Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 1994 The man dragging the iceberg

Chen Xuan then realized that the iceberg was actually moved by her.

"It turned out to be Sister Murong. What is she doing?"

"This is too magical. I heard that Sister Murong has supernatural powers. Now I see that it is true. Who among us mortals can move this iceberg?"

"That's because you don't know. She is now a mid-level immortal..."


The sound of people discussing rang in his ears. From their tone, he knew that the woman's name was Murong. She was also a cultivator and should be a lady from a noble family.

The woman stood proudly in the air, overlooking everyone. She enjoyed the feeling of standing in the air and accepting everyone's admiration.

But she didn't feel proud for long. For some reason, she slipped and before she could stand still, the iceberg began to crack. She was about to fall down.

Suddenly she panicked, "Ah!"

Chen Xuan pointed his toes and flew forward to hug her. The two slowly fell down. The woman was still in shock. Her two big black grape-like eyes stared at Chen Xuan blankly.


Chen Xuan didn't expect that he would get the chance to be a hero and save a beautiful woman.

But the beauty in his arms seemed a little silly. Could it be that his handsome appearance fascinated her?

Chen Xuan felt funny in his heart, but he still called her softly.

The woman ignored him and just stared blankly.

Chen Xuan was a little speechless and said, "Girl, men and women should not touch each other, your hands..."

That's right, at this moment, the girl's hands were like an octopus, tightly grasping Chen Xuan's chest, without any intention of relaxing.

Hearing what he said, everyone around laughed.

Murong Xian was shocked and came back to her senses, but her face was already red to her ears. She stood up awkwardly and patted the dust on her body that didn't exist in the first place.

"That... I was just scared just now, but thank you for saving me."

She was very generous and clasped her fists to Chen Xuan.

"It's just a small effort, but don't touch such a big iceberg. You have an old illness and haven't recovered yet. If you drive your spiritual power to do such a big thing, it will also harm yourself." Chen Xuan only felt that the woman's eyes were clear and moving, so he said something. "You are a doctor, which is really interesting. You can see it at a glance. It seems that you have good medical skills!" Murong Xian's eyes flashed with surprise. One hand touched her chin, and her eyes turned cunningly, as if she was thinking of something. Chen Xuan didn't say much. He came here for the first time and didn't understand the situation in the city. He didn't want to get involved with anyone casually. "Xian'er, how many times have I warned you not to touch these things, why don't you listen!"

A man came on horseback. When he arrived in front of them, he jumped down directly. He glared at Murong Xian with some regret, and then thanked Chen Xuan beside him, "Thank you for your help, brother. My sister is playing around and causing trouble for you."

This man is gentle and elegant, with fair skin. As soon as he appeared, he caused the girls around him to get restless.

Even Chen Xuan had to admit that he did have the capital.

He was dressed in gorgeous clothes, even in the crowd, he still couldn't cover up his brilliance. He was tall, with a straight back and a gorgeous temperament. He was a rare nobleman.

"No problem."

Chen Xuan smiled lightly, and felt a little more blessed for the man in front of him.

He didn't see any other factors from this man's eyes. He was just like his temperament, giving people a feeling of clear wind and bright moon.

"Brother, aren't you from Cangyun City?" He asked doubtfully.

"How do you know?"

"I know about the best people in Cangyun City, whether in terms of cultivation or appearance, but I have never seen you. If you are not a hermit, you are not from Cangyun City."

Chen Xuan smiled. He did not expect this to be the case. "You guessed right. I have something else to do. I will leave first."

"Wait a minute."

At this time, Murong Xian spoke, "If it were not for you just now, I am afraid I would not be able to stand here well. I, Murong Xian, am a person who knows how to repay kindness. You have done me a favor. Now that you have come out to Cangyun City again, how about letting me do my duty as a host?"

The man seemed very surprised that Murong Xian said this, but he also felt that it made sense, so he continued, "Yes, if you don't mind, come to my house and sit down?"

Seeing that the two of them were so attentive, Chen Xuan finally agreed.

As he thought, the Murong Mansion was one of the richest merchants in Cangyun City, and its trade even reached overseas.

But this mansion was not luxurious and prosperous, but was located in an alley in the downtown area.

Entering it, the layout is quiet and elegant, and many unknown exotic flowers and plants are planted in it, and there are many spiritual herbs. When the wind blows, the air is mixed with a faint floral fragrance, which is very refreshing.

I think the owner here is also an elegant person.

Looking at the behavior of the brother and sister, Chen Xuan was not surprised, but he did not expect that the owner was actually a woman.

"Mom! I'm back, look what I brought back for you!"

Murong Xian jumped into the house, and Murong Fu smiled helplessly and doted on and shook his head.

"This girl has not learned the reservedness of a girl until now, brother, please forgive me."

"It's better to be casual." Chen Xuan responded casually, but he caught a glimpse of the person who was coming in, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

The person who came was a woman, or more precisely a woman, but she didn't look old at all, but was graceful and charming.

Her skin is fair and delicate, her face is like a peach blossom, her beautiful eyes are flowing, and there is a smile in her eyes. Looking at Murong Xian, she teased, "You girl, why are you always like a monkey? You have been out for half a month. , I didn’t know what you brought me back. The golden python you brought back last time is still in the backyard. I don’t dare to touch it. Don’t scare me this time!”

Although she pointed at Murong Xian with one finger, her eyes were full of love.

Looking at this harmonious scene, Chen Xuan seemed to be infected, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"You'll know after you take a look, but this thing is too big. I can't move it in alone." Murong Xian smiled mysteriously and pulled the woman out.

At this time, the woman saw Chen Xuan and smiled politely, "Who is this?"

"This is my benefactor. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to see me..." Murong Xian deliberately exaggerated.

The woman was so frightened that she quickly bowed to Chen Xuan and said, "Thank you for saving me, young master."

"Nothing, I didn't do anything." Chen Xuan waved his hand. What he said was the truth. With Murong Xian's strength, he actually didn't need to take action at all.

Isn’t this family too caring?

Just then, people outside had already pulled the iceberg in.

The iceberg, which required dozens of people to pull, had melted a lot at this moment. As soon as he entered the house, a chill swept over him.

Murong Xiaoxiao looked at the iceberg in front of her, her expression changing inexplicably. After a long while, she finally couldn't help but rolled her eyes. Unable to maintain her gentle and virtuous look, she grabbed Murong Xian's ear.

"You brought such a thing back this time, where do you want to put it? You girl, you really don't want me to worry about it. If you do this again, my mother will really betroth you to someone else!"

Chen Xuan was a little surprised when he saw Murong Xiaoxiao's sudden change and how aggressive he became in an instant.

But no one present was surprised, as they seemed to have been accustomed to all this.

"Mom, don't blame her. The reason why she did that was just because you felt hot last time. It would be great if you could practice on the iceberg. That's why she traveled thousands of miles away and spent a lot of manpower and material resources to dig for you. Here comes this iceberg.”

Murong Fu couldn't hold back his smile, so he stepped forward to smooth things over.

When Murong Xiaoxiao heard this, she felt a little embarrassed, but looking at Murong Xian's weird look, she finally couldn't bear to scold him anymore and returned to her gentle look.

"You girl, you just said it casually and you actually did it. I think you are really busy!"

After that, she said some sorry words to Chen Xuan. Knowing that it was his first time coming to Cangyun City, she generously bought him a house and also equipped him with several subordinates.

This generous move was completely unexpected by Chen Xuan.

"Just accept it. You saved my daughter. I really don't know how to be grateful. I can only treat you with such vulgar things as money..."

Seeing that she was hesitant to speak, Chen Xuan knew that her purpose was more than that, "Madam, just go ahead. In fact, you also know that with your wife's cultivation, nothing will happen to her."


She was a little embarrassed to be directly exposed by Chen Xuan, but she was not a person who was good at hiding her emotions, so she said: "I have been a very naughty girl who is not afraid of anything. No one can tame her except me. Come on, I see she is destined to you..."

"Mom! What are you doing?!"

Before Murong Xiaoxiao finished speaking, Murong Xian strode over, hugged her, and shook her arm coquettishly.

"Xian'er, don't be ridiculous. How old are you? But you are not decent at all. I will take the decision today and find you a master. You must be obedient from now on."

Murong Xiaoxiao tapped her nose and turned her gaze to Chen Xuan. The light of hope in her eyes was really hard to refuse.

Although there was no prior discussion with him at this time, Chen Xuan did not refuse directly.

This is a good way. He first came to Cangyun City, but he has already offended the Yuheng sect. He thinks it will not be easy in the future. It is easy to hide from open guns, but difficult to guard against hidden arrows. One more helper, one more way.

Moreover, he really needs a place to place himself and the wolf.

With the strength of the Murong family, they can indeed do this.

"You really?!"

Murong Xian rarely refused, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"This is just me. As for whether others agree or not, I can't make the final decision. Besides, you are so naughty, and I'm worried about troublesome others."

At this point, Chen Xuan knew that he should obey her words.

"Master is here, please bow to me as a disciple."

As if afraid that Chen Xuan would regret it, Murong Xiaoxiao quickly stepped forward, bowed deeply to Chen Xuan, and knelt down on one knee with a very sincere expression.

"That's not right. I have no virtue and no ability, and how can I teach her? I just know some medical skills."

If he really accepts her as his disciple, with her temperament, sooner or later he will cause chaos.

Hearing Chen Xuan's rejection, Murong Xian seemed to be shocked, his head drooped, and his eyes were full of loss.


Chen Xuan hesitated for a moment. When she heard that things had turned around, she quickly raised her head and looked at him in surprise.

"You and I are destined. If you don't dislike it, it's okay to accept you as my apprentice. But now I don't dare to mislead others. Otherwise, if you have something you can't do in the future, just come to me."

Although it was not the answer Murong Xian wanted, she knew that this was the biggest concession Chen Xuan had ever made.

"Thank you, master."

The mansion that the Murong family bought for him was not far away, but Chen Xuan thought it was too prosperous, so he did not accept it. He only asked for an ordinary house. It would be better to have a courtyard and be more quiet.

Unexpectedly, they actually found him.

This house is not far from the countryside and can be reached through a bamboo forest.

It is a two-story bamboo building, elegantly decorated, completely in line with his style. In front is a cobblestone road, and in the back is a stream. The water is crystal clear, and fish can be seen swimming in it.

"Brother Chen, I know you don't like to be disturbed, but your safety is also very important. I also know about you and the Yuheng Sect. Tang Yuan has to guard against this, so I ask you to accept him."

The next day, Murong Fu brought someone here. Although this person was not tall, he had a very strong aura. According to Murong Fu's introduction, his cultivation was not weak.

"His name is A Fei. He is the most outstanding among my dead soldiers. Now he has cultivated to the second level of immortality and is mine. He will only be loyal to me in his life. Now I will give him to you, and he will protect you with his life."

Chen Xuan wanted to refuse, but Murong Fu didn't allow it, "I know your brother is powerful, but given the current situation in Cangyun City, you'd better not take any risks."

Seeing his determined attitude, Chen Xuan didn't know what to do for a while, but finally he could only agree.

And this Ah Fei is really powerful, helping him solve many things overtly and covertly.

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