"Guy, I never thought that there are people with such high talents in this world. No wonder the Medicine Saint asked you to come here. Your talents really put us old guys to shame."

He realized that the old man in front of him should be the third guardian of test consumption, and he was on the same level as Mr. Duan. He hurriedly clasped his fists and said: "Senior, that's a big reward. With my little character, I can't bear such praise from senior."

"Okay, you don't have to be too humble. The last move I saw you used just now was a bit of a blessing. I wonder if you can explain it to me."

"Of course this is no problem, but I don't know the senior's name yet." Chen Xuan said with some respect.

"Hahaha, my name is Huang Yao, just call me Huang Lao."

Chen Xuan secretly remembered it in his heart, and then he straightened it out a little in his mind, and slowly said: "The move I used just now was a technique that I practiced when I was outside. It was originally operated by spiritual power. I suddenly Come up with a whim, use consciousness instead of spiritual power, find the meridians in the body, run the method according to the route, and finally use it."

Huang Lao was thoughtful when he heard his words, and suddenly his eyes widened, looking at Chen Xuan in disbelief.

"You are, you found the meridians in the body? And you used your consciousness to operate and finally used the technique?"

He didn't know why, so he could only nod slowly.

Mr. Huang was filled with emotion immediately and shouted in his heart: A lineage of the Immortal Medicine Clan!

His trembling voice reached Chen Xuan's ears.

"Do you know what you mean by doing this! Ordinary people can't find the meridians in the body. In this state of consciousness, the entire human body is in chaos. It is even more difficult to operate the consciousness and use techniques. "More difficult." Huang Lao looked excited and looked at Chen Xuan: "And what you have done today is nothing short of setting a precedent. I am looking forward to what you will be like when you are more powerful in the future."

Chen Xuan didn't expect that his sudden action would have such a big impact. He must explore the secret of consciousness when he has time.

"Senior, did I pass the third test?"

After coming back to his senses, he faced Huang Laodao.

"Well, you have passed the third assessment. You can take the fourth assessment at any time." Huang Laodao.

Chen Xuan rested for three whole days, and then the feeling of weakness that filled his body slowly dissipated like a tide. He stood up and moved his body, feeling the explosive power contained in his body. He smiled heartily and said to Huang Lao: "It's time to start. Mr. Huang.”

Huang Lao nodded, his hands moved faster, and the mysterious space power opened a crack.

"Go ahead, guy, you will get an unexpected surprise after passing the sixth level."

Chen Xuan was startled by Mr. Huang's words, but then he adjusted, nodded, and stepped into the crack. Zheng

As he stepped into the crack and came to a strange space, the crack behind him suddenly closed. Looking around, he saw darkness, coldness, and chaos.

There was no sound, even his breathing was as heavy as thunder. This space was so weird.

He sat down and wanted to turn his consciousness into countless clones to explore, but he was surprised to find that the consciousness in his body was nothing and disappeared.

This made him a little surprised, but Chen Xuan was also a person who had experienced countless things. He guessed that this should be part of the test.

After three nights, there was no movement at all, and the guardian who was supposed to appear did not appear either. This space... was too quiet.

Chen Xuan couldn't sit still. During this period, he tried countless times to communicate with the consciousness in his body, but it was like nothing happened and he didn't get any response.

Gradually, he calmed down and tried to understand this space, thinking and exploring. The secret in the avenue.

After countless years, there seemed to be a response in his body, which made Chen Xuan overjoyed and he quickly felt the fluctuations in his body. It's very weak, but it does exist. If you feel it carefully, it actually vaguely echoes this empty space.

This point of starlight gradually increased, and as time passed, the fluctuations became stronger and turned into a starry sky, which became surging in contrast to the avenue.

He felt something in his heart, and pushed this thread secretly, turning it into a strange formation in his body, and the starry sky turned into nine lights, with some faint connections between them.

Chen Xuan's first four stars are extremely bright, while the last five are relatively dim.

A bold idea arises spontaneously. Could this be... the progress of consciousness cultivation!

Each starlight corresponds to a stage. He is currently in the fourth stage. The fifth one is also faintly bright, and he should be about to break through.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan was instantly excited. In the past, when cultivating his consciousness, he could only roughly feel the strength of his power. With this system now, he could understand his own cultivation in more detail.

He didn't know if Medicine Saint and the others had this, so he could only ask after the assessment was over.

Then, he focused his gaze on the void space in front of him. He felt that since the starry sky of his consciousness appeared, there were some differences in this space, but he could not tell where the differences were.

Chen Xuan sat cross-legged in this space and practiced slowly. After an unknown amount of time, a deafening roar came over.


He opened his eyes and looked at the giant beast swimming in the distance in shock.

Why was he shocked? Because this giant beast was so big that even the mythical beast Kun was just a guy in front of it.

His face was solemn, and he exploded with all his strength. His size was too huge, and he couldn't hide. He could only give it a try, and maybe there was a chance of survival.

While getting ready, he also lamented that the test was too abnormal and the chance of survival was slim, but he still had to give it a try.

When he raised his strength, his whole body was like a sharp knife, stabbing towards the giant beast.


Chen Xuan roared and turned into a stream of light and headed towards the giant beast.

At the moment of the collision, he thought a lot, thinking about Ling, Medicine Saint, and the people of Yongzhou City. Chu Jianghe and others in the outside world were already hunting down his demon master. I don't know if I can survive this time, but I still wouldn't be willing to die like this.


Contrary to what he expected, he was not smashed to pieces by the giant beast. He only saw the giant beast in front of him turning into dots of starlight, illuminating this empty space.

He was stunned, what was going on? Is this the content of the assessment? It just tests your willpower.

Thinking like this, an old man appeared in front of him, who seemed to be sublimated from the starlight.

"It's great that you can come here. The Medicine Saint has not misjudged the person. However, my level is not that easy to pass." The old man spoke, his voice a little soft.

"Senior, what should I do to pass?"

Chen Xuan said seriously.

"My assessment is difficult, but also very simple. It all depends on your thoughts." The old man's words were somewhat mysterious.

"As long as you can walk out of here, you will pass the assessment."

Chen Xuan was thoughtful, looking at the entrance that suddenly appeared in front of him, which was completely dark.

He exhaled softly, looked firmly in his eyes, and stepped directly into the entrance.

What he saw was a pitch-black space. He couldn't see his fingers. Different from the ordinary darkness, this place seemed to absorb light. The flames he turned into with his consciousness several times were suppressed. He had no choice but to put away the light and illuminate the front. idea.

He walked forward. Since he couldn't see, he could only groping forward slowly. There were walls around him. He felt happy and slowly walked forward while holding on to the wall.

One, two, three months, half a year...

He didn't know how long he had been walking, but it always felt like it would never end.

This situation continued, and he gradually became impetuous. There was an impulse of anger in his heart, his breath was a little unsteady, and his pace quickened, almost approaching running.

The old man who was watching all this from the outside shook his head. Although this boy's talent was high, his character was still somewhat lacking.

But then a scene that surprised him appeared.

Chen Xuan slowly stopped and stopped moving forward. Instead, he sat cross-legged and seemed to be comprehending something.

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