Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1981 Fight against the ferocious beast

The ferocious beast has a horn on its head, and its overall appearance is very much like a cheetah's. Its muscular body is perfectly streamlined, its whole body is burning with red flames, its eyes reveal a cruel look, and its tail swings back and forth like a sickle.

Seeing Chen Xuan, the ferocious beast slowly stood up, its body hunched, ready to attack at any time.

Chen Xuan's eyes were solemn, and he was thinking about how to deal with the ferocious beast in front of him, because the level of consciousness just now did not work, and he was not sure whether it would be useful now.

Now he could only give it a try. Withdrawing his thoughts, he communicated with the consciousness in his body and turned it into a silver armor spear.

The overall silver light flows, and the gun tip exudes a sharp cold light.


The ferocious beast roared angrily, and rushed towards Chen Xuanfei like an arrow from a string. Its ferocious mouth suddenly opened, and he seemed to be able to smell the fishy smell in the beast's mouth.

He raised the spear, pressed his whole body down, exploded with all his strength, jumped up and stabbed the beast in the air. Unexpectedly, the beast reacted extremely sensitively and twisted its body in the air to avoid the blow.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan swung his arm, and the spear in his hand changed from stabbing to sweeping, and this time he hit the beast's belly.

The sharp spear head cut a wound on the beast, and black blood flowed outward.

He felt happy that the consciousness attack was effective. In this case, it would be much easier to handle.

Then he burst out with strength, his whole body was extremely fast, leaving afterimages of his body in the air, and the silver gun in his hand was flowing with light, and he attacked the ferocious beast.

The extremely ferocious attack swept through the beast like a hurricane, leaving several large wounds on its body.

Soon its body was covered in its own blood.

The pain made its animal nature even more ferocious, and it let out a hateful growl from its throat, with a fierce look in its eyes, and it wanted to eat Chen Xuansheng alive.


The ferocious beast roared, and the flames burning on its body were a little more fierce and burning. It suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan, and its speed increased a lot.

He stepped lightly and managed to avoid the blow, but then the scythe from the beast's tail silently circled behind Chen Xuan and stabbed him hard.

He felt the crisis coming from behind. Although he reacted quickly, he was still cut to the shoulder. Suddenly, blood was like a column, and half of his body was dyed red.

He covered the wound. Although it was slowly healing, he could no longer use the weapon. He could only raise one hand, and the silver light flowed, creating countless clones and attacking the beast.

He had already mastered this move, and countless clones pounced on the beast, using different methods, leaving hundreds of wounds on the beast's body.

It roared in pain and flapped up and down angrily, trying to wipe out all these damn clones.


It roared angrily, and the flames on its body burned, and then like a hurricane, it swept through all the clones. Under the offensive of the flames, the clones disappeared. In the blink of an eye, only Chen Xuan and the ferocious beast were on the battlefield again.

The corner of its mouth was raised, revealing a very humane sneer. It looked at Chen Xuan and suddenly got angry, opening its bloody mouth and biting Chen Xuan.

He was calm and steady, silver light flowed in his hands, and a huge palm print hit the beast. The beast flew backwards, blood flowing from its mouth.

The blow just now was the floating seal used with consciousness.

When thoughts flow, it is extremely smooth to use.

The ferocious beast slowly got up, shook its huge head, gradually woke up, and pounced on Chen Xuanfei again.

He looked at the ferocious attack, but did not panic at all. He murmured in his mouth, his left hand bloomed with light, he clenched his fist, erupted with terrifying explosive power, and punched the ferocious beast.

It let out a painful scream, and was smashed to the ground like a kite with its string broken.

At this time, it should have completely lost its combat effectiveness. All I saw was that the beast's chest collapsed, with a huge depression. It was breathing intermittently. The beast's eyes were tightly closed, and it was breathing heavily. Blood was flowing from its mouth. The tail is also limp and weak.

A door opened behind it, with the word "two" printed on it, which meant that Chen Xuan had passed the first level and could enter the second level at any time.

Chen Xuan came to the front of the ferocious beast. It felt Chen Xuan's arrival and opened its eyes suddenly. The ferocious light became stronger and it let out a cruel growl. It wanted to eat Chen Xuan, but it had no choice but to quietly eat it. Waiting for death.

He looked at the ferocious beast in front of him, sighed, and the silver light flowed in his hands, covering the ferocious beast's body, and then he stepped into the gate of the second neighboring gate.

Seeing the silver light in Chen Xuan's hand, the ferocious beast had given up on Lin Kang and closed its eyes tightly, waiting for death to come.

What surprised him was that the silver light was slowly healing his injuries, and his collapsed chest was recovering at a slow speed.

The ferocious beast was silent, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart. The ferocious light in his eyes dissipated, and his expression was complicated...

When Chen Xuan came to the second level, he looked at the space in front of him, and it seemed that there was no difference from the first level.


A dull sound sounded, and a stone statue fell from the sky. It looked somewhat similar to the Medicine Saint. Then, following the first stone statue, several more stone statues gradually fell, corresponding to Uncle Qing, Mr. Duan, Mr. Huang, and the third one. The four tests were similar to that of the old man.

However, there was no expression on the faces of the stone statues, they were cold and ruthless, and they raised their hands and flew towards Chen Xuan.

A piece of information was poured into his mind again. As long as he persisted for one hundred and twenty breaths under the attack of these five stone statues, he would pass.

He actually only persisted for this short period of one hundred and twenty breaths. He smiled bitterly. These stone statues must be terrifyingly powerful.

Adjust your body well. Since you want to persist with the stone statue's offensive, your speed and defense must be strong enough.

Thinking like this, the silver light wrapped around his body and turned into an armor that was harder than before. Although it was thick but not bulky, the joints were perfectly covered, and the entire armor showed a perfect streamline shape.

The legs are even more infused with explosive power.

He was confident he could get through it.

An hourglass appeared above the space. The moment the sand flowed down, the stone statue moved and rushed towards Chen Xuan. It felt like he was walking on the road and suddenly faced a high-speed train, too fast to see. shadow.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and dodged the blow, but then Uncle Qing started to move. Although his movements were not as fast as Medicine Saint's, his attacks were ruthless and cunning, and he almost blocked Chen Xuan several times. retreat.

He finally felt the difficulty, and the unprecedented pressure fell with the fist of the Medicine Saint Stone Statue.

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