"You can't threaten me. With your current strength, if I fight to the death, I may not have a chance of survival."

Zhang Fei took a step forward, clenched his fists, and his momentum suddenly increased.


The iron wolf beast laughed, "You are a smart man. You and I will lose both sides in the fight. After you go out, how will you be the opponent of the group of stone statues outside? I know this dimension better than you. Your Yao Lao's apprentice, But he cannot bend the law for personal gain.”

His words made Zhang Fei tremble. It was indeed true. When snipes and clams fight, the fisherman will benefit. He cannot be reckless.

"Accept it, this is a matter of great honor. An ancient beast will be your mount. How majestic it is. You only need to raise it for ten years."

Iron Bone Wolf began to indoctrinate him, and Zhang Fei was a little dizzy. His words formed sound waves that swirled in his mind, and he couldn't get rid of them no matter what.

Zhang Fei suddenly felt irritable. He shouted and wanted to rush out, but there was thunder outside, the rain was getting heavier, and the surrounding area was foggy. He even felt that it had set a barrier here. .

If you break in by force, you may also hurt yourself.

This iron-boned wolf was really cunning. He had planned it from the beginning. It was only because of his meddling that he actually agreed to help him heal his injuries.

At this moment, the wolf that had been sleeping in the circle of light suddenly woke up, chirped twice, and looked around curiously.

After seeing the Iron Bone Wolf, it waved its limbs happily and tried to crawl over, but fell down again and again.

It was unwilling to give in and tried a few more times, but it was the same.

Seeing its silly and cute appearance, the tension in Zhang Fei's heart slowly eased. Who would have thought that this harmless wolf in front of him could actually be an ancient divine beast.

Perhaps his worries are unnecessary. Although wolves are cunning and deceitful, all things have animism and may not be incapable of influence.

"How do I do this?"

He no longer struggled to resist.

"This is the barrier set by the Immortal Lord, not only for me, but also for him. It can be broken by just waiting for the destined person to drop his own essence and blood in the sky."

"So Easy?"

Zhang Fei didn't believe it. He couldn't imagine how powerful the Immortal Lord was, but the pressure this lingering ancient ferocious beast exerted on him was indeed real.

If you can't even defeat him, can you really do it on your own?

But now he had no other choice but to obey him.

He took out the rusty sword and cut the palm of his hand. The blood flowed down and dripped on the circle of light. In an instant, a dazzling light emitted from all around.

The light became more and more dazzling, Zhang Fei subconsciously opened his palms, and the aperture slowly rotated, forming a ball of light that flew to Zhang Fei's hand.

The wolf's limbs were curled up. When it came into contact with Zhang Fei, it began to suck the blood from Zhang Fei's palm.

Zhang Fei frowned slightly, not because of pain. He was sucking as hard as a baby. He only felt a slight sting, but nothing happened.

But the wound on his palm became deeper and deeper, and with the blood flowing out, there was also his spiritual power.

He wanted to stop, but found that the wolf got directly into his wound, disappeared together with the ball of light, and the wound slowly healed.

How is this going?

Zhang Fei became alert. Only now did he hate himself for trusting others so easily.

The Iron Bone Wolf did not answer his words, but slowly stood up and bowed its head respectfully toward Zhang Fei. Between its eyebrows, a ray of red light shone directly at Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei was immediately surrounded by a burst of warmth. He was in the circle of light. He wanted to get out, but his body seemed to be stuck in a swamp. The harder he struggled, the faster he sank. Even his spiritual power began to be decomposed. .

This was the strength of the Iron Bone Wolf. He could not imagine how insignificant he would be at its peak.

"you lied to me."

Zhang Fei clenched his fists angrily.

"I'm helping you."

The Iron Bone Wolf's voice was calm, but at this moment it was powerful and powerful, not at all as weak as before.

A thought flashed through Zhang Fei's mind, and in retrospect, it should be that it was using up its last bit of spiritual power to complete some kind of ritual.

It is in a powerful spiritual formation, and it is like a mayfly in the universe, unable to escape no matter what.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his palm, and his whole arm seemed to be different from his own, and he started to change different gestures.

"The contract begins."

The low voice echoed in his ears again, and this time, the pain on Chen Xuan's body disappeared, and all the meridians that had not been opened a year ago were penetrated. He clenched his fists and suddenly felt infinite power in his body.

A red light flashed before his eyes, and he slowly opened his eyes. There was a bamboo slip.

"Contract of recognition?"

He recited silently, and the bamboo slip became larger and larger, and the figure of the wolf appeared on it.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep, his body suspended in the air and spinning continuously.

"Now! Drop your blood on it. As long as you merge, the recognition of the master will be over." Iron Bone Wolf cheered.

Although Chen Xuan was unwilling in his heart, his hand could not help but touch it.

He actually penetrated directly through the bamboo slips and touched the wolf's head.

The soft touch was like a boneless baby, which made Chen Xuan's heart tremble slightly.

The blood in his palm continued to flow out, and finally merged with the wolf.

After a cup of tea, the wolf slowly woke up. Looking around curiously, he saw Chen Xuan and waved his paws happily.

"It's done."

Satisfied, the iron-bone wolf let out a sigh of relief. The last trace of spiritual power in its eyes dissipated. It could no longer hold on and collapsed to the ground slumped.

"My long-cherished wish has finally come true, and I can go without any regrets."

The barrier was broken, Chen Xuan flew out, and it was the wolf that was held in his arms.

"Go and send it on its last journey!"

Chen Xuan came to it, fed it a life-sustaining pill, and personally comforted it, "Don't worry, it will be left to me from now on."

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