The speed of the ice blade was astonishing. The ice blade passed in front of the man's eyes. The man stepped back, thinking he had just escaped. Unexpectedly, the blade turned back and slashed across his face. , then the ice turned into air and disappeared.

A long and narrow blood mark soon appeared on the man's face. He wiped it casually without caring about his image, and looked at Chen Xuan sinisterly.

"Who are you? Why are you meddling in other people's business?"

Chen Xuan shrugged and said indifferently, "I have always had a clear sense of grudges. You attacked me as soon as you came in. If I hadn't escaped quickly, I would have become a dead soul under your sword. You, I will take this revenge." Do you want to repay it?”

"It seems that you are determined to be our enemy, bastard, do you know who we are?"

Another person behind him stepped forward, raised the weapon in his hand, and looked at Chen Xuan with disdain.

Seeing that he was just a man, although his moves were extremely fast, his spiritual energy was not heavy. He was just a doctor who traveled around, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

"The person you want to touch is me, what does it have to do with him?"

Hong Cang took out his sword, his anger surged all over his body, as if he didn't want to talk nonsense to them anymore, he just started and killed those people.

Chen Xuan stood aside and concentrated on rescuing the woman.

He first melted the ice with the power of his palm, and at the same time gave the woman an inner elixir to instill spiritual power into her body.

"What a pity. Who would be willing to do this to such a beautiful woman? Not only was she poisoned by the yin-cold poison, but all the meridians in her body were damaged. If she wanted to recover, the pain would be unbearable for ordinary people."

Chen Xuan sighed and thought to himself.

He took out from the bag what Yao Lao had given him before leaving, which were rows of fine needles shining with golden light.

He calmed down the expression on his face and looked serious. He took out the needles one by one and carefully inserted them into different parts of the woman. Every time a needle was inserted, a burst of black gas would emit from that part, and the golden light on the needles also slowly disappeared.

On that side, Hong Cang is a demon cultivator after all. When fighting, he shows no mercy at all. His moves are fierce and sharp, and each move is aimed at the enemy's vital points.

And those few people were not to be outdone. They attacked and defended well, and easily neutralized every move of Hong Cang. At the same time, they also had the faint intention of suppressing him.

If this continues, the outcome will be determined.

But Chen Xuan was not worried. He continued to apply the acupuncture calmly. In just one cup of tea, he used dozens of golden needles. Although he felt a little distressed, the poisonous gas in his body was relieved to some extent.

But if we want to completely dispel it, acupuncture alone will not cure it.

"Stop nagging over there and deal with them quickly. I still have something to do here!"

Chen Xuan turned around and shouted at Hong Cang. Although Hong Cang was already at a disadvantage, he was not seriously injured.

He seemed to be deliberately stalling for time so that Chen Xuan could heal the woman.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan asked him to go over. He had no choice but to focus his eyes and seem to have made up his mind. He jumped up, clasped his palms together, and muttered something silently.

Seeing him like this, several people seemed to understand and quickly backed away, their eyes showing faint excitement.

"You bastard, you finally used that trick!"

A hurricane surrounded Hongcang, and the broken hair on his forehead was blown by the wind. He looked high-spirited, and there was a little fire between his eyebrows.

At this moment, several shadows suddenly appeared on the stone wall. The shadows slowly transformed into long twisted snakes.

They did not appear physically, but seeing their appearance, there was still a hint of vigilance in several people's eyes.

"One, two, three...nine!"

Someone was counting the long snake shadows that appeared on the stone wall with trembling hands. When he counted the ninth one, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Everyone else was like this, looking at Hong Cang with more fear in their eyes.

"I didn't expect that in just one year, you would have already reached the ninth level?!"

Hong Cang's closed eyes slowly opened, but the originally dark pupils had turned fiery red. His eyes seemed to be burning with a ball of fire, and the madness inside seemed to burn everything here.

"What's so difficult about this? You don't take the road to the hall, and there is no door to hell, but you insist on breaking in. If I don't help you today, won't I be living up to the cultivation you have given me in the past year?"

When it came to the word "cultivation", he almost gritted his teeth, and there was deep hatred in his eyes.

The surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and snake shadows were constantly swimming on the stone wall, forming a strange picture.

Chen Xuan only took one look and couldn't help but sigh, is this the Fire Snake Silver Spear?

Although he had only heard of it, now that he saw it in person, it still shocked him.

Hong Cang turned his hand, and a silver gun appeared in his hand. There was a chill in the gun's body. He pointed at several people, as if he had given an ultimatum.

"The reason why Rui'er is like this is all because of you!"

Everyone who was originally afraid suddenly became eager to try the silver spear in his hand.

"Hmph! If it weren't for you, how could the Saint be like this? If you still have some conscience and hand over the Fire Snake Silver Spear, we will take the Saint back for treatment!"

Bai Rongxing bent forward, staring closely at the silver gun.


As if he had heard a big joke, Hongcang raised his head and roared several times, tightened his grip on the silver gun in his hand, and killed them directly.

This time, he seemed to be reborn from Nirvana, growing at a rapid pace. Those few people were no match for him, and he forced them to retreat continuously.

The silver gun was stained with blood and exuded a terrifying blood energy that even Chen Xuan could feel.

The Fire Snake Silver Spear is a good thing, but in the hands of a demon cultivator, it will become a murderous weapon.

"It's not that easy to escape. Now that you know that I took away the Fire Serpent Silver Spear, you still dare to come to me alone. Are you really not afraid of death? Or is it that Tang Yuan has done something wrong and doesn't dare to come to see me?"

Hong Cang approached step by step, and those people were forced to the corner, completely unable to resist.

At this moment, the snake shadow that was originally twisting on the stone wall suddenly bit one of them.

A cloud of black mist clung to his arm, and suddenly he screamed. He looked down at his hand and almost fainted from fright.

The place where the black mist had adhered had already revealed the dense white bones.

Several people looked frightened. Bai Rong made a decisive decision and cut off his entire arm with one sword.

Na Qun took a breath, her whole body shivered, her lips turned black, and her eyes widened.

He held his broken arm tightly, looking very painful.

"It hurts! Senior brother, please kill me, I really can't bear it anymore!"

The pain was like thousands of ants gnawing at his heart, and extending from his arms to his whole body, every inch of his skin was suffering from severe pain.

No matter how determined a person is, if bitten by the snake shadow, he will almost never be able to escape unscathed.

Zhu Bajie quickly took out a pill, fed him to drink it, and sealed his meridians at the same time. He said with a calm look, "Third Junior Brother, the master gave this to me before leaving. It can temporarily suppress the poison of the Fire Snake Silver Spear. "

"it's useless."

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