There are also many schools here, among which there are naturally good and evil.

The place where they were standing in front of them was the Yuheng Sect, which was founded by a strong man at the level of Immortal King. It had a very high prestige in the entire Cangyun City. Along the way, Chen Xuan also heard a lot about this man. The legendary thing about a strong man is that he is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness. No matter whether his disciples are high or low in origin, he treats them equally and teaches them all.

Moreover, he is good at giving and will do his best when Cangyun City is in trouble.

When a tide of beasts comes, or evil tribes invade, he is always the first to charge forward. For such a good man, if he practiced Yinxie Kung Fu, no one in the world would believe it.

As if he was used to Chen Xuan's reaction, Hong Cang had expected this. He scoffed, "Some people are just good at showing off. I didn't expect that even you would be deceived by them."

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people rushed up behind him. They held sharp swords and faced them fiercely, "You traitor, I didn't expect you to dare to come now. How many evil things have you done to hurt Li? Now Are you here to die?"

This voice came from a woman. She was wearing a green dress, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and her voice was also very rough.

"I want to see Tang Yuan."

Hong Cang only said coldly, he didn't take these people seriously at all.

"It's a joke, you want to meet the master."

The woman in green shouted violently and charged directly towards Hong Cang.

Hong Cang seemed to be an enraged beast, with a sharp light flashing in his eyes. This made Chen Xuan feel a little sorry for this woman. Wasn't she looking for death? However, he didn't mind his own business and just stood aside, leaving the battlefield to Hong Cang.

When the sword came to kill, Hong Cang bowed his body, and like a ghost, he suddenly came behind the woman and slapped him. The woman didn't expect that he was so fast, and she was a little stunned immediately. , but then the person behind him suddenly screamed. Just as she was about to turn around and look, the movement became frozen.

A blood line appeared on her neck, and then the blood splashed out at an alarming speed, like a river opening its gates, unable to stop. She widened her eyes in horror, covered her neck with one hand, and opened her mouth. She opened her mouth to think of something, but in the end nothing came out, and she fell straight down.

Seeing this, everyone who was originally filled with indignation suddenly felt timid and stood there not knowing what to do. Hong Cang, like a god of murder, turned around and looked at them coldly.

"Who else wants to stop me? Once again, I am not coming back this time to provoke a war and let Tang Yuan come out to see me. Otherwise, I will kill everyone one by one until the Yuheng sect is completely wiped out."

Seeing him like this, Chen Xuan not only did not stop him, but also added, "Don't worry, just obey him. This is the only way for you to survive."

Everyone suddenly seemed to wake up. He had already killed one person, which meant that he would not take action anymore. Someone quickly reacted, his face turned pale, and his lips trembled and said: "Wait a moment, I will report to the master right now."

After that, he stumbled and ran in, and everyone who stayed there suddenly felt like a light was on their backs. No one knew whether Hong Cang would do anything to them.

When Tang Yuan, who was practicing in seclusion, heard this, he slowly opened his eyes, and something strange flashed in his eyes, "He is serious about it. I didn't expect that he would dare to come back. He is simply seeking death. Since he wants to go on a killing spree, let's do it." , When have we, the Yuheng Sect, ever been afraid of anyone?”

"Master, he has obtained the Fire Snake Silver Spear. The senior brothers you sent have been killed by him. This person is difficult to deal with."

The disciple who reported the matter hesitated and said, after all, he had just seen Hong Cang's power, and he was killing people without batting an eyelid.

What's more, there is another person beside him. Although that person has never made a move and only said a word, standing opposite each other, they can clearly feel the powerful spiritual power in him. If this person does not make a move, he will probably be ruthless.

What are you afraid of? Just bring him in to see me. We haven't seen him for so long, and I also want to see how my apprentice is doing.

Tang Yuan waved his hand and let him go down. Suddenly he thought of something and said, "Did he bring Qing'er back?"

"We don't know that yet."

Tang Yuan sighed, feeling a little lonely, "Go down."

Tang Yuan asked them to meet in the side hall, but he did not show up.

Chen Xuan looked at Hong Cang, who was anxious in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, it's useless for you to walk around here. Why don't you sit down and have a cup of tea? You are a very tasteful master. This Snow Mountain Lotus Tea It’s really different.”

Seeing Chen Xuan sitting there leisurely enjoying tea, Hong Cang was even more angry. He smashed the tea bowl in front of him, his eyes widened, and shouted at him, "When has it been? You still have such a leisurely mood, I I have told you long ago that this person is very cunning, and if you dare to drink his tea, you are not afraid that he will poison you. "

"What are you afraid of? I can save others, and I will naturally save myself."

Chen Xuan was not angry with him, knowing that he was anxious at the moment, but the man just avoided seeing him.

Originally, Hong Cang wanted to destroy his Yuheng sect, but he stopped him. Either his strength had not recovered, or he would suffer along with him, so why bother.

After waiting for a stick of incense, Hong Cang was finally angered. He smashed the table in front of him with his palm and roared, "He won't come to see me, right? Then don't blame me for being ruthless."

Just when he was about to continue destroying, a strong force suddenly came from there, like a whirlpool, grabbing her hand tightly. Chen Xuan became alert and stood up without drinking tea, secretly helping him deal with the whirlpool.

The whirlpool was like a giant claw. He originally wanted to attack him, but Chen Xuan used a trick to block it out. At the same time, he sighed in his heart. This man's strength is probably at the peak of the Immortal King. These few days should be his salvation. I didn't expect him to come at the right time.

"When old friends meet, why bother fighting like this..."

Chen Xuan shouted loudly, and at this time, Hong Cang was already out of trouble. Feeling the power just now, his eyes turned scarlet, and his eyes almost spit out fire. He instantly summoned the Fire Snake Silver Spear, intending to fight to the death. war.

"This friend, I will naturally welcome you to Yuheng Sect, but he is a traitor and I will never let him go."

The voice came from a distance, and the person heard it before seeing it. The voice seemed to be close to the ear. It was powerful and powerful, which showed how powerful the person behind it was.

"What a joke, I'm not here to reminisce with you now. What did you do back then? I will take it back from you one by one."

Hong Cang came back to his senses. Although he had been shocked just now, he would never forget the purpose of this trip. He even had a huge gap in skill between the two of them. This time he came, he was just throwing an egg against a stone and a moth into the fire. But even so , and she will never give in.

A hurricane swept through, accompanied by a strong pressure. The two people closed their eyes. Then, a man in white clothes appeared in front of them. This man was about forty years old and had a strand of white hair. He has a body as tall and straight as a pine tree, and his facial features are very upright. He has the kind of appearance that you can tell at a glance that he is a kind person. But when Chen Xuan saw him, he disliked his eyes very much.

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