Seeing that he was serious, Hong Cang hesitated a little. After thinking about it again and again, he finally agreed, "I can take you there, but you'd better not play any tricks, otherwise..."

Chen Xuan yawned boredly to show that he didn't care at all.

Hong Cang was always reluctant, but knew not to offend him.

He had been guarding this Lingshan Mountain for many days, but he had never seen Yao Lao and the others, and he could not enter Yao Lao's world.

I had tried to force my way in before, but was seriously injured by the shock of the barrier. I have only recovered a little in the past few days. If I try again, I am afraid it will be a disaster.

He was not afraid, he was just worried that if he died, no one would be able to save her.

"follow me."

He led the way, paying attention to Chen Xuan's movements at all times along the way.

After leaving Lingshan Mountain, Hong Cang flew with his sword, passed through a dense forest, flew over a swamp, and came to the depths of the mountain. Here there are ravines and crisscrossed mountains, and the sun is scorching the earth. It is like a furnace. As soon as you land, , I felt that the skin and flesh were burnt.

Chen Xuan squinted and looked around. There was a cave not far away, which was probably the destination.

"You'd better not play tricks..."

Before going in, Hong Cang warned again.

The momentum all over his body was not what it was before, but instead there was a hint of murderous intent.

"Are you going or not? I'm here to see a doctor and save someone, but you're keeping me on guard. If I'm not happy, you won't save this person."

Chen Xuan ignored him and yawned out of boredom.

"you dare!"

Hong Cang blocked his way and clenched his fist. The ground around him suddenly shook. The sand and rocks shook and flew directly into the air, hovering around Chen Xuan. The speed became faster and faster, forming a killing array.

It seems that the person he wants to save this time is really important to him.

Chen Xuan was not afraid. He looked up at the cave with thoughtful eyes.

"If you stop me again, I'm afraid even if Daluo Jinxian comes, there will be nothing you can do."

Hong Cang hesitated for a moment, but thought of something, and finally made way for Chen Xuan.

Entering the cave, it was not as humid as he thought. Instead, the surroundings were bright. There were some exquisite murals of flowers and birds painted on the stone walls. There was a stone table not far away, and there was still unfinished wine in the ceramic bowl on the table. Medicinal decoction.

Chen Xuan walked over and picked up the bowl and smelled it, frowning unconsciously, "Is this what you gave him to drink?"

Although he didn't know what kind of injury he suffered, he noticed something was wrong just by smelling the medicinal soup.

"This is medicine prescribed by a wizard. Is there anything wrong?"

Hong Cang instantly caught Chen Xuan's strangeness.

"Logically it shouldn't be!"

Chen Xuan touched his chin with one hand, closed his eyes again and sensed his surroundings.

"If I guessed correctly, he should have been poisoned by yin and cold, but your medicinal soup is all tonic for yang. If you take it normally, it will be fine. But at this moment, it is absolutely not possible. Use the method of fighting poison with poison, otherwise, if his deficiency is not supplemented, his condition will be aggravated. "

That's right, he felt the cold air around him from the moment he entered.

Although the patient was hidden by Hong Cang, with the doctor's natural sensitivity, he could almost determine his condition.

"Damn it!"

Hong Cang punched the stone wall, and a huge crater was created in the stone wall.

Chen Xuan quickly took a step back, "Calm down. Although I don't know what happened to you, listen now. If you want to save his life, top-grade elixirs can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. You have to prepare other things." "

"Just go ahead!"

After a while, Hong Cang regained consciousness, but his eyes became even more sinister.

He seemed to be trying his best to hold back something. Chen Xuan smiled softly, walked over and patted his shoulder, "Take me to see her."

This time, Hong Cang did not stop him and took Chen Xuan directly to the depths of the cave and opened a stone door.

As soon as the door opened, a hurricane blew in his face, and Chen Xuan shivered unexpectedly.

Although he had spiritual protection, the cold wind still made him feel uncomfortable.

"It seems that the situation is much more serious than I thought. If you gave him those tonics again, I'm afraid he would have gone to see Yama long ago."

Then he walked inside and soon saw the people under the ice.

When he took a closer look, even Chen Xuan, who had seen countless women, couldn't help but take a breath when he saw that face.

Under the ice, the woman seemed to be asleep, with a peaceful expression and a faint smile on her lips. Although her lips were bloodless, it did not affect her breathtaking beauty at all.

Although she insists on wearing white clothes, there are no hairpins in her hair, and she just has a sickle eyebrow, she still makes people fall in love with her just by looking at her.

Chen Xuan's eyes looked down, and he was instantly fixed on the woman's ring.

The ring was a piece of finely carved black jade, dotted with fine pink diamonds around it. It seemed to have a pattern on it, but when he wanted to take a closer look, Hong Cang's impatient voice sounded.

"You've seen it too, is there anything you can do?"

He was very dissatisfied with Chen Xuan's expression, which was the same as those who saw her for the first time, showing a hint of surprise and obsession.

"It's difficult for a while." Chen Xuan straightened up with a serious expression, "How long has she been sleeping? Has she been sealed in the city here?"

"For one year, she practiced ice skills."

Chen Xuan nodded, "That's true. For a person with her physique, only a steady stream of ice cold power can give her energy."

At this moment, Hongcang's expression changed, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, but he did not speak.

"Then how can I crack it? No matter what price it costs me, I am willing to do it!"

Seeing how eagerly he expressed his feelings, could they be lovers?

"The cost of my life is very high, but you are really willing to pay. I have taken a fancy to something in you."

Chen Xuan never makes a loss-making business, and besides, he had to pay a lot to save this woman.

"Just go ahead!"

"I want the Fire Serpent Silver Spear on you."

As soon as Chen Xuan finished speaking, a sharp sword stabbed directly at him, and the entrance to the cave was quickly surrounded by people.

"Finally found it. I didn't expect you to hide the saint here. You traitor, you deserve it!"

An arrogant voice came, and four people barged in.

The sharp sword just now was obviously stabbed by the leader. When he saw that Chen Xuan had not been stabbed, he waved his hand angrily and withdrew the sword.

"Bai Rongxing, you are really capable. You chased me all the way. I didn't expect you to find me here and break my barrier. It seems you have got that thing, right?"

Seeing these people, Hong Cang was very angry. He stood in front of Chen Xuan and made a gesture to him.

Chen Xuan knew that he was begging him to save the woman.

This was originally a private matter between them and had nothing to do with him, so Chen Xuan naturally didn't want to interfere.

As soon as he turned around, he suddenly raised his hand and picked up a wisp of ice energy, turned it into an ice blade, and threw it towards the leading man.

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