The fallen giant struggled to get up, but was pushed down again by the demon lord who jumped up.

Countless fist shadows rained down on Ju Rao, and its huge body was shattered by the bombardment. It slowly tried to put it together, but was stopped by the Demon Lord's next blow.

Endless black-red magic light exploded, scattering the clouds in the sky. Countless evil spirits rushed behind the demon lord. Blood and fear lingered in front of him. Chen Xuan felt the emotions and anger contained in this blow. !

The Demon Lord's fists set off waves like hurricanes, all of which fell on Ju Rao.


Countless cracks opened in the ground with the giant as the center point. The battlefield was about to separate and disintegrate. There were even abyss where the cracks were huge.


The demonic energy burned Ju Rao's body, which was Chen Xuan's consciousness, making the sound of boiling oil splashing on the snow.

Although his consciousness is powerful and cannot be completely burned so easily, it is impossible for the giant to appear for the time being.

The Demon Lord destroyed the giant and looked at Chen Xuan with sharp eyes. After destroying the giant, the cold and handsome ice face actually chuckled, full of ridicule.

Then it turned into black and red magic light and attacked Chen Xuan.

His eyes were extremely determined, it was just a test, he would definitely pass it, and he would definitely defeat the demon lord in front of him!

Then the silver light flowed in his hand, and unlike the Demon Lord's endless aura, his power became more solid and gradually turned into substance.


Silver light and demonic energy collided with each other, creating endless power. The battlefield was divided into two parts. One side was the black-red demonic energy, and the other half was Chen Xuan's silver consciousness power.

The shattered earth that had been bombarded by the Demon Lord before was completely reduced to ashes at this moment. He used all his strength to continuously pour the spear in his hand, and collided with the Demon Lord.

The momentum behind the Demon Lord became more and more swollen, and even the sky felt a little unbearable.


The entire battlefield was reduced to a vacuum. The two were separated and each used their own methods. Demonic energy and consciousness entangled and rotated, consuming each other.

Silver light flowed in Chen Xuan's hand, turning into a giant dragon, roaring and rushing towards the demon lord.

He smiled contemptuously, raised his right hand slightly, and the same giant dragon flew out. Different from Chen Xuan's silver dragon, this giant dragon was completely black and red, with black flames burning all over it.

Fighting with the silver dragon with a ferocious face.


The silver dragon roared loudly and opened its huge mouth to bite the demon dragon. Not to be outdone, the demon dragon also opened its mouth and bit the silver dragon.

The two dragons are entangled with each other, regardless of top or bottom.

Chen Xuan's movements quickened, and a giant sword appeared in his hand. He held it with both hands and slashed at the demon lord.


The giant sword and the Demon Lord's hands struck together, making the sound of gold and iron clashing.

The blade of the giant sword was somewhat broken, but only a shallow white mark was left on the Demon Lord's hand.

His heart sank. The power of the Demon Lord was beyond Chen Xuan's imagination.

He was thinking about what method he should use to defeat the demon lord.

Suddenly, he thought of his Fu Sheng Jue. Decades had passed in this world, and he didn't know what happened to the Fu Sheng spirit body.

If it's the sixth level of Fu Sheng Jue, he might be able to defeat the Demon Lord.

But now that he can't even contact the floating spirit body, he can only use the floating technique by himself.

He tried to feel the meridians in his body and carefully recalled the route that the spiritual power took.

Consciousness is used as spiritual power, slowly flowing to the meridians in the body.

Mouthing in his mouth.

"Fu Sheng Jue, the first level..."

A silver-white magic finger formed and printed towards the Demon Lord.


The giant finger attacked the Demon Lord, only to make him take a few steps back.

But this was enough, proving that his method was feasible. Chen Xuan felt happy and stretched out his palm again. This time, he was going to use the fourth level directly.

The silvery white light flowed in front of him and gradually turned into a seal. The floating seal of consciousness gradually solidified, emitting countless rays of light.


The Demon Lord's pupils shrank slightly. He felt a trace of power from the seal that made his heart palpitate. Demonic energy erupted again and he resisted against the seal.

The explosion disappeared, and the Demon Lord was a little embarrassed. This blow caused him zero damage.

Before the Demon Lord came back to his senses, Chen Xuan had already leapt over, holding the Seal Jue in his hand, and making a fist with his right hand to strike at the Demon Lord.

"Fusheng Fist!" He shouted softly, and the fist mark had already arrived in front of the Demon Lord.


The Demon Lord, who had not recovered yet, resisted the blow forcefully and spat out a large mouthful of black blood. This time, he was finally truly injured.

His eyes were cruel, and he actually inserted his claws into his chest. Traces of blood slowly appeared on the Demon Lord's arm, exuding terrifying fluctuations.


The devil's ferocious face became even more terrifying as the devil's claws penetrated Chen Xuan's body.


He was seriously injured, and the devil's claws penetrated deeply into his abdomen. There was still a trace of devilish energy in it, which made his injury even more serious.

Chen Xuan's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, his weak but firm eyes were fixed on the Demon Lord, and he smiled weakly.

Then the eyes changed, and the dark eyes were stained with a silvery white color, which made the Demon Lord feel frightened.

"No matter what methods you have, you will die in my hands today!"

The demon lord's handsome face was a little ferocious. He almost squeezed out these words through his teeth, and the hatred for Chen Xuan in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Chen Xuan just smiled. At the moment he was attacked, he felt the sixth level of Fu Sheng Jue.

Consciousness is also power, and the sixth level is related to consciousness. He accidentally touched the threshold under the attack of the devil.

Then the silver light in his eyes flowed and was deeply imprinted on the demon lord's mind.

The Demon Lord seemed to be in a trance. He pulled out the claws stuck in Chen Xuan's abdomen and fell backwards.

"The sixth level of Fushengjue!"

Chen Xuan drank lightly, his whole body looked majestic, and his consciousness turned into a huge Buddha behind him.

The Buddha's eyes were uncertain, and he stretched out a giant palm and hit the devil.

The Demon Lord's body gradually couldn't withstand the pressure and began to break, with black and red blood overflowing from the entire body.


The demon lord's body was completely torn into pieces, and both body and soul were destroyed under the Buddha's giant palm.

With the fall of the Demon Lord, the surrounding battlefield changed its appearance and turned into a silver-white space.

Chen Xuan looked at all this and knew that he had passed the test.

He smiled tiredly and fell to the ground.

The moment before he fell into coma, he saw an old man coming to him...

There was darkness before my eyes.


Chen Xuan opened his eyes and saw a silver-white space in front of him. He slowly sat up. His whole body was weak. He tried to stand up, and a full feeling of weakness rushed through his body.

He staggered and steadied his feet a little, feeling pain like a tear in his head.

The sixth level of Fushengjue is too much of a burden for him now, so it is already good to use it reluctantly. When his consciousness becomes stronger, the side effects will not be so serious.

"woke up?"

"Huh?" He looked at the old man in front of him in surprise, not realizing when he came to him.

In front of him was an old man with a kind face, looking at Chen Xuan with a smile.

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