"It's nothing. Who made them greedy? I just put something else in the food."

Chen Xuan ignored him and squatted down. After groping for a while, he actually took out a snake.

He sprinkled some powder on the ground, and the snake passed through the powder and snaked its way into the secret room.

"Keep up with it."

Ah Fei really couldn't think of how many treasures he still had, but he followed Chen Xuan all the way and really found the secret room.

When they opened the stone door, what they saw was a scarlet color, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood, and there was a bubbling sound in their ears.

"I didn't expect him to be so heartless and crazy. Everyone in the world thinks he is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness. In my opinion, it's just an illusion!"

Ah Fei, who had always been taciturn, couldn't help but curse after seeing Hong Cang's miserable condition.

Chen Xuan frowned and picked up Hong Cang directly from the blood pool.

At this moment, he had passed out. Chen Xuan pulled out his veins. The situation was very bad. He took out a pill and fed it to him. At the same time, he sealed his eight extraordinary meridians to force out the poisonous blood.

Hong Cang's face became paler and paler, his energy was like gossamer, and he was already on the verge of death.

"You can't die. Have you forgotten what you promised me? Wake up quickly, otherwise, I won't save her."

Chen Xuan whispered in his ear.

Ah Fei walked to the door consciously and looked out for him.

His words quickly had an effect. Hong Cang's eyelids moved and he slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were full of red bloodshot eyes, and he was extremely tired.

Even so, he still smiled at Chen Xuan.

"You can't keep your words. I've been holding on for so long, and I knew you were coming back..."

Yes, this is the agreement between them. If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs.

The poison on Qing'er's body cannot be cured by ordinary antidotes, and even Chen Xuan can't cure it.

After much thought, I finally came up with this risky method.

Use Hong Cang as a bait to force him to take action. In this way, you can get his palm skills and poison skills.

Fighting poison with poison was something Chen Xuan had never done before. He was still a little hesitant at first, but Hong Cang promised again and again that he would never blame him whether it happened or not.

According to Chen Xuan's temperament, of course he is not worried that he will blame him, but this is a human life after all, and he cannot be so hasty.

"Get the needle."

A Fei immediately took out Chen Xuan's tools and some spiritual herbs from his bag, which he had asked him to prepare in advance.

Every time Chen Xuan used acupuncture, his expression would become very serious.

Looking at Hong Cang's swollen and shapeless hands, something strange flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes.

For the first time, he said to him in a soft tone: "You may endure the bleeding process, it may hurt a little, but you must not resist. Once you use your internal power, the poisonous evil will invade your internal organs. Then you Everything you do will be in vain.”

Hong Cang gritted his teeth, veins popped out on his forehead, and his eyes were very firm, "You can come on, I can still bear it. As long as I can save her, I will do it even if it means risking my life."

Chen Xuan's eyes were a little moved. Although he was a demon cultivator, he was still a good man.

Hong Cang's whole hand was congested, red and swollen. Chen Xuan inserted a needle, and the black blood spurted out. A Fei quickly took a bottle to catch it, and the blood flowed into his body.


Suddenly, the black snake came out of the bottle. A Fei was startled and almost threw the bottle out.

Chen Xuan glared at him, "What's wrong with you recently? Don't ruin my big event!"

Chen Xuan was very dissatisfied with his continuous mistakes today.

"This subordinate is guilty."

A Fei didn't dare to neglect, and started to collect blood with full concentration.

The black snake wandered in the black blood. The black blood had a pungent smell, but it did not resist at all. Instead, it was very excited. It even began to suck the black blood bit by bit.

In just a short while, the black blood in the bottle had been absorbed by it.

Chen Xuan released it, and its body more than doubled in size.

"It seems to be very successful. It didn't resist. You have to hold back next."

Chen Xuan felt more relieved now. The black one was the only hope. If it showed any rejection, Hong Cang and the woman would definitely die.

Hong Cang, who was already dazed by pain, gave a weak smile at the corner of his mouth, "I've always been treated well. Fortunately, I met you. Just come..."

Chen Xuan didn't wait for him to finish speaking, he grabbed the black snake, opened its mouth, exposed its sharp teeth, and thrust it into Zheng's red and swollen arms.

Due to the bleeding, the snake's body has become extremely large, its eyes are blood red, and it greedily spits out apricots.


A heartbreaking pain swept over him instantly, almost making Hong Cang lose his mind. He clutched Chen Xuan's sleeve tightly, his eyes tearing apart.

When Ah Fei next to him saw this, he couldn't bear to look at it any longer.

But the snake didn't relax at all and was still sucking.

Hong Cang's body was almost transparent. He was sweating profusely and his eyes were a little blurry.

Even when he was seriously injured and about to die, he didn't feel the heart-rending pain now.

In the haze, he seemed to see a figure walking towards him. She smiled, her smile was so friendly...

Senior sister, I have really tried my best. I'm sorry, but if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be like this...

"Hong Cang! Wake up, everything you see now is an illusion. This is the Misty Snake I specially cultivated for you. It can detoxify your body from the poison of the Fire Snake Silver Spear!"

He felt someone slapping his face vigorously, and Chen Xuan's nervous voice sounded in his ears, and he finally regained some sense.

It turns out that everything just now was an illusion.

Inexplicably, a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

"Master, it should be almost done. If it's any later, I'm afraid Tang Yuan will find out."

Ah Fei made some inquiries outside and found out that if it weren't for the fact that Tang Yuan happened to be out on business this time and left all matters to the disciples in the sect, they would never have been able to come in so easily.

"There's still not enough time, so why are you afraid? I came here just to meet him."

Seeing that it was almost done, Chen Xuan took back the mist snake and rewarded it with a piece of raw meat. He treasured it and put it back into his sleeve.

"The poison in your body has been detoxified now, and your blood is the antidote for Miss Qing'er, so you have to hold on and not die, otherwise my painstaking efforts and your persistence will be in vain."

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