In Chen Xuan's artistic world, a huge mountain peak gradually emerged, towering into the clouds. There were countless flying insects and animals on the mountain.

The mountain peaks stretched on and were as majestic as the sky. He stood at the bottom of the mountain and was extremely insignificant. On the surface, it already met the requirements of the blue figure, but he still felt that there was something lacking, and he always felt that something was missing.

Chen Xuan decided to create the mountain in the outside world first. Following his thoughts, his consciousness turned into the initial shape of the mountain like a huge ocean wave. Under the blueprint in his mind, the mountain gradually became more refined. .

The vegetation and flowers on the mountain began to emerge one by one, and a meandering mountain spring slowly flowed from the mountainside down to the foot of the mountain. At the peak, there were clouds surrounding it. The entire mountain peak glowed, making it look like a fairyland in the Lingshan Mountain.

As time goes by, the mountain peaks become more refined, and even the flying insects on the grass blades are extremely clear.

When Chen Xuan thought that he was almost done, he turned around and looked at the blue figure in front of him.

"Senior, I..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by a blue figure, "It's just a spirit."

The blue figure seemed a little disappointed. He glanced at the majestic mountain peak lightly, sighed and then dimmed, and then fell into a deep sleep.

He seriously reflected on his own shortcomings, and thought about the words of his predecessors, "There is no form." After pondering for a long time, he suddenly remembered the space he was in, and felt it carefully. What he lacked seemed to be a feeling of life.

Life... is mysterious and mysterious, and he is not sure whether he can succeed, so he can only try it first, and then imitate the breath of nature, exuding waves of fluctuations as his heart faintly surges.

This special power of consciousness once again formed a mountain peak. Compared with the previous one, this one was bigger. It didn't even look like a mountain peak, it was just a huge dirt bag.

However, the coercion and aura contained in it were completely sublimated, and he truly had a hint of the mountain peak. Although it was only a hint, it still made him extremely happy. He finally found the right method, and what he did next would be much easier. .

As his understanding of life became deeper and deeper, more and more life breath was contained in his consciousness. Starting from the foot of the mountain, then the mountainside, and then the top of the mountain, the feeling of life was gradually injected into it.

And the mountain peak that looked like a dirt bag has become more angular, hard and straight.

With the injection of life, the mountain peaks began to slowly change, becoming more and more refined. The mountain springs flowed down the foot of the mountains, smart and clear, and you could even see fish swimming happily in them.

The entire mountain peak gradually improved, and even had its own laws. When the creation was complete, strange clouds were once again wrapped around the top of the mountain.

These clouds were not deliberately created by Chen Xuan, but were caused by the laws of the mountain. Even he himself did not know the mysterious and mysterious secrets in them, so he could only just let it go.

When the mountain peak was completed, Chen Xuan was awakened by the blue figure without waking him up.

It looked at the strange mountain in front of it with a smile on its face. Especially after it felt the breath of life in it, the expression on its face became richer, with surprise and relief.

It is also happy for the Medicine Saint and the Medicine Clan.

Chen Xuan came to the blue figure and said respectfully: "Senior, I have completed the second item you left for me."

"You did very well. I decided to reduce the remaining four assessments to two." The blue figure said calmly.

Chen Xuan was overjoyed. The blue figure looked at him and shook his head. There were indeed only two items, but these two levels were more than a little more difficult than the previous ones.

"For the next test, I need you to use your consciousness to...create a human being!"

The words that came out of the blue figure's mouth made him freeze there, smiling bitterly in his heart. Sure enough, he was already happy.

He looked at the blue figure in front of him with a sad face and weakly agreed.

"Ahem, I can be considered an old friend of your master. This assessment won't be too difficult for you. I will be there to give you some guidance." The blue figure coughed lightly, looked at Chen Xuan and spoke again: "After this, During the two assessments, you will call me Mr. Duan.”

"Yes, Mr. Duan!"

"Okay, come with me first, I'll take you somewhere."

After the blue figure finished, it sent out a powerful force to wrap around Chen Xuan. When he opened his eyes again, he was already in another land.

The previously vague figure of Mr. Duan now seemed to be an old man wearing blue clothes. His face was extremely vicissitudes of life, and his eyes also had a sense of sadness that he had seen through the world.

It is this kind of face that is as rich as an old naughty boy.

"Staying there is suffocating me to death." The old man stretched out and glanced at Chen Xuan. The vicissitudes and sadness on his body only existed for a moment, and then were hidden by the old man.

Chen Xuan looked at the world around him. It was extremely bright with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

"Grandpa Duan!" A crisp voice suddenly sounded.

Suddenly a young girl jumped up from the front and threw herself into Mr. Duan's arms. The two of them formed a picture of a happy grandfather and grandson.

"Grandpa Duan, why are you here? Qingqing has been waiting for you for a long time. Father and the others miss you too." The girl said with a slight pout at the corner of her mouth.

"Hahaha, okay, it's grandpa's fault. Grandpa admits his mistake." Mr. Duan, who was full of vicissitudes just now, smiled very happily. He rubbed the girl's hair, then looked at Chen Xuando: "Look, grandpa brought me this time." a friend.”

The girl looked at Chen Xuan with wide, cute and bright eyes, stretched out her pink hand, and said softly: "Hello, brother, my name is Qingqing."

Chen Xuan also stretched out his right hand and shook it gently, and said: "Hello, Qingqing, just call me Chen Xuan."

"Okay, brother Chen Xuan." The girl seemed very happy and more lively than before. "Qingqing, please go home first. Grandpa will be there later." Mr. Duan said to the girl gently. Qingqing responded and jumped away again.

After Qingqing left, the old man Chen Xuan looked at him meaningfully and said: "The Qingqing just now was created by my consciousness, including her family and this world."

Chen Xuan's eyes widened when he heard this, and he was immediately surprised. Qingqing's every move just now was more like a real person, and his speech and behavior were extremely normal. If the old man hadn't spoken, he really wouldn't have realized that Qingqing was created by consciousness. .

"I brought you here because I want you to feel carefully about the person I created. With your current cultivation level, you can't create it. Even if you can succeed, it's not something you can bear now." The old man was a little serious and said to Chen Xuan Dao.

"I understand, Mr. Duan." Chen Xuan was also a little solemn.

Then he followed Mr. Duan on a cobblestone road, feeling the surging natural atmosphere around him. He felt more and more powerful about the old man. If he hadn't known in advance that this was a world created with consciousness, he would not have been able to tell.

After walking for a while, houses gradually appeared in front of them. They were very simple, but warm and natural.

Then Qingqing ran out of one of the houses, took Chen Xuan's hand and walked in. They hadn't welcomed new guests here for a long time. Qingqing had almost never seen anyone except Mr. Duan and her family, so That's why he showed so much excitement.

Stepping into the house, a faint fragrance spreads around. The layout of the house is also very simple, with a bed, a table, and a few chairs.

"Brother Chen Xuan, sit down."

Qingqing pointed to a chair, and then happily went to pour tea for Chen Xuan.

The newly brewed tea exudes a light fragrance, and when you take a sip, it is clear and mellow. I can’t believe that this is also a masterpiece of Mr. Duan’s consciousness.

Then he stayed in the house for a while, went out to say hello to Qingqing's parents, and had dinner with everyone.

Dinner was also very real.

After dinner, Qingqing's family arranged for Chen Xuan to stay. He lived in this world with peace of mind for three days. Everything seemed to be real, and he seemed to have returned to the carefree time before.

Just as he was enjoying it, he walked out of the room and suddenly found that time seemed to have stopped. Qingqing and her family were all frozen in a certain moment.

He just started thinking about something.

A white light flashed, and Chen Xuan returned to the original trial space. The old man in front of him changed back to his original soul-like state.

"How do you feel?" Mr. Duan looked at Kong meaningfully and asked him.

"It feels... very real. Everything seems to be exactly the same as the outside world." Chen Xuan was thoughtful, then raised his head and looked at Mr. Duan, and spoke again: "Mr. Duan, do they... have their own thoughts? In their eyes, this What the world is like.”

Duan Lao glanced at Chen Xuan in surprise and said: "The fact that you can think of this level proves that you have a deep understanding. This is very good, but what I want to tell you is that although they have their own thoughts, they are not real after all. Creatures." This kind of creature created by consciousness is extremely mysterious. No one except the old thief can know its secrets. This is also one of the many restricted areas.

After all, there were too many things involved, and if Mr. Duan hadn't been deeply cultivated and was in the world of the Medicine Saint, he wouldn't have been able to create it.

That's why he couldn't completely create life with Chen Xuan's current level of cultivation.

"But..." Chen Xuan felt a little disappointed. Before he could finish, he was interrupted by Mr. Duan: "I know what you are thinking, and why don't I want them to truly live in this world? Unless it's... Only by mastering that kind of realm can it be possible.”

"Huh~" He breathed out softly. If there was any possibility of being promoted to master in the future, he would definitely try to make Qingqing and the others become real people! Although the chances were slim, he still wanted to try.

"You have already felt this. It will be useless to think about it now. It is better to pass the assessment in front of you first." Mr. Duan also put away his thoughts and said calmly to Chen Xuan.

He put away his thoughts, recalled the world of consciousness in his mind, thought about the voices and faces in it, felt the breath of life, and gradually fell into a mysterious artistic conception.

Immersed in the world of consciousness, he gradually began to create a human body based on his own body.

The consciousness flows, forming a rough human body, and then the facial features, limbs, and internal organs.

When all of this was completed, he carefully prepared to complete the last step. Life force was slowly injected into the body, and everything began to be normal, and the silent body became energetic.

His consciousness was integrated into the internal organs of this body, and the internal organs seemed to be awakened and gradually radiated vitality.

Seeing that a life was about to be born in his hands, Chen Xuan was a little excited, but the movements in his hands were gentler.

The internal organs awakened to the position of the heart, and they were about to reach the last step. Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened.

The body seemed unable to bear it and was trembling slightly. Finally, it completely disappeared into the air.

Chen Xuan received the backlash and spat out a mouthful of blood.

His fingers trembled slightly, and his consciousness once again emanated, and he deduced it countless times in his mind.

Finally, it seemed that he had found a feasible method, and he tried again. The difference from before was that this time Chen Xuan created it from embryos first.

An embryo is sleeping in his consciousness, and life force is injected into the embryo bit by bit.

This embryo seemed to be in the mother's belly. As the vitality was warmed, the embryo slowly grew larger and began to have some vitality.

I don't know how long it took, as if it was ten months pregnant, the embryo gradually turned into a baby. What made Chen Xuan happy was that the baby's heart was beating slowly. Although it was very weak, it proved that his method was right. .

After a few months, the baby became bigger, and all parts of the body had grown to a complete shape. The heart gradually beat strongly, and breathing began to appear in the mouth.

After he persisted for three years, the baby finally opened its eyes. Chen Xuan, who was a little thin due to overwork, was shocked and extremely excited.

A few years later, the baby became like a child and began to be active. His innocent eyes looked at Chen Xuan from time to time.

When the child was ten years old, something unexpected happened and he fell into a deep sleep.

This made him very panicked, fearing that something would happen to the guy.

Mr. Duan on the side comforted Chen Xuan: "It's okay. It has absorbed a little too much power and needs to sleep for a while to digest it."

Hearing this, he felt relieved and continued to transmit power to the guy.

After he had been working hard for fifteen years, Mr. Duan told him that he had succeeded at this time and could stop transmitting consciousness. The guy would probably wake up in three days.

Chen Xuan nodded and fainted, with a faint smile on his face before falling asleep.

Three days later, as if feeling something in his heart, Chen Xuan and the creature woke up at the same time.

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