Chen Xuan understood that he had passed the test, and the middle-aged man in front of him should be the same as Mr. Duan. But as for why the person who attacked him just now was also a middle-aged man, it should be part of the test.

Thinking of this, he slowly stood up. Although he was still very weak, he could barely stand up.

He cupped his fist at the middle-aged man.

"Chen Xuan has met senior."

"Hahaha, okay, my name is Qing Wuxuan, you can just call me Uncle Qing." Qing Wuxuan waved his hand and said: "Lan Cangsheng did not miss the mark. Your talent in elixirs is not as good as ours." These old guys are much more powerful. Originally, this test was just about taking a few moves from me, but I couldn’t help it and played a little longer. Just don’t blame me, hehe.”

Chen Xuan looked at Qing Wuxuan who was laughing in front of him, with three black lines falling on his forehead, feeling quite helpless.

No wonder this test is so difficult, it’s all because of the fun-loving master in front of him, but he is a senior, so naturally Chen Xuan can’t do anything.

Chen Xuan thought of Duan Laoguo's words, asking him to test the guardian of the fifth level in his heart. Now it seems that Qing Wuxuan's character is not as scary as his, but rather approachable and somewhat childish.

However, during the examination, Qing Wuxuan was still more suitable. In that state, it was extremely terrifying.

He retracted his thoughts, sorted out his words, and asked what he had been wondering about.

"Uncle Qing, I want to ask you why you had such strong demonic energy during the exam just now." Chen Xuan was a little solemn.

Qing Wuxuan slowly put away the smile on his face, his expression became serious, and he looked at Chen Xuan. He opened his mouth slightly, and the vicissitudes of life and sadness that were completely different from before were revealed.

"There is demonic energy in me... because I was once a member of the demon clan."

Chen Xuan was shocked. Qing Wuxuan was once a member of the demon clan. The terrifying aura and demonic energy he had just tested could be explained.

He calmed down, looked at the sudden vicissitudes of Qing Wuxuan in front of him, and sighed. There must be some other story in it, but he couldn't get in touch with it yet. He was very curious about what kind of past Yao Sheng, Duan Lao, Huang Lao and Qing Shu had. The hidden things behind these could only be explored after he became stronger.

"Sorry, I was reckless."

"It doesn't matter, it's just some old things. It's nothing."

Uncle Qing suddenly returned to his bright and gentle smile, and came over to put his hand on Chen Xuan's shoulder.

"I've been holding back here for thousands of years, and I don't even have anyone to talk to. I can't be like them and endure loneliness so much." Qing Wuxuan said with emotion.

"Why don't you stay here for the next few days, and I'll teach you about your cultivation. As for the sixth test, you have to prepare well."

Chen Xuan thought for a while, agreed, and followed Qing Wuxuan to a mountain forest. There was a simple wooden house hidden in the forest. Although this place was simple, everything was beautiful.

"Sit down here first and try my handiwork later."

Qing Wuxuan chuckled, settled Chen Xuan, turned around and got into the kitchen, and then there was a wave of consciousness and the sound of cooking.

After a burst of noise, bursts of fragrance wafted out. Chen Xuan subconsciously sniffed lightly, and the fragrance swirled in his nose.

He has been practicing fasting for many years, and this scent reminded him of the meals his mother cooked for him before he started practicing. As he recalled it, he felt filled with emotion. These dishes made him look forward to them.

"Shixi arowana, stir-fried bamboo shoots, stir-fried beef slices..."

One dish after another was delivered amidst these sounds, and slowly fell on the table in front of Chen Xuan.

Then Qing Wuxuan wiped his hands, his bright smile matched the food on the table, giving him a warm feeling.

Chen Xuan smiled faintly, stood up and invited Qing Wuxuan to take a seat, and then he also took a seat. The two sat opposite each other, with a simple stone table in between. On the table were bright dishes, exuding a faint fragrance.

Qing Wuxuan made a big move, and Chen Xuan had a pair of bowls, chopsticks and a jug of old wine in front of him.

"Try it and see how it goes."

Qing Wuxuan chuckled, looking as simple as an uncle next door. Who would have thought that such a person would burst out with extremely terrifying power before this.

Chen Xuan nodded, stretched out his chopsticks and gently picked up a piece of beef, then brought it to his mouth to taste it carefully.

All of a sudden, the fragrance of beef burst out in his mouth. Chen Xuan's eyes lit up instantly, and he had endless aftertaste. When the beef was completely swallowed, the fragrance was still lingering in Chen Xuan's mouth.

"Uncle Qing, this dish of yours is truly a delicacy." He praised sincerely.

"Hey, what a fairy, it's just some home-cooked food. I'm really bored staying here, so I can only find something to do. After so many years, I should make some progress."

Qing Wuxuan smiled and waved his hand, raising the wine glass in his hand to signal Chen Xuan to drink.

He also raised the cup and took a sip, which made him feel angry.

“Good wine!”

"To tell you the truth, I have been slowly studying this wine for a long time. The pot we drank has been brewed for more than a thousand years." Qing Wuxuan smiled and said to Chen Xuandao, with a look that he couldn't hide. of pride. "Come, come, eat food, eat food."

The two laughed happily and talked about the past and present.

The meal slowly ended late into the night.

The next morning, Chen Xuan got up early to practice. He could now feel the level of consciousness power and slowly practiced according to the progress.

After a long time, when the sun was three high, Qing Wuxuan came out sleepily.

"Good morning, Chen Xuan."

"Good morning, Uncle Qing."

Chen Xuan responded, Qing Wuxuan nodded and walked to the stream to wash up.

Qing Wuxuan lives a life more like a mortal, doing everything by himself.

Chen Xuan looked at all this. When he quits the world of cultivation, it would be good to find a place like this to live.

Then he put away his thoughts and entered into practice again.

After practicing slowly for three months, Chen Xuan's consciousness showed signs of breaking through.

During this period, Qing Wuxuan also came several times to point out some problems in his consciousness cultivation, and he benefited a lot.

"It seems that my cultivation has reached a bottleneck, and it's time for me to change my mind." Chen Xuan thought to himself as he looked at the consciousness that had made no progress.

He cupped his fist at Qing Wuxuan.

"Uncle Qing, my cultivation is almost complete. I can't make any progress if I continue. I think it's time to go to the sixth assessment."

Qing Wuxuan's eyelids twitched and he said slowly.

"Have you thought it through?"

He nodded.

"Okay then, I will send you to the sixth test in a moment." Qing Wuxuan sighed, "Although your consciousness has become somewhat improved now, I am still worried that you will not pass the sixth test. In this regard, I I can only reveal something to you so that you can be mentally prepared. I, Lan Cangsheng, Lao Duan, Lao Huang and Lao Gui will all appear to assess you together."

Chen Xuan's heart twitched. He had guessed how powerful this lineup was, but he was still a little frightened when he heard it. He had dealt with these people and had an idea in his mind, but the old ghost from Qingwu Xuansuo He had never known it before, and if his guess was correct, he should be the number one test guardian.

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