Looking at the faint blue color in his palm, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a weight on his shoulders. He had taken on this responsibility and never thought of giving it up.

"Thank you."

The Iron Bone Wolf drooped his eyelids, and when he said this, his body became illusory.

Many insects flew from outside the cave, hovering over the Iron Bone Wolf, lingering.


The wolf howled, and Chen Xuan looked down, only to see it tearful, waving its limbs, trying to grab something.

Chen Xuan sighed and carried it to the side of the Iron Bone Wolf. The wolf lay on him, looking up and howling.

The Iron Bone Wolf smiled, which was the last expression it left in the world. Then, it fell into a deep sleep, its body as huge as a mountain, but without any ups and downs.

"Let's go!"

Chen Xuan couldn't bear to disturb it, so he dropped a drop of blood on the wolf's brow. The wolf suddenly looked at him, as if it had thought of something, and walked in front of Chen Xuan with its head down.

Chen Xuan had a hunch that it seemed to take him somewhere, so he followed it.

Unexpectedly, there was a portal behind the cave, and the wolf walked straight through it and passed through it.

Chen Xuan soon came to the previous cave entrance. Seeing the stone statue in front of him, he couldn't help but frowned. However, the wolf didn't seem to be afraid. As soon as it appeared, its eyes, which were originally really ignorant, suddenly became bright and even showed a hint of deterrence.

It ran forward fiercely. Chen Xuan wanted to stop it, but his hand froze in mid-air. The wolf's body was like a ghost, passing through the stone statues. Chen Xuan only saw a trace of green light flashing on it, almost as fast as lightning.

Every time it attacked, the stone statue was like tofu dregs, and it instantly shattered into ash.

It only took a few moves, and the stone statue that originally gave Chen Xuan a headache was actually dealt with by it in such a short time.

Chen Xuan watched from the spot, secretly sighing in his heart, this is the power of the ancient beast, even the wolf that has not grown up yet has such terrifying power, let alone before, he felt a palpitation for his luck.

At this time, he suddenly remembered something, looked up, and the hourglass was still flowing slowly.

Time has not passed? !

Unexpectedly, he went there for so long, but only a few seconds passed here.

Until the stone statue was completely solved, Chen Xuan did not see Huang Lao and others. Could it be that they had left? Then he passed this level.

"Come back, thanks to you this time, you have made a great contribution. Come on, I will take you to a good place."

Chen Xuan called back the wolf, and the wolf wagged its tail obediently and followed behind him.

As soon as Chen Xuan went out, he ran into Huang Lao and others head-on.

"So you are here. I have passed this level. I have solved all the stone statues inside."

He carefully hid the wolf. He could not tell them about this now, otherwise, they would not keep it. After all, it was an ancient beast.

Uncle Qing sneered, with disdain in his eyes, "With your speed, we have come back and forth several times. If it were not for Mr. Huang, how could you..."

"Well, you have passed it anyway. This is not something that ordinary people can do. Congratulations." Mr. Huang came out and clasped his fists to Zhang San, with a smile on his face.

Uncle Qing was interrupted and felt a little unconvinced, but the other two pulled him behind them. He could only cross his arms and turn his face away.

"You have successfully passed the level now. This is our gift. Take a look."

Old Yao smiled and presented a beautiful box.

Chen Xuan was a little surprised, but seeing his enthusiastic smile, he couldn't bear to refuse, so he thanked him and opened the box. It turned out to be an ancient book.

This ancient book was a little worn out, and the pages were yellowed, but when he touched it, he could still feel a trace of spiritual power flowing. He didn't expect that after a thousand years, it was still well preserved. It was really amazing, and this was what he wanted most, "Three Ancient Medicine Records".

"This is too valuable..."

Chen Xuan hesitated. He knew that as a medicine master, he also wanted this ancient book. He must have spent a lot of effort to find it.

Seeing Chen Xuan retreat, the medicine master smiled and said, "This is what you deserve. I am old and my brain is not as bright as you young people. In the future, my medicine master's school will be regarded as a successor. If not for you, who else can I give it to?"

Chen Xuan was moved and thanked him repeatedly before accepting it.

Although the other three gifts were not as good as the medicine master's, they were also rare in the world.

Especially the streamer bag of Huang Lao, which surprised Chen Xuan.

This is simply a storage bag, which can store his spiritual power at any time, and the streamer bag can be integrated into himself. When he enjoys it, he can take it out at any time, but others can never get it.

"What are your plans next? Continue to practice, or?" Yao Lao was not a stubborn person. He knew that Chen Xuan was not a fish in the pond. When he accidentally broke into his world, he was full of the spirit of the rivers and lakes. Even if he practiced, his mentality was inevitably impetuous. Although he had been mature and stable after these years of experience, he also knew that he would leave sooner or later. "I want to experience more." Chen Xuan lowered his head and thought for a while, then looked at Yao Lao with some apology. In fact, he was also planning for the wolf. The wolf could not stay here. After a long time, it would be discovered. After all, it was an ancient beast. The righteousness here was too strong, which would suppress its growth. And there was no food for it to eat. Although he gave it a few wild fruits, it was a carnivore after all, and it did not eat ordinary things. Even for it, he had to go down the mountain.

"Oh my, this is just a white-eyed wolf. Thank you for treating him so well. Now that I have finished my studies, I want to leave."

Uncle Qing was so angry that he pointed at Chen Xuan and cursed.

Chen Xuan didn't explain, he just said sorry. He knew he was sorry to his master, but staying here was not a long-term solution.

"How could he be like you? He is a human being and naturally has his own ideas. We can't influence him. It's just that you have been gone for many years and I don't know when you will come back. If you still remember us old men, you might as well come back and see us often. I don’t ask you to be good at academics, I just ask you to be safe and smooth.”

Mr. Huang stood up to smooth things over, and Chen Xuan glanced at him gratefully. He knew that he had been taken care of by them all these years. Although Uncle Qing said he was domineering, he actually had a good heart.

After Chen Xuan made a few promises, he packed up his things and prepared to go down the mountain.

He had not been in the world for a long time, and he couldn't help but sigh a lot when he thought about it.

After all, the old man treated him well and allowed him to have this experience. Even so, he was luckier than ordinary people.

Chen Xuan took some pills and went down the mountain alone.

Before leaving, I saw Uncle Qing at the foot of the mountain.

Chen Xuan originally thought that he was here to scold him, but he didn't expect that when he rubbed his hands together, he saw Chen Xuan hesitated to speak.

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