The attacks from the stone statue became more and more fierce. Chen Xuan narrowly escaped several times, but he was still severely injured, especially the heavy blow to the back, which was so painful that he gritted his teeth.

He took a deep breath and looked forward. At this time, the five stone statues had awakened and were outflanking Chen Xuan. This was not bad. If he caught the gap, he could barely dodge. Moreover, as long as he was given time, Sooner or later he will find a flaw.

But the most amazing thing was the four who besieged them. They were all strong men, and their moves were changing so fast that Chen Xuan was overwhelmed.

"I've already told you that this last hurdle must be extremely dangerous. It's too late for you to give in now, otherwise, you will be smashed into meat pies by these stone statues, and we won't help you collect your bodies." Mr. Huang laughed three times and appeared like a ghost. Behind Chen Xuan, he punched him directly.

Chen Xuan dodged, covering his heart with one hand, his eyes dark and unclear.

"Now that I'm here, I will definitely accompany you to the end. If you have any tricks, just use them!"

As soon as he finished, he coughed up a mouthful of blood. His face was as pale as paper and his movements became slower.

"Look at your character, I really like you more and more."

Mr. Huang laughed angrily, but Mr. Duan couldn't see it. He shook his head helplessly, grabbed his shoulders, and took him directly behind him.

"Don't cause any more trouble. You and I don't know how difficult this test is. Let's take a look."

When he did this, the others didn't take any action.

Chen Xuan glanced at him gratefully. Next, he would recover from his injuries, accumulate spiritual energy, and think carefully about how to avoid the stone statue's attack.

As time passed, he really discovered something. Although these stone statues looked as solid as rocks and difficult to shake, they did not move together. If one of them took action, the other four would form a blocking force, and then take action again. In this way, Come, he can take advantage of this gap and defeat them one by one. Although the idea is good, he dare not realize it.

Could such an obvious loophole really be the final hurdle?

He stood there, his eyes as fierce as an eagle's. He clenched his fists secretly, took out his hidden sword, and killed the nearest stone statue.

His speed was not slow, but at the moment when he came to kill, the stone statue seemed to notice it and disappeared from the spot. It was as fast as a gust of wind blowing by.

Chen Xuan was not discouraged. He had already expected it. Sure enough, after the stone statue disappeared, all four stone statues that were standing still fell towards him.

The iron-like fist hit him hard, with a fierce fist wind that blew the broken hair on Chen Xuan's forehead. Although they were one step away from each other, Chen Xuan was still shocked by the fist wind.

If this punch had hit his face, his head would have turned into tofu in an instant.

It's interesting. Although they look powerful, they have no IQ and only brute strength. On this point, Chen Xuan already has a solution.

Originally, due to the disadvantages of his body shape, he had to dodge everywhere. He complained a few times at first, but now he is simply glad that he is several times shorter than these stone statues.

He walked quickly between the stone statues. This was definitely the fastest speed he had ever seen. He tried his best and did not attack, but kept dodging.

Seeing him like this, the four people watching the excitement immediately understood his intentions.

Mr. Duan laughed loudly, "I'll do it. This guy is so smart that he actually wants to use this trick to treat others with his own body. He really is a talented person."

"He is just opportunistic. If he really wants to get through this, he is still far from it." Huang Lao sneered, but there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

After these few dodges, Chen Xuan was already out of breath. He was hunched over and sweating profusely.

what happened? He originally thought that these stone statues would kill each other, but now the result was that they were unscathed. Whenever the stone statues were about to collide, they would stop inexplicably and continue to attack him.

It seems that he was careless, taking advantage of their lack of IQ, but completely forgetting about the manipulator behind them. He was a powerful person. How could he not have thought of this.

If he really doesn't want to attack by force, with his strength, it's okay to deal with one or two, but he can deal with five, which is obviously a bit difficult.

While he was thinking, another fist hit him.

A big pit appeared on the ground. Chen Xuan gasped and looked at it. Fortunately, he saw it through the shadow and quickly dodged away. Otherwise, he would have been in serious danger.

And what made this big hole was the stone statue that disappeared just now.

The hourglass continued to drop and was about to finish dripping. If he could not pass the test, all the previous efforts would be in vain.

He was unwilling to give in, but now, he was like a trapped animal in a cage, screaming at the top of his lungs, but there was nothing he could do. Do he really want to admit defeat like this?

no way!

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the large crater in the forest, and suddenly saw a glimmer of light flashing through it. He was overjoyed, for there was really no end to the road.

These levels were the same, and the spaces were intertwined and connected. Originally, he would never be able to get through them alone, but now, when he saw the cracks, he immediately had an idea.

He picked up the stones on the ground and hit one of the stone statues.

The stone statue caught it, squeezed it a little, and then it shattered into pieces. When other stone statues heard the movement, they also rushed over.

That's it!

Chen Xuan jumped up and got into the gap. His body kept falling. At the same time, the wind blowing in front of him was like a knife blade hanging on his face. He took a breath of cold air in pain and secretly gathered his inner strength. withstand.

Everything around him was constantly changing, from chaos to nothingness, and there seemed to be a powerful force underground that was constantly tearing him apart.

He didn't know whether he was a blessing or a curse this time, but now that he was here, he would never back down.

"He just went down like that? This guy is really brave. He doesn't even know where this place is, so he dares to act so rashly!"

Mr. Huang pointed at the crack and cursed

The other people all had serious expressions, "It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. This is his choice. We have been here for so many years and there has never been such a path. Maybe even the master is helping him. "

Yao Lao glanced at the hourglass. He snapped his fingers, and time stopped. The sand in the hourglass stood still in the air. They looked at each other, nodded, and disappeared.

Chen Xuan, there is only so much we can do to help you. I hope you can come back quickly before your magic power disappears, otherwise you will be trapped in the space. No matter how powerful you are, you will not be able to escape.

How could Chen Xuan know these things at this moment? His mind was confused now. He struggled to stand up, rubbed the aching back of his head, and recalled what happened just now.

As he landed, a light point flew towards him quickly. He just wanted to avoid it, but the light point flew too fast and collided with him directly, and then he fainted.

"What is this place?"

He looked around and saw lush vegetation and tall plants. There was a cave in front of him. At a glance, it was dark inside and nothing could be seen.

There are plains all around, and the sky is dark in the distance. There are a few thunders from time to time, and it looks like it's going to rain.

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