A person can pretend again, and his eyes will never deceive others. It is perfect to use it on this person.

When he appeared, there was clearly a flash of killing intent in his eyes, but he still smiled and said, "We haven't seen you for a year, and your temper is getting tougher. Now I won't kill you and let you live. As long as you hand over Qing Qing." Son."

"Don't even think about it."

Hong Cang was like a trapped animal in a cage, roaring heart-breakingly. Seeing this familiar face in front of him, if Chen Xuan hadn't stopped him, he would have stepped forward regardless.

Hearing his rejection, Tang Yuan narrowed his eyes. The atmosphere around him became a few degrees colder. The cold wind howled, which was terrifying. Chen Xuan stood aside and remained calm.


At this time, there was a sound of tinkering coming from his chest. The sound was slow and sometimes urgent. Chen Xuan's heart skipped a beat, almost ruining the situation.

He immediately used his spiritual consciousness to contact the wolf, "What happened?"

In the past few days, the wolf has been sleeping in order to recharge its energy. Chen Xuan also used many spiritual medicines to recuperate for him, and its spiritual power has been restored a lot.

After all, it is an ancient divine beast. Even if it is gifted here, it cannot be ignored at all.

The wolf yawned, stretched out in his conscious world, and said only three words, "Hurry and leave."

Chen Xuan was puzzled, but he could clearly feel a hint of anxiety in its words, which he had never seen before.

He is not weak, even if he fights against Hong Cang, he has never been worried.

but now……

Chen Xuan didn't know clearly, but he vaguely felt that there was a hint of danger approaching him.

He unconsciously looked up at Tang Yuan and saw that his eyes were also looking at him. Their eyes collided, and Chen Xuan actually felt that his target was him.

This is no illusion!

Just as he was thinking, Tang Yuan approached him. At this moment, the distance between the two was only one foot, and Chen Xuan could clearly feel the chill and murderous intent on his body.

Chen Xuan's hair stood on end and he became alert, "What do you want to do?"

He secretly clenched the sword in his hand, planning to take action at any time.

Tang Yuan sniffed him, then suddenly smiled and said, "Brother, you have the smell of one of my old friends. I noticed it from the moment you came in. If my guess is right, this person should be Yao Lao and Uncle Qing, right?"

I didn't expect that there was such a connection.

Although he said it with a smile, Chen Xuan's vigilance never relaxed for a moment.

"So what if it's yes or no?"

"Sure enough, I was still sighing at first that this Yao Lao has superb medical skills, but he is stuck in his own way and refuses to teach others. Even his disciples, he never let them go down the mountain. But now I think about it. It’s such a novel thing to let you come!”

He ignored the hostility in Chen Xuan's eyes and remained there minding his own business, as if it was something worth worrying about.

This guy is really good at pretending, this thought flashed through Chen Xuan's mind.

He suddenly felt cold all over his body, and the pressure coming from Tang Yuan made him very uncomfortable.

He suddenly regretted that he was so reckless and agreed to work for a demon cultivator before he understood the whole story. Although it was to save people, the price was too high.

"I still have things to do, and I don't want him to leave about your matters, so I'll say goodbye."

Chen Xuan didn't want to worry about it anymore. He and Hong Cang had met by chance. Whether he lived or died had nothing to do with him.

Moreover, the reason he agreed to help him treat the woman was not just to win the photography award.

Even if the treasure is in his hands, his situation may not be much better than Hong Cang's.

"Do you want to regret it?" Hong Cang suddenly blocked his way. Chen Xuan's face turned cold. When he wanted to attack him directly, Hong Cang thought about it again. This had nothing to do with him in the first place, so he pulled him over. , maybe even buried with him.

Since he wanted to leave, he had no right to stop him.

Chen Xuan saw his expression change incomprehensibly, and knowing that he had figured it out, he took a step back and said, "Don't worry, he will never kill you now, and I will do what I promised you, but I really don't want to get involved. Come in."

To do this, he has done his best.

The reason why Chen Xuan dared to do this was because he knew that Hong Cang could come here, and he already had the bargaining chip to prevent Tang Yuan from killing him.

Although this person is a demon cultivator, he has a strong will and many tricks.

"Now that you're here, why bother leaving in a hurry? Why don't you stay as a guest so that I can fulfill my duties as a landlord? Otherwise, when you go back, the Yao Lao will definitely blame me."

Tang Yuan clapped his hands and closed the door. Several black shadows flashed around him. Chen Xuan knew that Tang Yuan would not let him leave.

He just wants to leave, who can stop him?

"Whether you can leave or not is not up to you."

As soon as Chen Xuan rushed out, he formed a whirlpool with the force of breaking the bamboo, and the speed became faster and faster. The men in black outside quickly formed a formation to block it, but Chen Xuan actually broke through them one by one.

At the same time, his figure was like lightning, and these people fell into his hands several times. Zheng

Looking at the person lingering on the ground, Chen Xuan turned around and smiled relaxedly, "I'm fine, I have something to do today, so I won't bother you much. As for your apprentice, you can figure it out yourself, Hong Cang, she doesn't have much time, you Better hurry up!"

Tang Yuan's expression changed. He looked at the group of people on the ground and looked at Chen Xuan with an even darker look.

I didn’t expect that in a few years, this Yao Lao would be able to cultivate such a capable person.

What was their motive in putting him down on the mountain?

Chen Xuan certainly didn't expect that he would think of this level. At this moment, he had escaped from the Yuheng Sect and came outside.

He didn't want to be in that place full of tigers and wolves. Although those people looked righteous, they actually had ulterior motives. They were just wolves in sheep's clothing.

As he was walking, a chaotic sound suddenly came from the front. Before Chen Xuan could see clearly, he felt a chill in front of him. He looked carefully and found that it was a huge iceberg slowly coming towards him.

What was going on? This huge iceberg, could anyone move it?

He quickly stepped aside, and the people around him were also trembling with fear and at a loss.

"Get out of the way, I don't care who touches the mountain!"

A charming female voice came, and Chen Xuan saw that there was a woman standing on the iceberg. She was wearing a bright yellow dress, her hair cascading down, her eyes were bright and moving, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was as warm as the spring light in March.

She stood on the iceberg with her palms flat. The wind blew fiercely, but she didn't show any fear on her face, but smiled openly.

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