He threw him the wooden box he had just snatched from Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan took it with one hand and found that the contents inside were intact, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to continue the pursuit, several shouts suddenly came from the distance.

"You and I, if you don't lead the way, you must not enter this Lingshan Mountain. Not only are ferocious beasts rampant, but there are also many demon cultivators here. You are lucky, you didn't encounter many along the way."

Chen Xuan looked up and saw a group of people coming here. They were dusty and ragged, and they seemed to have gone through a fierce fight. The man leading the leader was a big man with a beard, and his voice was rough. He was as strong as an ox and carried a giant ax on his back. The people behind him nodded repeatedly, looking at him with eyes full of trust.

"There's really no peace for a moment."

I don't know when, the demon cultivator had come to Chen Xuan's side, folding his hands on his chest, looking at the group of people with helpless eyes.

Chen Xuan had no interest in pleading. He was about to leave. Unexpectedly, the demon cultivator shouted, "I'm afraid you don't know the purpose of their trip."

Chen Xuan didn't stop and continued to move forward. He was lucky to be able to spare his life, and he didn't want to have any more entanglements with him.

"I am you!"

Seeing that he was being ignored, Mo Xiu stamped his feet and angrily stepped forward to grab Chen Xuan's shoulders.

In just a moment, Chen Xuan's body froze, and the spiritual energy in his body surged in an instant.

The demon cultivator was stunned for a moment, then quickly let him go, and at the same time he chuckled, "How about I make a bet with you?"

"Not interested in."

Chen Xuan restrained his spiritual energy, and at the same time warned him that if he dared to go further, he would never hold back.

"It's about the life and death of Yaolao World. Are you really not interested?"

After hearing this, Chen Xuan raised his eyes and looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

This demonic cultivator has been provoking him since he appeared just now, and now his words have completely touched his back.

Feeling the coldness around him, the demon cultivator quickly explained, "Don't worry, it's not me. I don't have the ability, and I don't bother to do it. Although I am a demon cultivator, I also know right and wrong."

Chen Xuan shouted coldly, his eyes like daggers, and he looked towards him, his eyes full of impatience.

"Did you see that group of people?" He pointed to the people resting at the foot of the mountain opposite.

But they were all ordinary cultivators, so Chen Xuan naturally didn't take them seriously.

Seeing that his expression did not change, the demon cultivator sighed, "Sure enough, you just came down the mountain. You really don't understand. Judging from your route, you should be going to Cangyun City, right?"

Chen Xuan didn't answer, he was indeed going there.

"Let me advise you, don't go into this muddy water. Those people are all sent by the big families of Cangyun City. Although they are collecting medicines, if you just go and inquire about them, the purpose is not that simple."

This man is really hateful, his convoluted words seem to have some mystery inside and out, but in reality they are all nonsense.

"Seeing that you are impatient, let me tell you, they are the same as me, or they are different. I am looking for the top-grade elixir, and they are looking for the key to the Immortal Lord's ruins.

Chen Xuan squinted his eyes at the ruins of the Immortal Lord, and then became a little interested.

Although I don’t know what the people in front of me are worried about, this Immortal Lord ruins is no joke.

That is an existence that is enough to make every cultivator flock to it. In the ruins, there are not only the lifelong spiritual power of the Immortal Lord, but also many rare treasures and precious classics.


Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt a pain in his heart. He immediately remembered something and secretly cursed his carelessness.

He must not wake up at this moment. He looked around and planned to leave.

His strangeness did not escape the eyes of the demon cultivator. Seeing him like this, he stepped forward to block his way with great interest.

"You are uncomfortable, let me see."

Without waiting for Chen Xuan to say anything, he directly grabbed Chen Xuan's hand. Chen Xuan gave a strong shock, but did not shake him away. Instead, the demon cultivator firmly grabbed his hand, explored it for a while, and suddenly shouted loudly smiled. "Interesting, how could a person like me, who is an immortal, have such powerful spiritual power? I didn't expect that there is an ancient ferocious beast in my body..."

"what you up to?"

Chen Xuan took a step back, bent forward, and looked at him warily. If he dared to have any inappropriate thoughts, he would never let him go.

Even if he is in danger now, he will do his best to protect the wolf.

"I did not mean."

The demonic cultivator waved his hand knowingly, "I'll admit it. I came here just to get the commercial elixir. I don't care about anything else, not even that ferocious beast."

Chen Xuan still didn't believe it, how could an ordinary person do this.

Although he hesitated at first, it was out of moral reasons after all, but the person in front of him was a demon cultivator, and his refusal made Chen Xuan suspicious.

"There is a way for all things. What's yours is yours. If not, if you take it by force, you will eventually pay a heavier price than this, so I won't take it."

Seeing Chen Xuan's firm eyebrows, he thought that this ferocious beast had something to do with him. He had lived for such a long time, so he didn't understand it.

Hearing what he said, Chen Xuan didn't react for a while. He had said this to Yaolao before. When he first came to Yaolao's world, he was guilty and impetuous, and wanted to obtain the supreme skill. It took many days to understand it. Truth, now that I hear it again, I can’t help but feel sad.

"What do you want high-grade elixir for?" Although his face was pale, judging from Chen Xuan's years of cultivation, he was not injured. On the contrary, he had abundant spiritual power in his body and his energy and energy were much better than ordinary people.

"That's what you asked."

He covered his lips and chuckled, "Of course it's used to save people, what else?"

Chen Xuan was too lazy to talk nonsense to him. He did bring more miraculous elixirs when he went down the mountain. His elixirs were much more effective than those in the mortal world. They were simply hard to buy. Fortunately, he was extremely gifted in alchemy, and these elixirs were of no use to him. Not too precious.

But he was really reluctant to give it to the guy in front of him.

"You mean by asking, do you want to give it to me? Thank you very much."

This guy was extremely shameless. Before Chen Xuan could say anything, he happily bowed to him.

"It's not impossible to give it to you, but you have to take me to meet that person."


Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the smile on his face disappeared, and he rejected him almost without thinking.

"Treating patients requires seeing, hearing, asking, and understanding. If you don't let me see, how can I prescribe the right medicine?"

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