The chaos in front of Chen Xuan gradually became deeper. If you look closely, you can see stars, as if it contains galaxies.

As time goes by, his understanding of the world becomes deeper and deeper. This feeling is very wonderful. He seems to be the creator. The reproduction and destruction of this universe are all in his mind.

It seems that more than a dozen eras have passed and it seems that only a moment has passed. A planet has been derived from this chaos, and countless lives have gradually been born. Life began to multiply, and time pushed it to evolve. Countless immortals gradually appeared on this planet.

From the chaos at the beginning, the universe slowly turned into a real universe. The number of planets gradually increased, from one, two, to countless in the end.

The order and laws of the universe are also gradually perfected, becoming a complete food chain.

Duan Lao, who was standing aside, had nothing to say. Although the world he created was much more powerful than Chen Xuan's universe, the laws and order in it were far inferior. This gap could not be made up, although Chen Xuan's universe was not as good as Duan Lao's now.

But when Chen Xuan becomes stronger, the horror of this world is beyond Duan Lao's imagination. Maybe Chen Xuan can really reach that step.

At the moment when the universe is about to be complete, something unexpected happened. In the sky of Wanyang Mountain, there seemed to be a pair of extremely ancient eyes, which penetrated directly into the world of Medicine Saint and shone on Chen Xuan who was perfecting the universe.

"Huh? This is..."

Medicine Saint suddenly felt as if he was facing a great enemy. Looking at the sky, his body, which was originally a little scattered, was trembling slightly. The horror of that gaze was really beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

If Medicine Saint guessed correctly, it would be the most terrifying thing in these millions of epochs. He didn't know what Chen Xuan had done to attract such a taboo to come and check.

Chen Xuan, who was stared at by these eyes, was stirred up by violent winds and huge waves all over his body, and the universe outside his body had some signs of collapse.

Fortunately, that gaze only stayed on him for a few breaths and then disappeared.

Chen Xuan, who came back to his senses, was covered in cold sweat, his whole mind was trembling, and his body almost collapsed. It was too terrifying.

Duan Lao, who was standing by, was silent for a long time. His heart was also trembling. It was not for anything else, because the owner of that gaze was an unimaginable existence.

Chen Xuan was about to speak, but Duan Lao interrupted him, looked up at the sky, still a little frightened, and then looked at him strangely, saying: "I know what you want to ask, but he (she) is not something you can know now. When you become stronger in the future, you can know one or two."

Duan Lao thought in his heart, what kind of terrifying talent could make that person notice that Chen Xuan had given him too many surprises during this period.

"You have passed this assessment. As for the world you created, I will help you seal it up. When you break through the ninth level of the Immortal Venerable and reach the Immortal King, you can continue to perfect this world." Duan Lao said to him seriously.

"Oh, by the way, there is also Ling. You should be well nurtured here these days. When the time comes, I will let the Medicine Saint convey it to you."

"I know, Duan Lao."

Putting aside the doubts in his heart, he came back to his senses. When he thought about being separated from Ling for a long time, he felt a little reluctant.

"You don't have to worry too much about Ling. He will be fine with me and will gradually become stronger. One day, he may be able to accompany you. If you miss him, you can tell your master and come to see him." Duan Lao said again: "Now you should prepare well for the next test. After I help you seal your world, I will send you to the next test place." Chen Xuan agreed and sat cross-legged to recover from the fluctuations caused by his eyes. After about half an hour, he stood up and clasped his fists to Duan Lao, saying: "Duan Lao, it's time to start!" Duan Lao hummed, floated over, guided him to sit cross-legged, and sat opposite him. With Duan Lao's light shout, the blue power in his hand flowed, turning into mysterious runes, circling one by one, gradually approaching Chen Xuan's universe, and slowly suppressing it. "Doing this will cause some damage to your world, but there is nothing you can do about it. It will be a little painful, you bear it!" He said to Chen Xuan, and the light in his hand became brighter. Chen Xuan had already felt that Duan Lao's power was getting stronger and stronger. The world that had not yet taken shape actually sent out messages of resistance on its own, blocking Duan Lao's seal.

This shocked Duan Lao even more. It had not yet fully taken shape, but it had already developed its own defensive consciousness. As expected, Chen Xuan could not be measured by ordinary standards.

With this layer of defense, Duan Lao's seal was very unsuccessful, and he could only speak to Chen Xuan.

"Your world has already developed an automatic defensive consciousness. You communicate with your world and let it accept the seal."

Chen Xuan agreed, and his consciousness probed into the universe, slowly comforting the world's will.

In the end, Duan Lao still succeeded in sealing, and that world turned into runes and was printed on Chen Xuan's chest.

Duan Lao's body was somewhat transparent and looked very weak. Chen Xuan hurriedly asked Duan Lao about his condition.

He waved his hand, indicating that he was fine, and then he forced himself to cheer up and said to Chen Xuan.

"This seal has consumed my soul power a little bit. I will be fine after a period of rest. You have completed my second assessment, and you should set off."


Ling looked at Chen Xuan in confusion, as if she knew he was leaving. Her face lost its liveliness and she looked at him with some reluctance.

"Brother...are you leaving?"

Ling Chu's words made his heart sink, but he still suppressed all the thoughts in his heart, touched Ling's head, and said: "Brother has to become stronger so that he can protect Ling, and Ling has to work hard so that he can see his brother sooner. "

Chen Xuan looked at Ling with some fondness.

Ling's big eyes looked at him, and her young face was full of determination. "Yeah! The spirit will definitely become stronger, like my brother!"

"I...I will miss my brother. Brother, you can go and don't worry about the spirit."

"Okay, Ling must practice obediently. When my brother completes the assessment, he will come back to see you."

Chen Xuan's face was filled with relief. He knelt down and hugged Ling, then stood up and looked at Mr. Duan.

"Mr. Duan, let's get started."

The old man looked at the two people who looked like father and son and brothers, and he was full of emotions. After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Mr. Duan stopped thinking.

He raised his hands, and a silver-white door appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

"Mr. Duan, goodbye, Ling, goodbye!"

Chen Xuan smiled and waved to the two of them, and then stepped into the portal.

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