He didn't expect that the ability of this dark gold man had improved so much. Not only was it powerful, but it was also extremely terrifying in terms of speed, and its body was extremely flexible.

This time it was a bit tricky. He suppressed the trembling in his chest and quickly moved to the side to avoid the second blow of the Dark Gold Killer.

Then the silver light flowed in his hand and wrapped around the silver gun. This was Chen Xuan's power of consciousness, which had completely turned into its essence through repeated training.


The silver gun buzzed, and the entire gun body trembled slightly and changed. Sharp and compact scales slowly appeared on the originally smooth gun body, and the gun head seemed to be entangled and roaring with a real dragon.


Under Chen Xuan's extreme speed, the air seemed to be squeezed and exploded, making a loud explosion, and he roared towards the Dark Gold Killer like a giant dragon.

Unexpectedly, the dark gold man's eyes were somewhat disdainful, his lips sneered, and he just stood there, preparing to withstand the attack.

Click - the spear in Chen Xuan's hand pierced its body, which made it a little surprised, but that was all. The Dark Gold Killer grabbed his spear, exerted force in his hand, and pulled out the spear head that had penetrated less than an inch. come out.

Under the tight grip of the dark gold man's giant hand, the silver dragon spear could not bear it, and it seemed to be roaring in pain.


The gun head was crushed to pieces. As the gun head shattered, the gun body also gradually dissipated.

What was broken was Chen Xuan's consciousness, which made him almost unable to bear it. His vision kept turning black and he was about to faint.

He bit his tongue fiercely, and the pain from his tongue made him wake up for a while, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

"I can't lose, I can't fall in a place like this!"

Firm belief ignited in his heart, and then he barely supported his body and raised his spirits, ready to dodge the next attack at any time.

The Dark Gold Killer rushed over again, with extremely agile movements. He had a sharp blade in his hand and cut directly towards his throat.

If this blow was successful, Chen Xuan would definitely die. He opened his eyes wide, his consciousness wrapped around himself, and he rolled quickly, narrowly avoiding the blow, but his neck was still injured, and the The armor at the neck seemed to be made of paper, and the sharp blade of the Dark Gold Killer cut through it without any stoppage.

Then the killer's entire body lost his breath and he lurked in this space, ready to rush out and strike Chen Xuan at any time.

He carefully observed the surroundings, and gradually tightened his grip on the long sword that was transformed again in his hand.

call out--

The Dark Gold Killer's body was like an arrow from the string, attacking behind Chen Xuan. What it didn't expect was that Chen Xuan, who had been turning his back to it, suddenly turned around, and at the same time, a long sword also stabbed towards it. .

The tip of the sword was accurately pressed against the throat of the dark gold killer. At the same time, he exerted force in his hand, and the power of consciousness was continuously transmitted to the tip of the sword. All the power was condensed into one point, which was extremely sharp.

The sharp blade in the Dark Gold Killer's hand pierced Chen Xuan's shoulder, and his long sword gradually sank into the Dark Gold Killer's throat. When it was about to penetrate at the last moment, the Dark Gold Killer pulled out his long sword and pulled away from him. Chen Xuan’s distance.

He covered his shoulders and held the sword tightly with his other hand, ready to receive the next attack from the Dark Gold Killer at any time.

What he didn't expect was that the Dark Gold Killer just glanced at him, and then the light in his eyes dissipated, and he seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

Chen Xuan was thinking in his mind while adjusting the damage caused by the Dark Gold Killer.

This level does not seem to be about defeating the dark gold giant in front of you. It may be due to other conditions, or to withstand a few rounds of attacks.

He couldn't guess, and he stopped thinking about it, silently repairing the injuries on his body.

Click - click

The dark gold giant in front of him made another move, and the bloody light gradually ignited in his eyes.

The giant who had just woken up rushed over fiercely, roaring and attacking Chen Xuan.

He stood up and hid. The giant that had reawakened seemed to be a little different. If the previous giant was an agile and bloodthirsty killer, then the current giant was an invincible warrior, bursting with powerful momentum in every move he made.

The giant was extremely ferocious. He brandished his iron fist and struck at Chen Xuan. He increased his speed and dodged the attacks again and again. At the same time, the long sword in his hand was dotted with silver light and stabbed at the weak point of the giant's body at tricky angles again and again.

The giant seemed to be angry and attacked crazily, trying to destroy Chen Xuan, the fly in front of him.

He kept calm, dealt with the giant in the air, and secretly looked for opportunities to attack the giant.


The ground was shaken by the giant attack. The giant learned to be smart this time, suppressed the anger in his heart, and no longer attacked like a headless fly.

Instead, he stopped his movements and waited on the spot for Chen Xuan to approach, then suddenly jumped up and launched an attack.

"Huh~ I didn't expect this thing to be so cunning, I almost got hit by it."

He wiped the cold sweat from his head. The giant suddenly exploded just now. Fortunately, he reacted very quickly and managed to avoid the blow. Otherwise, if he was hit, he would still be half dead.

Seeing that it failed to hit Chen Xuan, the giant was a little annoyed and launched another attack. However, this time it changed its method and wanted to intercept Chen Xuan's retreat in advance. At first, it caught him off guard and he barely managed to deal with it.

After narrowly avoiding it, I finally figured out Ju Rao's tricks and it became easier to dodge attacks.

Although the attack in his hand cannot hurt the giant yet, there is no problem if it is slowly consumed as it is now.

Suddenly, the giant seemed to have lost the motivation to attack. It relieved itself and looked up at the sky. It seemed that someone was watching it and letting it attack.

The giant got up. It could not catch or attack Chen Xuan now, and Chen Xuan could not do anything to it.

When the situation reached an impasse, the giant returned to the original place, the light in his eyes gradually dissipated, and he fell into a deep sleep again.

Chen Xuan was extremely confused as to how he could pass this level. While he was thinking about it, the voice of Medicine Saint suddenly came into Chen Xuan's mind.

This time, the Medicine Saint was more serious than before: "Chen Xuan, listen carefully. I didn't expect that your talent in elixirs would be so high. The test you are facing now was temporarily added by me. It's extremely difficult." It is difficult, but I believe you will definitely pass it. At the same time, this test will also be a great improvement for you. I believe you should also feel that the improvement of consciousness and power will be of great help to future alchemy. I hope you can overcome the difficulties. , my teacher is waiting for you.”

When Chen Xuan heard the Medicine Saint's words, his heart froze slightly, his eyes became firmer, he clenched his fists and shouted in the air: "Don't worry, Master! I will definitely complete the test you gave me!"

The outside medicine sage's face was full of gratified smiles, and he became more and more optimistic about Chen Xuan.

As the Medicine Saint's voice dissipated, the stone man in front of him also gradually disappeared. In a blink of an eye, Chen Xuan reappeared in a blue space filled with countless strange-shaped things floating in this space.

Feeling carefully, it turned out to be the condensed power of consciousness. He walked in this space and thought in his mind that this should be the second test. He didn't know how many more tests there were to come. He could only use his troops to cover up the water and the earth.

As he was walking, a group of pale blue figures suddenly appeared in front of him. They were completely transparent and seemed to be floating slightly.

Before he could speak, the figure in front of him had already spoken: "This is the second test. You have to use the power of consciousness to create something the same as me within the specified time to be considered successful. There are six things in total. You Feel the laws of this world first, then come to me when you are ready.”

The figure dimmed and fell into a deep sleep.

He looked at the blue figure in front of him thoughtfully, using his consciousness to create things. He knew how to do it in the first test. The armor and silver spears on his body were all created with his consciousness. If that was the case, it would be a bit simple. However, Chen Xuan knew that this so-called creation would not be that easy.

He stopped thinking and followed the figure's words, sitting cross-legged and feeling the space carefully. The blue world exuded the power of consciousness. Although the floating strange things seemed to have no structure, they seemed to contain a certain meaning. A special feeling.

Chen Xuan looked at one of the things that was a combination of ovals and several squares and started to imitate it.

Unexpectedly, it would be extremely difficult for my consciousness to explore this space, and it seemed to be squeezed out by the will of this world.

He gritted his teeth and tried his best to squeeze out the power of consciousness, slowly deformed, and imitated the change of that thing.

This whole process was extremely difficult, like using a physical fist to forge a piece of pig iron. The changes each time were mostly minimal. I don’t know how long it took, but the consciousness in front of me took a little shape, and when it was heading in the direction of success, Something unexpected happened.

Under the oppression of the world's will, Chen Xuan finally couldn't suppress the power of consciousness in front of him, and his consciousness instantly collapsed and dissipated into the air.

He suddenly sat on the forest floor, sweating profusely and gasping for air.

Under the suppression of consciousness, it was too strenuous to create. Then Chen Xuan propped up his body and seriously thought about the reason for the failure just now and why his consciousness was suppressed by this space.

He vaguely felt that there seemed to be something missing in his consciousness, the consciousness of feeling this space again, and that there was more of this mysterious thing... it seemed to be the feeling of creation.

Looking back, I reflected on the process of using my consciousness just now. I only focused on imitating the appearance of that thing. Without the aura of agility, it was completely dead. There is no sense of creation, so it will not be accommodated by this space.

Thinking of the problem, Chen Xuan couldn't wait to try again. This time he tried to imagine that he was this world. Thinking about the thing just now, the consciousness power in his body flowed out inadvertently, and there was no longer the difficulty he had before. It was extremely smooth and gradually transformed into the thing to be imitated.

As he opened his eyes, his eyes were full of joy. Except for some differences in color, the thing he created in front of him and the one he was about to create were exactly the same, and even the breath was somewhat the same.

After he found the right method, he went to find dozens of floating objects to practice. These objects had different shapes, some were extremely complex, but they were all created by Chen Xuan.

It's time to try the test, Chen Xuan thought to himself, and then stepped towards the blue figure.

Arriving in front of the blue figure, he gave the figure a fist and said loudly: "Senior, I am ready and can start the test!"

The blue figure gradually started to flutter again, and his hands were slightly raised. Chen Xuan only felt that he was wrapped in an extremely powerful consciousness. In the blink of an eye, he seemed to have arrived at another place. This space was empty except for Chen Xuan. and the blue figure in front of him.

The figure floated, and an ancient voice slowly came: "The first thing you want to create is this." It pointed at a spherical object that suddenly appeared aside.

The blue figure gradually dimmed and was about to fall into a deep sleep. Before the dimming, a voice came: "Come over and wake me up..."

Chen Xuan looked at the sphere in front of him solemnly. It was obviously not as simple as it seemed on the surface. His consciousness first wrapped around the sphere and felt it carefully.

Sure enough, there were countless complex lines inside the sphere. He fell into that wonderful artistic conception and engraved all the lines in his heart. The consciousness in his body was like water, and he started to imitate the lines inside.

After about half an hour, the hundreds of thousands of lines inside the sphere were gradually created by Chen Xuan. The last step was relatively simple. The consciousness wrapped those lines to form the surface layer, turning it into a round sphere. The first piece The object was finally created by him.

He let out a breath and walked towards the blue figure with his work.

The blue figure woke up, looked at the sphere in front of him in surprise, and felt a little emotional in his heart. No wonder Lan Cangsheng asked him to come here to take the assessment. It seems that his talent is really unparalleled.

It scanned it quickly, and there was no problem at all. Judging from the time, it only lasted an hour. This kind of talent can be called a monster.

But it was still indifferent on the surface, and said to Chen Xuan: "You have passed the first item, and the second item is next." The blue figure did not give Chen Xuan an item as an example, but continued to speak, letting He found it extremely difficult.

"The second thing you want to create is a mountain peak..."

"Mountain? There seems to be some trouble."

He thought secretly that the topic was actually very vague and did not give exact requirements. What kind of mountain it was and how big it was were all based on Chen Xuan's imagination.

He sat down on the spot, thought for a while, and had a general direction in his mind. Then he fell into that mysterious artistic conception and began to create.

This time the blue figure did not continue to sleep, but stood aside and watched Chen Xuan create. It wanted to see how capable this young man recommended by Lan Cangsheng was.

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