Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1991 Treating the symptoms rather than the root cause

Chen Xuan rolled his eyes at him, stood up, and clapped his hands, "It can't be that simple. She was poisoned by an extremely cold poison, and it lasted for a year. This poison had already spread to all her limbs, and I just sealed it temporarily. Its toxicity will no longer corrode itself, which is only treating the symptoms but not the root cause. "

Although he had been studying with Yao Lao for a while, the conditions here were harsh, and with or without the magical herbs, he simply could not make her recover with his own efforts.

It’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. Even if she has the intention, she is powerless!

"What do you mean?" Hong Cang's eyes narrowed dangerously. He remembered that Chen Xuan had promised before that he would save her.

Feeling the murderous intent on his body, Chen Xuan was not afraid. Instead, he smiled relaxedly and said, "Don't use your tricks on me. If you want to do something to me, I'm not afraid. But, I believe that except for me, there are basically no people in this world." No one will save her."

The reason why he dared to be so sure was because after such a long time, she was still frozen under the ice.

It was not Hong Cang's fault. On the contrary, he sought medical advice, but to no avail.

"You are very confident, but if you really can't save him, I won't kill you. Don't forget, I am a demon cultivator. There are thousands of ways to make people miserable."

"Is this yours?"

Chen Xuan suddenly came closer and put his fingers together on his chest.

Just as he was about to resist, he felt a sense of pain and numbness all over his body. His raised hand froze in the air and did not fall down for a long while. He looked at Chen Xuan with strange eyes, "What did you do to me?"

At this moment, he seemed to have been subjected to a restraining spell. His feet were as heavy as lead and he could not move at all. Moreover, if he forced a breakthrough, he would feel a heart-piercing pain.

"Don't you really know? Although your Fire Snake Silver Spear is powerful, those few blows just now have already damaged your vitality. Over the years, you have become sick due to overwork, and it has long been like a poisonous worm that has penetrated the heart. "I'm buried in your bones and blood."

With every word Chen Xuan said, he unconsciously widened his eyes. Looking back on every detail of this year, he never noticed that his body was deteriorating.

Although he seemed to have powerful spiritual power, he was actually strong on the outside but weak on the inside, relying on brute strength to support him. Now, Chen Xuan knew where his Achilles heel was just by looking at him. How terrifying such a person must be.

"I see. I didn't expect that I would fall into your hands today."

Hong Cang smiled mockingly, with a flash of ice in his eyes. He put down his pretense of resistance and slowly raised his palm. The silver gun appeared on it, and many twisting snake shadows appeared on the surrounding stone walls.

"If you want it, take it. My life is worthless. I should have expected this. If I die, please do your best to save her. She is innocent."

Chen Xuan didn't say anything. He took the silver gun in his hand, weighed it, and looked at it carefully. It was indeed a rare treasure. From a distance, you could see the silver gun glowing in the video, but when you look closer, you can see that it is engraved with Exquisite patterns, hundreds of snakes coiled around it, and at the top, there is a bright bead with layers of black air lingering on it.

Chen Xuan covered his hand, and a burst of spiritual light emitted from his palm. Within a moment, the black energy dissipated, and the light on the silver gun disappeared. I couldn't feel the evil energy at first.

"You purified it?"

Hong Cang was surprised. He had spent half his life's spiritual energy and practiced hard for a year before he became a demon. However, Chen Xuan shattered all his previous demons with just one move.

"This thing isn't yours."

Chen Xuan looked up at him and saw that his face was ugly, so he added, "But it's not mine. I didn't evolve it. It has its original will, but it was suppressed by you. I woke it up just now."

Hong Cang was a little disappointed, "So what if it is yes or no? I got it, it is in my hand, this is the best proof."

Until now, he always believed that he was right.

This fiery snake silver spear is a treasure, but if it falls into the hands of those guys who talk about benevolence and morality, but in fact have extremely dark hearts, then it will be a real waste. So what if I fall into the devil's way? If you want to destroy me, what can I do? Will be willing.

Therefore, even if he carves out a bloody path in a desperate situation and a path of no return, he will never regret it. Seeing that he has no regrets at all, Chen Xuan shook his head.

"You were too stubborn, so you got into the cage you set up."

He didn't intend to persuade him sincerely, because he didn't have any experience, so he didn't dare to speak nonsense. If his position were changed, he might not be able to do better than him.

"We can't stay here anymore, let's go."

Chen Xuan waved his hand and removed the shackles on his body. Hong Cang was puzzled.

"This place has been exposed. How long do you think we can stay?"

"But I have silenced them just now, and the news will never leak out."

Chen Xuan chuckled, "Really, he had already released the news when you killed the last person."


Hong Cang was shocked, "Why didn't you stop it?"

Unexpectedly, this would be his fault. He didn't have to intervene when they met him by chance, but he was soft-hearted. Unexpectedly, now, he was bitten back.

Although he was angry, he still explained patiently, "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cub. I have no choice. The only way to save him now is to find the original person."

"you mean?"

Hongcang narrowed her eyes slightly, no matter how stupid she was, she still understood.

"I don't need to explain this. Fight poison with poison. There are so many cold poisons in this world, but I don't know all of them, especially since time has passed."

To be honest, he didn't want to wade into this muddy water at all. When he took the woman's pulse just now, he learned that her skills were not weak, and there was a powerful spiritual power in her body that had not yet awakened. The forces behind this must not be simple, but this Lucky for me, I hid for so long without being discovered.

Without further ado, Hong Cang directly picked up the woman and gave her another pill. Chen Xuan glanced at it casually and saw that it was an uplifting pill.

He had just realized that this elixir had the effect of making the body incorruptible, and it had been frozen under the ice, so it was well preserved. In other words, the woman was already a dead person. Even if this went against the grain, It's Chen Xuan, and I'm not very sure.

But seeing the determination in Hong Cang's eyes, he sighed helplessly. I met him when I came down the mountain. I don't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

"Are you sure you are the Yuheng sect?"

Chen Xuan glanced at the majestic and solemn building in front of him, feeling a little surprised.

Hong Cang took him to Cangyun City, which is located at the eastern end of the mainland. It is facing the boundless sea and faces Lingshan Mountain across the sea. He has never been there before, but he also heard the name of Cangyun City. It is rich in products and has good weather all year round. , the people live and work in peace and contentment, and it is even prosperous to the point of staying open at night.

Of course, there are also many cultivators gathered here.

One of them surprised Chen Xuan. People here can even coexist with spirit beasts. You can see people walking with spirit beasts everywhere on the street. Some are high-level spirit beasts that are not restrained by people, but they already have IQ. , know how to keep to themselves, easily avoid dealing with others, and some are tamed by others.

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