besides the previous ones, are there other assessments after that?

Shaking his head, Chen Xuan put away these thoughts in his heart. No matter what they were, he just had to deal with them.

I saw the stone man slowly speaking, and a heavy voice sounded: "First test, defeat me."

Chen Xuan looked at the cold eyes of the stone man and was suddenly stunned. Defeat it?

Since I came to this test-consuming world, all the spiritual energy in my body has disappeared. Apart from my strong consciousness, I am basically no different from ordinary people.

Allowing yourself to defeat the huge stone man in front of you is like an egg against a stone.

But he believed that the Medicine Saint must be paying attention to his assessment, and it was impossible for such a level to appear for no reason. After all, this was the world created by the Medicine Saint.

Since the Medicine Sage felt free to let him take the assessment, the stone man in front of him must have a solution.

Chen Xuan thought about it, quickened his pace, rushed in front of the stone man, and punched the stone man's leg. The fist that was so powerful in the past has lost its power. The shock force from the shock caused Chen Xuan's tiger's mouth to split open and blood to form. Slowly flowing down, dissipating in the air

It seems that physical strength is not feasible at all. The only way is to stabilize the stone man first and then think of other methods.

While Chen Xuan was still thinking, Shitou Rao's attack came forward.


His whole body was thrown backward by Shitou Rao's punch, drawing a parabola in the air and hitting Lin hard.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. His eyes became sharper and sharper, staring at the stone man in front of him. However, the stone man could not feel Chen Xuan's murderous intention and moved again. Holding his heavy body, he rushed towards him.

Chen Xuan learned the lesson from before and dodged the blow. He struck the stone man again with his palm, but it was still as useless as a mantis' arm acting as a cart.

This is not going to work, there must be a way to break through its defense, but it is also strange. I clearly have no power here, but I am still allowed to deal with such a powerful stone man. This alchemy test is a bit strange.

Chen Xuan seemed to have thought of something: "Alchemy test? Master has said that if you want to be powerful in the art of alchemy, you must have a strong consciousness."

Since the consciousness must be strong, in this space, physical strength will naturally have no effect on this stone man.

Thinking like this, he probed out his consciousness. It was different from the gentleness and lightness before. Chen Xuan's consciousness this time was extremely sharp, turning into a long knife and slashing at the stone man with endless killing intent.


A crack appeared on Shitou Rao's body. Although it was only a crack, it meant that Chen Xuan had been able to break through its defense. Feeling extremely happy, he raised his consciousness and attacked the stone man again.

It didn't seem to expect that Chen Xuan could kill it, so it suddenly became crazy and roared at him.

He dodged the blow, and the consciousness in his mind changed, turning into a shield in front of him. It withstood several attacks before dissipating. Chen Xuan's consciousness could transform into anything according to what Chen Xuan thought in his heart, and he transformed into something A sharp long sword struck Shitou Rao hard, leaving a sword mark.

After a while, another Buddha statue appeared and bombarded the stone man...

It can be said that Chen Xuan is becoming more and more proficient in the use of consciousness. Now the stone man no longer poses a threat to him and can only act as a whetstone.


Shitou Rao's right arm was bombarded and shattered by the iron fist formed from Chen Xuan's consciousness. Now his consciousness has been extremely condensed and he can break Shitou Rao's defense at will.

Under his overwhelming offensive, Shitou Rao's body was completely shattered.

When Chen Xuan thought that the test had passed, something unexpected happened, and he saw that the stone man who had been broken into pieces was put together again, and the resurrected stone man seemed to be a little more powerful.

His eyes flickered as he looked at the reborn stone man in front of him. He was filled with fighting spirit. He shouted softly and rushed forward again. His consciousness turned into battle armor and wrapped around Chen Xuan. As his consciousness was used longer and longer, his control over his consciousness increased. The power is getting stronger and stronger.

It can be seen that the spear turned into consciousness in his hand has become like a substance, and the armor on his body is shining with a silver-white cold light. Against the background of the armor spear, Chen Xuan's whole temperament has become extremely cold, and his powerful aura gradually Radiate out.


This blow hit the thick and solid chest of the stone man, making a crisp sound, and countless fragments rolled down. The stone man was not seriously injured, and roared and waved his arms to hit Chen Xuan.

His consciousness was strong enough to hold up his body and fly in the air, turning into a stream of light in an instant, surrounding the stone man and attacking fiercely.

Under Chen Xuan's offensive, countless scars appeared on the stone man's body in an instant, and he gradually fell into a disadvantage, slightly unable to withstand it.

His offensive was like a violent storm sweeping over Shitou Rao. The stone man waved his arms with all his strength, but did not even touch the corner of Chen Xuan's clothes. Under its unwilling roar, it gradually fell on Lin.

Chen Xuan took a short rest, adjusted his condition, and was always ready for the next offensive.

Sure enough, under his gaze, the stone men who had been broken into pieces were reunited again, but this time there was something different. Countless pieces were divided into two sides. Then, the two stone men successfully woke up. .

Chen Xuan was not afraid at all. He waved his spear and turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the stone man. His body was extremely light and he dodged the attack of the two stone men like a dragonfly touching water.


Under his inducement, the two stone arms collided with each other, turning into rubble and rolling to the ground.

Chen Xuan shouted softly, and the spear stabbed straight into Shitou Rao's head like a comet, then he pulled it out, and shot back into the chest of another Shitou Rao.

After several fights, he has learned that the weak points of this stone man are the heart and head. At the same time, these two places are also the hardest parts of the stone man's body.

The consciousness spear in Chen Xuan's hand just now gathered its power at one point under his control, so it could directly break through Shitou Rao's defense.

He adjusted his breathing and looked at the rocks in front of him that were about to move again. The endless power gathered, he could feel that this should be the last step of the test. As long as he killed the next stone man, this test should be completed. will pass.

The slightly trembling stone suddenly had a different layer of brilliance, as if an ordinary stone had turned into gold, and the whole stone was exuding an aura of absolute defense.

"Boom - boom"

The stones gathered together again and formed a body again. The difference from before was the size of the stones. The whole body seemed to be condensed. The impurities were thrown away, leaving only the essence.

The stone man made of such stones has become much taller as a whole, and his body has become taller and straighter, no longer as bulky as before.

Chen Xuan looked at the stone man in front of him. No, it should be called the dark gold giant now, because the current dark gold giant has a faint dark golden light flowing throughout. The biggest change is the eyes. Although the eyes of the previous stone man gave people a kind of It feels fierce, but still looks kind of honest and savage. The eyes of the dark gold giant now are extremely sharp, with a trace of blood-red killing intent in his eyes. Like a killer who has seen his target, he stares at Chen Xuan closely, as if Saw prey.

He decided to strike first, and with a strong momentum, he flew towards the Dark Gold Killer. When the spear was about to attack the Dark Gold Killer, he dodged it. Chen Xuan looked at the Dark Gold Killer's face in slight shock. The silk humanized sneer, and then it lost its figure.


Chen Xuan was knocked to the ground. The Dark Gold Killer moved behind Chen Xuan the moment he attacked, and punched his back hard with both hands.

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