"Don't worry, I will definitely hold on..."

Hong Cang's eyes were completely blood red, his hands could no longer see, and his entire arm was black, bleeding with pus and blood, and emitting a foul odor.

After everything was done, Chen Xuan first stopped the bleeding for him, and at the same time gave him a pill and transported spiritual energy to him from time to time, so that he did not faint.


Ah Fei ran in with a serious look on his face, glanced at Hong Cang, and hesitated to say anything to Chen Xuan. He already understood that he didn't need him, so he nodded and said, "Take him with you!"

"What about you? The outside world has been surrounded by him."

Ah Fei was a little anxious, but Chen Xuan remained calm, as if he hadn't heard anything. He raised a disdainful smile on his lips, "He has been waiting for us to fall into our trap for a long time. I will give him a chance this time. Let's go quickly." "

There is no threat of death for Hong Cang. If he is taken out and recuperated, he will be able to wake up.

We met by chance, and if he could do this, he would be extremely benevolent and righteous.

Hong Cang looked at her gratefully all night, then suddenly grabbed his hand, his eyes a little excited.

"The great kindness and kindness will never be forgotten!"

"What does this mean? We are just making a deal."

Chen Xuan withdrew his hand and replied calmly.

This was the first time he had gone down the mountain to save someone, and it was such a serious situation. Even he didn't have much confidence. It was all based on his persistence, but he didn't expect it to happen.

If he went back to talk to his master about this matter, I'm afraid he would laugh at him again.

"Even if there is no Fire Snake Silver Spear, you will definitely not sit idly by."

Hong Cang looked at him with firm eyes, and Chen Xuan shrugged helplessly, "Stop nagging, none of us can leave if we delay any longer. I just want to have a discussion with him, A Fei, you know what to do..."

"excuse me!"

Ah Fei stepped forward and cupped his fist at him, but before he could react, Ah Fei slapped him directly on the back of the head, causing him to faint immediately.

"Master, take care!"

Along the way, he had to carry him through the streets quickly in order to avoid the people behind him. Chen Xuan still trusted his Qinggong.

At least in Cangyun City, there are very few people who are his opponents. Even if he drags down one person, it will not affect him at all.

What he had to do was go out and hold off those people.

But before Chen Xuan could walk out, a group of people gathered around him, looking at him eagerly.

"Where's the traitor?"

Unexpectedly, in order to catch him this time, the Yuheng faction actually dispatched elders.

These people were not weak in strength, and each had their own strengths. They learned from each other's strengths and surrounded Chen Xuan.

The person who was the first to rush to the front and question Chen Xuan was named Qin Rufeng. His strength had reached the seventh level of the Immortal, and he was not above or below the Yuheng Sect. Although he was an elder, he had a foreign surname after all and was rarely trusted by Tang Yuan.

But this time, he took the initiative to capture Hong Cang and the others, so Tang Yuan gave him full authority.

All the defense forces of the Yuheng Sect were decided by him, but after a few hundred seconds, the Yuheng Sect, which was surrounded like an iron barrel, was actually managed to escape by Ah Fei.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken. I'm the only one here. The person you're looking for is probably no longer here."

Chen Xuan calmly took out the wine bag, opened it, and drank in front of him. After finishing the drink, he burped happily.

Seeing his provocative look, Qin Rufeng was so angry that he gritted his teeth and immediately pointed at Chen Xuan and cursed, "Everyone in the world knows doctors are benevolent, but I didn't expect you to help a traitor. Do you know how many lives he has on his hands? He is a demon." Xiu, there has been no coexistence between good and evil since ancient times. Do you really want to stand against the Yuheng Sect? "

This questioning seems to represent justice, but in fact it is flaunting oneself.

"Why so much? Nothing in this world is absolute, even good and evil. Some people look awe-inspiring, but in fact they don't know what kind of monsters they are. And some people, although they practice magic, are pure in nature and teach well. How can you tell at a glance whether you can go back to the right path? "

Chen Xuan sat leisurely, looking in all directions and listening in all directions.

This time they really spent a lot of money. I wonder if A Fei and Hong Cang escaped without Ying.

The time he could delay was short.

"That's nonsense. Since you insist on seeking death, there's no need to be polite. Come on!"

He waved his hand and the people behind him came to kill him.

Chen Xuan tapped his toes and walked quickly among them. These people were holding long swords. When Chen Xuan stabbed with the sword, he suddenly heard the sound of metal colliding. He didn't even pierce. When he looked again, they all turned out to be... Wearing soft gold silk armor.

Moreover, everyone is a cultivator. Although Chen Xuan is fast, they cooperate with each other tacitly and have proper offense and defense, which slows down Chen Xuan's offensive.

Qin Rufeng stood aside and watched, with a hint of evil flashing in his eyes.

I heard that this man was Yao Lao's apprentice. If he could be caught, it would not be easy to negotiate terms with Yao Lao.

Cangyun City looked prosperous at the moment, but underneath there was a raging undercurrent. The rapid rise of other families and the impending tide. Such threats made them have to quickly find another place to live.

They searched for a long time and finally determined Yaolao World.

It was a world supported by spiritual power, certainly not Yao Lao's. According to legend, dozens of immortals gathered here, and when they were dying, they single-handedly created this world.

The spiritual energy here is prosperous and many spiritual herbs grow, which is extremely beneficial to cultivation.

Even if you can't get it, if you use this place as your back garden, your food reserves will not be endless in the future.

The fight between families is actually the plunder of resources.

Although Qin Rufeng is an elder of a family with a foreign surname, and there is absolutely no need for him to do this for the Yuheng sect, he does not understand the truth that when a tree falls, the hozens scatter.

He needed to use the power of the Yuheng Sect to obtain resources, and at this point, Tang Yuan had never treated them badly and almost spared no effort to give them what they wanted.

No one will refuse this temptation, especially those who are cultivators, which already require a lot of spiritual energy.

During the fight, Chen Xuan suddenly stumbled and pinged forward. A man with quick eyes and quick hands flew forward and stabbed him in the back with a sword. The fierce murderous intent suddenly appeared. Chen Xuan ducked down and hid. past.

The man failed but still didn't let go, chasing him almost desperately. Chen Xuan seemed to be angered and directly challenged him. Previously, he was thinking of escaping. Now, if he doesn't deal with these people in front of him, , is a huge threat to him.

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