Chen Xuangang came out of the portal, and there was a gust of fishy wind in front of him. What he saw was a bloody battlefield, with countless soldiers and horses fighting each other. The people on his side were all humans, and what was fighting in front of the human army turned out to be demons. monster.

He looked down at himself. He was wearing silver robes and armor, holding a spear in his hand, looking like a young general.

A missed demon monster rushed towards him. The monster's head was extremely huge, without eyes. There were rows of sharp teeth in the terrifying giant mouth. The saliva flowed out from the gaps between the teeth, and the smell was extremely fishy.


The monster made a piercing scream and attacked him with its claws.

Poof - Chen Xuan reacted extremely quickly, used strong force on his wrist, and suddenly raised the spear, piercing the monster's head.

In the fierce enemy offensive, the human side fell into a disadvantage and retreated steadily. He gave a soft drink, jumped up a few meters, and fell into the enemy group.

The spear is swung like a dragon, causing blood and flesh to fly wherever it goes.

Under his leadership, the morale of the human army gradually improved, and with roars of rage, countless monsters were killed on the battlefield.

Chen Xuan was even more brave. In the shadow of the gun and the light of the sword, countless enemies died tragically under his gun.

The enemy was defeated and began to retreat. Chen Xuan did not pursue him, but sat down to recuperate.

Suddenly, an ancient voice sounded in his head.

"This is... the third test. Only by killing all the demonic troops can you pass."

The message in this voice made him thoughtful. Killing all the demon army should refer to the demon soldiers just now. They were all the lowest level monsters. He knew in his heart that this test was not that simple. Those armies just now , may just be an appetizer.

He took a brief look at this battlefield. It was so huge that he couldn't see the end. He didn't know how many monsters there were that needed to be killed.

As for the human army, it is estimated that there are only tens of thousands of people. The number of the demons just now far exceeds the number of humans.

"No matter how many there are and how difficult the test is, I will definitely pass it!" Chen Xuan thought to himself, the presence of Ling made him highly motivated.

After resting for a moment, sure enough, the second wave of soldiers rushed over again, densely packed and dark.

He tightened his grip on the spear in his hand, roared and rushed forward to kill Dan Dan.

The second wave was obviously stronger than the previous soldiers, and soon humans screamed and died at the hands of the demon soldiers.

He killed seven in and seven out of the enemy army, and countless demon blood flowed, dyeing a large area of ​​land red.

As time went by, there were more and more corpses at Chen Xuan's feet, almost piling up into a mountain. Although he was brave and powerful, he still could not withstand the attacks of so many demonic soldiers, and his body gradually became stained with red.

The demon soldiers were a little afraid of him, and surrounded him but did not dare to step forward. Chen Xuan shouted softly, and launched the attack first. The spear danced vigorously in his hands, and he picked up the heads of several demon soldiers with one shot.


The sudden flying boulder caught him off guard, and he was knocked to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

It turns out that behind the demon soldiers, there are huge demon soldiers throwing stones. If a stone hits, dozens of people in the human army will be killed.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and turned into a rainbow like a dragon and flew towards the enemy's rear.


He shot into the demon soldier's head, and the huge body of the stone-throwing demon soldier collapsed, and then countless enemies around him attacked him.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he gripped the spear tightly, spinning his whole body like a tornado, the tip of the spear lifting countless heads.

A group died, and more emerged.

He put the gun behind his back, his consciousness turned into two sharp blades, and his ghostly figure floated amidst countless attacks.

There were sounds of flesh being cut open one after another, blood flying in the air, dyeing the ground red, and countless corpses fell at his feet.

He was like the god of war, standing in the middle of the enemy army. No one could get close. The demon army was destroyed by him. The eyes of the demon monster who was not afraid of death were full of fear.

Suddenly, Chen Xuan looked into the distance, and a powerful aura flew towards him.

From a distance, I saw a demon general, with countless evil spirits and overwhelming momentum.

The demon general, who was wrapped in black armor, held a ferocious long knife in his hand. What was sharper than the blade was the demon general's eyes, which were cold and ferocious, making people shudder at the first sight.

With the arrival of the demon general, the surrounding demons made room for the two of them. Before Chen Xuan could make any move, the demon general brandished his long sword and attacked.


The sound of steel colliding pierced his ears, and the two sharp blades were firmly pressed against the Demon General's long knife.

His face was solemn. This demon general was more powerful than he thought. Sparks appeared where the sword collided. His hand holding the dagger was slightly numb.

Then the blade separated, and the Demon General slashed at him from an extremely tricky angle. He changed his hand movements and blocked the attack again.

The two of them are entangled with each other like a stream of light, but if you really see clearly, you will find that every attack is a killing move.

As his movements became faster and faster, the demon general couldn't resist, and fell into a disadvantage. Endless demonic energy surged, but it had little effect.

What he couldn't see was that there was a faint silver-white halo on Chen Xuan's body. This was the power of Chen Xuan's consciousness. He changed his previous methods and faintly increased his own power.

The silver light surged and poured into his weapon. The sharp blade in his hand exuded a cold light and became extremely hard and sharp.

As he understood more and more about consciousness, he became more and more aware of the magic and mystery of consciousness. In the field of consciousness, there were countless potentials waiting for Chen Xuan to develop.

Pulling the perspective to the direction of the Demon General, he saw that Chen Xuan in front of him was extremely fast, leaving behind afterimages.

Extremely sharp, bursting out with endless power.

Wounds gradually appeared on the Demon General's body, blood flowed down, and his cold eyes gradually became frightened.

He is no match!

In a panic, he was hit three times in a row, this time seriously injured. He backed away crazily, grabbed a magic weapon and threw it at Chen Xuan.

Amidst the flash of swords and shadows, the demonic soldiers who rushed towards him were unable to resist Chen Xuan for even a second.

He looked at the Demon General indifferently, just clinging to his last breath. The moment the Demon General retreated from his heart, he had already lost.

The demon general retreated hurriedly, and Chen Xuan struck him on the head with a sword.

The head split open, and the demon general... fell.

As the demon general died in battle, a large black mass of demon army began to retreat like a tide.

The surviving humans began to cheer and gathered around Chen Xuan to celebrate the defeat of the demons.

But he didn't feel excited. He looked at the place where the demons had dispersed, with a lot of thoughts.

Chapter 1988 Killing the Demon Lord

The demons temporarily retreated, and there were thousands of people standing sparsely on a large battlefield. Chen Xuan looked at it and sighed softly. He actually vaguely guessed that this should be a place similar to an illusion.

But when he saw the human army being slaughtered by the demon monsters, he still couldn't bear it, and he thought of Yongzhou City again.

Damn demons!

He secretly swore in his heart that one day he would make these damn demons pay the price!

This time, the demon army seemed to have completely subsided. There was no movement for three whole days, but he knew in his heart that this was just a prelude to the coming storm. The demon army would come again before he passed the test.

Sure enough, after half the time, the sky in the distance changed somewhat. The originally blue-white sky was dyed with a trace of red-black, gradually spreading towards this side.

He felt a little solemn in his heart, because there was an extremely terrifying aura on the distant horizon. This time, it should be the last test.

The hand holding the spear tightened, and he adjusted his breathing, preparing to face this stormy attack!


From a distance, one can see ferocious demonic birds flying towards this side, screaming, and on the back of the demonic bird, there seems to be a demon warrior sitting on it.

Then, large patches of black appeared from the horizon, densely packed with demonic soldiers.

The number was much more ferocious than last time.

And among the demon army, there was an ancient chariot.

Chen Xuan's pupils shrank slightly and he stared at the figure on the chariot.

The terrifying figure looked down at the battlefield plainly, and its seemingly ordinary body contained endless terrifying power.

Chen Xuanru came to the big load

In the blink of an eye, the offensive of the demon soldiers has climbed up. The few thousand remaining demon soldiers and the countless demon soldiers are already fighting together. The numbers cannot be compared at all.

He held the silver spear in his hand and attacked the demon soldiers like lightning. While sweeping and grabbing, a large area of ​​the demon soldiers was cleared away. Blood and flesh were everywhere, and everywhere he looked, there were stumps and broken arms.

And he seemed to be numb. Countless magic soldiers fell in his hands. He didn't feel anything. He just glanced at the figure on the chariot from time to time.

The battle continued for a whole night, and the human side had lost all its casualties. What was originally a fight between the two sides gradually turned into all the demons besieging Chen Xuan alone.

But his mind was still calm, and he gradually understood something, and he could still maintain his original intention during the killing.

Countless demons died in his hands, and there were several demon generals among them, who were more powerful than the previous ones, but Chen Xuan became more powerful as he killed enemies.

Those demon generals fought against Chen Xuan and were killed by his gun in less than ten rounds.

Finally, when half of the demon army was dead or injured, the figure moved, but the simple movement brought endless momentum.

The demon lord-level figure grasped the demonic energy in one hand and the blood light in the other. The light flowed and attacked Chen Xuan.

His eyes narrowed, and the real strong man was finally coming.

Then, he shook the gun body and exploded with endless power, slashing towards the Demon Lord.


The place where the two attacked exploded into a torrent of flames, and the surrounding demonic soldiers were overturned by the waves.

It caused a crazy explosion. In a few breaths, the two had fought hundreds of times, and explosions of air filled the air.

The explosion dissipated, leaving a huge crater where the two men fought. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his whole body was sent flying backwards by the demon lord's bombardment, and he was seriously injured.

On the other hand, the Demon Lord seemed to be fine, but his breath was slightly fluctuating.

He clenched his fists. The enemy was too powerful and the hope of victory was a little slim. However, thinking of Yongzhou City, he still strengthened his belief in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, the Demon Lord bombarded him again. He was thinking quickly in his mind about how to deal with it, and he flew up to avoid the attack.

Refining alchemy requires strong consciousness, and the Six Paths test also requires consciousness. He thought of his training with Mr. Duan.

Why not try using the power of consciousness?

Thinking like this, his consciousness overflowed and he slowly transformed into a human form, which looked very similar to Chen Xuan.

There is a difference between becoming a conscious person and creating a real life. A person transformed like this can only exist for a moment. As for the attack power, it also depends on the strength of Chen Xuan's consciousness.

The clone transformed into consciousness quickly flew towards the Demon Lord, holding a silver-white long knife in his hand, and chopped off the Demon Lord's head.

Seeing this, the Demon Lord snorted coldly and burst out demonic energy towards the clone.


The clone was scattered by the Demon Lord's blow, but then quickly recovered.

Chen Xuan once again radiated the power of consciousness, divided into countless clones, and attacked the demon lord in a dense and overwhelming manner.

"Boom - boom boom"

Under the attack of the Demon Lord, hundreds of clones were blown to pieces, but then they were reunited and launched another attack.

Although he is very powerful, he cannot hold up so many clones. Slowly, several scars appeared on his body.

Chen Xuan was delighted when he saw this.

The power of consciousness was indeed effective, and he then divided another part to fight with the remaining demon soldiers.

Gradually, sweat broke out on his forehead. Controlling so many clones was still a bit heavy on the brain.

He gritted his teeth and controlled the clones to combine together. Countless clones gradually merged and turned into an extremely huge giant.

He roared and stepped towards the Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord found it extremely difficult. Although the countless clones before were numerous and extremely brave, their attack power was still limited. Although he was embarrassed, he could still cope with it.

But the giant in front of him is the fusion of the powers of these clones, and all aspects have increased exponentially.

With a strong momentum, he faintly pursued the Demon Lord.

Medicine Saint, who was outside the assessment world, looked at everything happening in the world and showed a happy smile. He did not expect that Chen Xuan had mastered the power of consciousness so well. It was not only the incarnation of consciousness, but also the fusion of these clones. The means are no longer just something that can be achieved with high understanding. Perhaps, he will really grow to the level of an alchemy god in the future.

But Chen Xuan, who was on the demon battlefield, didn't know it. He was currently busy manipulating the clones. As his methods became more powerful, he faintly felt that his consciousness was gradually getting stronger. This kind of growth was something he had experienced in the previous assessments. Feel.


The giant stepped down, and the Demon Lord wanted to escape, but found that his legs were tightly controlled by the other two clones.

He resisted the blow forcefully.


The Demon Lord spit out a mouthful of black blood and was injured, and then the giant attack came again.

His black eyes dimmed, and then burst out with endless magic light. His momentum shattered the two clones at his feet, and he punched Ju Rao.


The giant fell down after being bombarded, and a huge hole appeared in his abdomen that was punched out by the fist.

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