At this time, Chen Xuan, who was in the maze world, was thinking about Ling, as well as his relatives and partners in the past. He told himself not to be impulsive and to calm down.

Finally, he slowly suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

He thought of the giant beast at the beginning. Although it came fiercely, it eventually turned into nothingness due to Chen Xuan's firm belief. From this point of view, this test is all about will.

Thinking of this, he stood up, exhaled lightly, adjusted his posture slightly, and the belief in his heart gradually became firmer.

Then he ran straight ahead, all distracting thoughts were left behind, and there was only one belief in his heart, get out!

The walls he had once touched were gone.

Chen Xuanyong moved forward and ran for who knows how long. Finally, his eyes suddenly became brighter.

He smiled brightly and finally came out. He should have passed the assessment at this time.

The old man appeared in front of Chen Xuan again, smiling.

"Congratulations, you passed the Neighbor Four test."

Chen Xuan smiled heartily.

"It was just a fluke."

"Haha, how can there be so much luck? After all, you are determined and strong enough." The old man smiled slightly, "But I am very curious about how you suddenly calmed down after going berserk."

Chen Xuan thought for a while and spoke slowly.

"I was dissatisfied with you. I was restless at the time and suddenly remembered some important things. I also had relatives and friends waiting for me."

"My loved ones~" The old man seemed to be remembering some past events, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.


Chen Xuan shouted softly.

The old man woke up from his memories.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, it's all about the past, don't worry about it."

Then the old man looked at Chen Xuan.

"You have great potential. I am very excited about how far you can grow. After you adjust, you can start the fifth test. I believe you can pass."

The old man looked at Chen Xuan with a smile and said slowly.

He agreed, then sat cross-legged and adjusted carefully.

After half an hour, he stood up and looked at the old man firmly.

"Senior, I'm ready!"

The old man nodded, and then the brilliance flowed in his hand, sending Chen Xuan into a space.

Unlike before, as soon as Chen Xuan entered this assessment space, he was suppressed by a strong pressure.

There seemed to be a powerful figure running rampant in the sky in the distance, destroying everything it went.

A gust of wind and dust was thrown up in front of Chen Xuan, blocking his sight. He could only resist the pressure by using the power of his consciousness to wrap around himself.

The figure in the distance seemed to have noticed that there was a creature that was against him, and flew towards Chen Xuan with a roar.

From a distance, he exploded with momentum and blasted towards Chen Xuan.


He was thrown into the forest and was in a terrible state.


After coughing a few times, he got up. Looking at the terrifying figure ahead.

The powerful and terrifying aura in front of him stopped. As his vision became clearer, the figure gradually became clearer. He was a middle-aged man. He looked much younger than Duan Lao Yaosheng and the others, but there was no trace of his face. Gentle and kind, some only have endless terrifying killing intent, with red eyes, black hair and standing upside down, and the body is full of strong muscles.

Resisting the middle-aged man's pressure, Chen Xuan only felt a surging demonic aura pressing on his body, making it difficult for him to move.

But what made him solemn was not the man's terrifying strength, but the demonic aura contained in his power. His aura was no different from that of the demonic. Chen Xuan seemed to be facing his master who was the demon back then.

Since he is a demon, there is no need to be polite, but with the current strength of the man, it is estimated that only the sixth level of Fu Sheng Jue can defeat him.

But now Chen Xuan's cultivation level is not enough to use the sixth level without side effects. All we can do is take a gamble!

He gritted his teeth and circulated the consciousness in his body. He pushed the consciousness according to the way it had been running through the meridians before, and slowly moved the school.

A touch of silvery white slowly appeared in his eyes, and his whole temperament became calm and powerful. However, the Buddha did not appear, but his entire body was covered with a layer of silvery white.

His long hair was fluttering, and he looked at the demon man in front of him with cold eyes, and there was a faint feeling of resistance in his momentum.

He turned into a stream of light and flew towards the man. The silver-white light flowed and attached to his body, turning into a cold and hard armor. It made a buzzing sound. There was also a burst of light in his hand. The silver-white light turned into a spear, flowing with sharp weapons. Cold light.

It started slowly, but in fact it only took a moment. Chen Xuan had already arrived in front of the demon man, raised the spear, and the man roared, raised his palm and grabbed the head of the spear tightly.

His palm was as hard as iron, and the gun tip was stuck. Chen Xuan couldn't help but gain a little more strength, broke away, and stabbed the demon man in the neck. Although the man was crazy, he also knew how to protect his vitals and punched The hammer hit the tip of the spear, causing the spear to change position.

Chen Xuan saw that the shot missed, and then shot across the man's waist again. As he expected, the shot was blocked.

But what the demon man didn't expect was that Chen Xuan let go of the hand holding the spear, and with a bright silver light in his hand, he clenched his fist and hit the man in the face.


The air exploded with this blow, and the man hit Lin like a bird with broken wings, causing a huge shock.

Then he flew towards the man again, like an arrow leaving the string, and punched him again.

The ground was shattered by the hammer, but the demon man who was knocked down didn't seem to be seriously injured, with just a few cuts on his face.

Stopping the attack, Chen Xuan distanced himself from the demon man. Silver light bloomed in his eyes, and a pair of ruthless and indifferent eyes appeared in the sky, sending out endless glare and controlling him.


The man who was originally on the ground was blasted into the forest again by this attack.

Chen Xuan breathed out lightly, and the silver in his eyes dissipated. What surprised him was that apart from being a little tired, there was no big problem. It seemed that as long as he didn't use too much power-consuming skills, he wouldn't pass out.

This sixth level can be regarded as an increasing skill, and it will definitely play a great role in future battles.

Chen Xuan took back his thoughts and looked at the man who was blasted into the ground in front of him, still a little solemn. He knew that with the strength of the man, he would not be defeated like this. As long as he has not passed the test, it means that the demon man has not fallen yet. .

Sure enough, within ten breaths, another figure emerged from the ground. The man patted the dust on his body, looked at Chen Xuan, and sneered.

Then he ejected his body and rushed over with a punch!


This simple punch almost killed Chen Xuan. He was knocked backwards and flew away. Countless bones were broken in his body, and he spit out large mouthfuls of blood.

Cold sweat was dripping on his forehead. Just as he struggled to get up, the demon man's attack came in front of him again.

Two punches!

The ground was hammered with countless cracks, the space was shaking, and there were faint signs of fragmentation.

He spat out a mouthful of blood again. The vitality in his body was slowly dissipating. The fluctuations on the surface were already very weak. Chen Xuan was now in great danger!

The third punch!

The blast hit Lin, and the originally broken ground shattered again, and countless areas collapsed.

The demon man seemed a little confused, tilting his head and looking at the empty pit in front of him.

Then he looked at Chen Xuan standing in the air.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, it was so dangerous! Fortunately, he completed the operation of his consciousness at the last moment and entered the sixth level state again, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable.

The demon man smiled evilly and rushed towards him, clenching his fists and striking hard.

I don't know how many counterattacks passed between the two of them. From a distance, they could only see explosions in the air, but no figure could be seen.

After fighting each other countless times, he distanced himself from the demon man. This time he could only use that move. Even if he fainted, he had no choice but to give it a try.

As he entered samadhi in the air, his whole body became majestic and majestic, somewhat like an ancient Buddha. Silver light circulated throughout his body, and a huge Buddha gradually appeared behind him.

Chen Xuan murmured in his mouth, and then the ancient Buddha raised his arm and stamped a giant palm towards the demon man.

The man felt tremendous power at this time, and his expression became slightly solemn.

He exploded with all his strength and punched the giant palm, resisting desperately.


The man spit out a mouthful of blood. The pressure of the giant Buddha made him tremble slightly, and the momentum behind him also showed signs of collapse.

This was the first time a man was actually hurt.

The giant palm's offensive has not ended yet, and it is still pressing towards the man slowly and quickly.

Finally he couldn't resist, and was crushed under the palm of Buddha's hand, and was seriously injured.

Chen Xuan's brain felt dizzy, and he almost fainted several times. A sense of will supported him to persist. He knew that the test was not over yet. He could still feel the man's breath, although it was very weak. .


He couldn't bear it anymore, and he finally spit out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

The whole person was like a kite with broken strings, falling towards the ground.

"Guy, it really surprises me that you can do this. I guess you passed the test."

A vicissitudes of life but full of vitality suddenly sounded, and it seemed to come from the demon man.

I saw the middle-aged man just now flying out from under the giant palm, catching Chen Xuan who was falling downwards, with a happy smile on his face.

Different from the man who was full of demonic aura just now, he seemed to be a different person. The aura on his body was faintly surging with vitality, making people feel like a spring breeze.

The man held Chen Xuan's body and disappeared into this space.

Chen Xuan, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and sat up suddenly. The figure of the demon man was still lingering in his mind.

"woke up?"

He suddenly turned his head and saw the man beside him. He was shocked, his silver-white consciousness was shaken, and he was about to attack the man.

With a gentle touch of his palm, Chen Xuan's consciousness immediately dissipated, and the breath of life was still slowly comforting Chen Xuan's soul.

"Don't move around when you wake up. The move you just made was very expensive, so you'd better take a good rest."

The man looked at Chen Xuan and smiled.

Only then did he realize that he didn't seem to be on the shattered battlefield just now. Could it be that he had passed the test? The demon man in front of him seemed a little strange. The aura of life that should not exist in him was so surging, which made Chen Xuan feel a little comfortable.

"I've healed your injuries. You've still had the same murderous intent over the years, and it's not a big deal. If something happens to you, Lan Cangsheng won't kill me."

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