The created creature opened its eyes, filled with confusion. It couldn't walk yet and struggled to get up, its movements extremely clumsy.

Chen Xuan looked at it silently, and it seemed to sense it. It looked towards him. The two looked at each other, and an unclear feeling emerged from Chen Xuan's heart.

This is the creature he created!

A living thing that can think for itself, like your own child.

Duan Lao floated over. He was already numb to Chen Xuan. Perhaps Chen Xuan was born for refining elixirs. This unheard-of consciousness and this innovative method are what Duan Lao is ashamed of. Yes, at least he was far inferior to Chen Xuan when he was young.

"Since you gave it life, it's up to you to give it a name." Mr. Duan looked at Chen Xuandao with a smile on his face.

He was silent for a while, thinking in his mind.

"What's your name..."

Suddenly, he raised his head sharply and looked at Mr. Duan. He seemed to have an extremely satisfactory result and said excitedly.

"Why not, just call it Chen Fugui!"

Wealth? Mr. Duan was a little bit dumbfounded. Seeing that Chen Xuan looked cold and mature, and was quite steady in his work, he didn't expect that he would be like this in the place where he was named.

He shook his head and said to Chen Xuan: "The name Fugui is not appropriate. How about I give you some advice?"

Chen Xuan was slightly stunned, looked at Mr. Duan, lowered his head and agreed.

"It is born by the creation of the earth, and at the same time, the soul is born from the ethereal consciousness. It can be called..." Mr. Duan thought for a while, "Ling."

"Chen Ling...that's a pretty good name."

He read it a few times and found it interesting, and then agreed.

"Now you can try to communicate with the spirit, or you can send your memories to it."

He heard Duan Lao's words, thought about it, and gave up transmitting memories. He wanted Ling to grow and live his own life, and didn't want it to change his future life because of him.

His mind gradually calmed down and he looked at Ling in front of him. Following Duan Lao's instructions, he raised his palms and placed them on Ling's head.


"Uh-bah bah bah"

Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, remembering that Ling had forgotten everything after his deep sleep and was now like a newborn baby. Then he smiled and shook his head, sending the most basic words into Ling's mind.

"Who am I...?" "Your name is Chen Ling, I am your..." Chen Xuangang was about to say the word father, but after a second thought, he still didn't say it.

"I am your brother, my name is Chen Xuan."

"elder brother."

Ling suddenly burst into laughter, and that cute look made Mr. Duan beside him very fond of it.

"Brother is...Ling's most...favorite person."

Ling opened his clear eyes and spoke heartwarming words. Chen Xuan was deeply touched. Not only was he happy about passing the exam, but he also felt a sense of intimacy.

Since ascending to the fairy world, the only friends I have known are those in Yongzhou City. This warm and home-like place was destroyed by the devil.

Although the spirit in front of him was created by his consciousness, it was extremely important in his heart at this time. He secretly swore that he would not let the spirit be harmed at all in the future.

He pinched Ling's face affectionately, and it felt great. After waking up from a deep sleep, Ling looked like he was three or four years old, with big eyes flashing and two tiger teeth showing when he smiled.

Chen Xuan hugged Ling in his arms. This hug made him feel that there was very weak spiritual power flowing in Ling's body.

He was shocked. According to Duan Lao, spirits are only created by consciousness. Although they are somewhat different from those created in ordinary times, they are still essentially the power of consciousness.

How come it has spiritual power?

Afraid of his own illusion, he felt it carefully again, and saw traces of invisible blue spiritual power slowly flowing through Ling's body, gradually forming a cycle.

Chen Xuan hurriedly talked to Duan Lao beside him.

"Mr. Duan... Ling... has spiritual power."

"Huh? It's impossible. How can you have spiritual power?"

Mr. Duan didn't quite believe it and came to experience it himself. Then, Mr. Duan looked at Chen Xuan with a strange expression and said: "You are really a monster, I can't explain it, but it is also a good thing for Ling Lai. As for what you will become in the future, just wait for Ling Lai to grow up. "

Chen Xuan is somewhat looking forward to what the spirit will be like in the future. It may be possible to become an independent life with its own thoughts, and to be able to walk on the earth just like a real person.

"Okay, let's get down to business. You have completed three of the four assessments. If you pass the last one, you can leave." Mr. Duan said calmly: "As for the subsequent assessments, I have no control over them. , I can only tell you one thing, you have to go through four major tests. Remember to be careful about the old ghost in the fifth level, he has a bad temper. "

When we arrived at the existence in the fifth level, Mr. Duan's expression was quite solemn. It seemed that Mr. Duan had more than just a bad temper.

Chen Xuan nodded and adjusted.

"Come on, Mr. Duan, for the last test!"

After half an hour, his body regained its original vitality and he faced Duan Laodao with high fighting spirit.

"This last test requires you to use your consciousness to...create a world!"

When he heard Duan Lao's words, he was stunned. Create the world? Can I really do it now?

Although it sounded extremely difficult, he still couldn't wait to try it.

After handing the spirit to Mr. Duan, Chen Xuan fell into the world of consciousness.

Create the world...what the world is like. Is it a space or a continent?

Chen Xuan thought about this problem for a long time. Without a clear goal, there was no way to create it.

His thoughts were swimming in the endless space, trying to find the most perfect answer in his heart. As time went by, he didn't know how long he had traveled, but he just felt that he had seen a lot.

He suddenly realized that what he was traveling through now was just a whole world, wasn't it?

The vague answer in my heart gradually became clear, and my consciousness flowed, turning into an endless continent in an instant, and then transformed into a mass of chaos. The wonderful halo flowed, rising and falling, extremely mysterious.

Duan Lao was observing from the side and saw Chen Xuan's transformation into chaos, and an incredible thought emerged from his heart.

The world Chen Xuan wants to create... is the universe?

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