Chen Xuan had never seen him like this before, and he couldn't help but be curious, "Uncle Qing, just do it if you have something to do. Why is it necessary?"

Chen Xuan still liked the way he was outspoken and outspoken, but it made him feel a little weird that he was so coy.

"Do you have demonic energy in you?"

Uncle Qing approached him and looked directly at him.

Chen Xuan's heart skipped a beat, but his face was lukewarm and he said, "How could it be? You may have seen it wrong."

"It's a joke, even if the other three old men can't see it, how could I not know it? Don't forget, I am also a big devil. Although I have entered the righteous path now, no one is more familiar with it than me."

Uncle Qing's cold eyes stared at him closely.

Chen Xuan smiled and completely surrendered, "Yours is right, but I won't give it to you. It has been kind to me, and I can't be ungrateful."

Chen Xuan showed his cards to him and also made clear his bottom line.

When Uncle Qing heard this, he waved his hand boredly, "Don't worry, I've stopped doing this job of taking advantage of others a long time ago. If you want to keep him, you can keep him. I'm actually here to ask for something..."

He said the last words very loudly, but Chen Xuan still heard them.

Unexpectedly, he still had something to ask of him. Chen Xuan thought that he had heard wrong, but he did not dare to disobey him, so he said, "But it doesn't matter. You have taught me a lot over the years, and I should repay you."

"I guess your son still has some conscience. I made a prediction. I will have a calamity in the future. It may not be on me, but it is related to me. And only you can solve this calamity. If you are willing, you might as well be a "Smooth favors."

Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan nodded immediately. Who can know what will happen in the future?

However, what kind of person Uncle Qing is, since he asked, he had to sell him this face.

"Thank you."

Uncle Qing hugged him and walked away, as if he didn't want to stay a second longer.

Chen Xuan saw his hurried back, smiled lightly, and shook his head helplessly.

The road down the mountain was winding and rugged. After leaving the barrier, looking at this vast land, he suddenly felt broad-minded and a sense of great ambition. He took a deep breath and the blueprint for the future emerged in his mind.

He was about to let the wolf out, but suddenly his eyes narrowed and he immediately became alert.

"Sneaky, what do you want to do?"

He exerted force to the left, and the big tree a few meters away from him was immediately split into two halves.

A figure passed by, but Chen Xuan didn't chase it, he just stood there coldly.

"I didn't expect that you are still very capable at such a young age. If I had been a step later, I would have been like this tree.

An evil voice sounded, the surrounding leaves rustled, and a fierce murderous aura overflowed, like a giant net, covering the ground.

Chen Xuan was not afraid and acted as if he had not heard of all this, but clenched his hands secretly.

"If you want, I can make it happen for you at any time."

Chen Xuan's face was stern, and a look of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

The opponent was not weak, so he became more alert.


The man suddenly laughed, and his evil laughter echoed all around, from far to near, as if it was right next to his ears. The sound made people's scalp numb.

The magic sound lingers.

Chen Xuan clenched his fists to eliminate distracting thoughts so that he would not be affected.

"Let me see what you are capable of. I didn't expect that I would gain something unexpected when I went up the mountain to search for spiritual grass today. It's a good trip."

A ray of light suddenly broke through the sky, Chen Xuan took a step back, and the man slowly landed in front of him.

He was dressed in Xuan clothes, with black hair tied high, and a tall figure. His face was even more evil, and his slanted red phoenix eyes seemed to have a seductive charm. When he looked at Chen Xuan again, he narrowed his eyes slightly, His eyes were cold.

And his face was frighteningly white, without a trace of blood at all. The black and white created a strong visual conflict.

Another demon cultivator.

Chen Xuan felt from the wanton demonic energy on his body that the person in front of him was not as powerful as himself.

He didn't expect that he would encounter such a troublesome person as soon as he got off the mountain. He was really unlucky.

Since ancient times, there has been no coexistence between good and evil. The techniques practiced by demonic cultivators are all heretical and unscrupulous in order to achieve their goals. One of them allows them to absorb the spiritual power of other cultivators to strengthen themselves.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here."

Chen Xuan didn't intend to deal with him any more, so he just cursed coldly.

"I heard that this medicine man has many high-grade elixirs. I am here to ask for the medicine sincerely."

His body leaned forward, his whole body as soft as a bone, approaching Chen Xuan like a ghost.

Chen Xuan frowned and moved away from him. He didn't expect that he, a demon cultivator, actually smelled of powder, and the smell was so strong that it gave people a headache.

"I don't know where you are, I was just passing by." Now that he is down the mountain, he must not cause any trouble to the master and the others.


The demon cultivator curled his lips and smiled, obviously not believing it, "You are bluffing with your words. How many nights have I been squatting here? I know everything that can come in and out of Yaolao's world, even a fly, and you It’s the first one, man…”

Then, his hand reached forward, and Chen Xuan suddenly felt numb. He quickly suppressed his spiritual power, but unexpectedly, the man was still one step faster than him and took something out of his body.

When Chen Xuan saw it, he immediately became angry and raised his hand to kill him. Unexpectedly, the two of them had passed a few moves. This man did have two moves. He didn't make a move and just dodged continuously, but his speed was as fast as a ghost. Chen Xuan several times When I got down, I didn't even get close.

"You are not from Yao Lao's world. With these pills, which mortal can make them? I don't want much. Just give me a top-grade elixir and I will let you go."

"How shameless."

Chen Xuan raised his hidden sword and didn't give him a chance to rest.

His moves were fierce. Every time he approached, the demon cultivator felt a strong pressure, as if a giant claw was pressing him tightly.

After fighting for a long time, he felt a little tired. His eyes turned and he knew that he couldn't get entangled with him. So, he quickly retreated to a hill not far away and waved his hand, saying, "I won't fight you anymore. I just came here to ask for medicine. Everyone in the world is kind-hearted. I didn't expect you to be so cruel and want to kill me. Yao Lao has a disciple like you. I feel so sad for him."

Hearing his mockery, Chen Xuan, who was already angry, looked even darker at this time.

"It's not your turn to talk nonsense here."

He shouted sharply, and a ball of fire condensed in his palm and hit him directly.

The demon cultivator flew up to dodge, and the fireball hit the hill. With a loud bang, the hill shattered, and many spiritual herbs were burned to ashes.

The demon cultivator sighed twice, and said with great distress, "Although this is not Yao Lao's world, all things here have spirits. You took away everything so violently with just one move. It's a pity. I'll give it back to you."

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