Only he knows the truth. One is the leader who is about to ascend to the tribulation, and the other is the enemy who almost killed him. If these two people fight, then he can just stand by and reap the benefits.

If Tang Yuan dies, then he will be the leader of the Ax Gang.

I know how difficult it is for a casual cultivator to live in this world of cultivators. All resources must be obtained by oneself. If you are lucky, you will encounter the inheritance. If you are not lucky, you may not be able to advance to a higher level even if you work hard for a lifetime. The success behind this is often inseparable from resources.

Chen Xuan felt like he was being pulled into a huge whirlpool. His mind was dazed and he tried hard to stay awake. He secretly struggled with the force, but found that the harder he tried, the spiritual power became like his. On that cotton, it had no effect at all. Instead, it consumed his spiritual energy.

He could only temporarily suppress his majestic spiritual energy and find a way to leave here first.

This was a flash of thunder in his mind, and he soon fainted.

The cool liquid dripped on his lips, and he sniffed it greedily. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around, wondering, "Where is this place?"

It turned out that he was lying under a tree. It had just rained, and the raindrops slid down the leaves and fell into his mouth.

"Why are you so naughty? Are you kind enough to take me in? You don't want to repay your kindness. Instead, you brought that demon cultivator up the mountain. If the master finds out, he will definitely punish you severely."

The childish voice reached his ears. Somehow, Chen Xuan quickly found a haystack to hide, and when he peeked over, he saw two teenagers walking towards this side.

Looking at their facial expressions, Chen Xuan only felt a little familiar, but also found it incredible.

Until I heard one of them say: "Okay, you are always so suspicious. I think he is injured. What is the purpose of us learning from the master? Is it so that one day we can act chivalrously and save lives? If we don't save him, Wouldn’t that go against our original intention?”

This voice was very much like a person. Chen Xuan searched quickly in his mind and finally determined that it was actually the master? !

This is his master when he was a boy, and the person next to him is Tang Yuan.

Unexpectedly, they were brothers from the same discipline.

Then the world he was in was Tang Yuan's nightmare and the catastrophe for him to ascend to the Immortal Lord.

Unexpectedly, he had been involved in his world. If he was trapped here, he would probably be in trouble. The worst thing was that Tang Yuan didn't come out, so he would sleep with him until he got through this disaster.

"You are such a fool, I will help you this time, but it will not be the same next time."

Tang Yuan sighed helplessly, but still followed Yao Lao to the back mountain. They opened up the tall reed leaves in front of them, and saw a heavily supported man lying on the boat. His lips were black, his eyes were purple, and he was standing upright. He looked at Kong, even if they came, he didn't have too many expressions, as if he was dead.

"Wake up, you have been poisoned by the seven-step snake. I can't remove the remaining poison with my own strength, so I brought my junior brother with me."

Yao Lao shook him, and his eyes became focused. He raised his head and looked at the two children in front of him. A murderous intention suddenly flashed in his eyes, but none of them noticed it.


Chen Xuan wanted to step forward to help, but when he lowered his head, he found that there was no shadow at all under his feet. He, a living person, had no shadow under the sun. This could only mean that his existence was nothingness.

And everything that happened here has happened before. What he saw was memory. Even if he wanted to stop it, it was impossible. Moreover, if it was used improperly, it would cause memory disorder. When he wanted to go out, it would be even more difficult. It’s getting even harder.

The man jumped up and grabbed Yao Lao's neck with one hand.

Tang Yuan was startled and cried, "Who are you? Why is this happening? We saved you, but you actually want to harm us!"

Your man smiled evilly, and a short blade appeared in his hand, and he was about to insert it into Yao Lao's neck. At this moment, his chest suddenly heaved violently, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes, and he quickly covered his heart and fiercely A fit of coughing.

"Don't use your inner strength anymore, otherwise, you will be poisoned and your heart will be attacked by poisonous fire, and you will be at your wits end."

At this time, Yao Lao was still not afraid, but spoke plausibly.

The man looked at him thoughtfully and suddenly let him go.

"Since ancient times, good and evil have not existed at all. What are your intentions? "

This person is quite defensive.

However, Yao Lao didn't think much about it. He walked over and started to treat his injuries regardless of his cold eyes. At the same time, he said: "In the eyes of doctors, there is no distinction between good and evil. There is only saving or not saving. But if I treat you Save me, if you go to burn, kill, and loot, I will kill you myself."

Unexpectedly, he could say such profound words at his age, and the man suddenly smiled.

He looked at Tang Yuan next to him, and saw that Tang Yuan was still looking at him warily. His eyes were not as calm as Yaolao's, but instead had a hint of panic and contempt.

"come here."

He directly hooked his hand, Tang Yuan did not dare to go over, and took two steps back, his body trembling.

"You are the big devil. I have already told you not to save him. Let's leave quickly!"

He backed down. As soon as he said this, the man became even more angry. He opened his big hands and grabbed Tang Yuan out of thin air.

He pinched Tang Yuan's neck and pressed harder and harder.

Tang Yuan was so frightened that he used his hands and feet to kick in the air, his face turned red from holding back, "Hurry up and let me go. If my master finds out, he won't let you go."

But the more he acted like this, the man laughed more and more wildly, "Your master, haha, I didn't expect you to be a tough guy. I want to see what your master will do to me after I catch you!"

Yao Lao stopped bandaging his hand and glared at him angrily, "It's not right for you to bully me. Besides, we have no enmity or enmity against you, but you repay kindness with enmity. This will make people and gods angry!"

"So what? I begged you to save me. You saved me yourself. I am a demon cultivator, not a righteous person like you. I have always acted according to my will. If I want to catch him today, then I must! "

After that, he pushed Yao Lao away, grabbed Tang Yuan directly, and flew away. Yao Lao was still young and ran a few steps, but could only helplessly watch his figure getting further and further away. Tang Yuan's voice calling for help was With a hint of panic and despair, and even a hint of hatred.

When Chen Xuan saw all this, he didn't know what to do for a moment. This demon cultivator was too arrogant. It turned out that Tang Yuan still had such an unknown past. No wonder he hated the demon cultivator so much. It's conceivable that Do you know what kind of torture you will suffer after being captured by him?

As soon as the scene turned, he came to a valley. The valley was narrow. Tang Yuan, who was beaten and dying, woke up. What he saw was a huge waterfall falling from the ground, and there were rumbling sounds of destruction all around.

He half-closed his eyes and tried his best to see his surroundings clearly. Finally, he widened his eyes and shouted heartbreakingly, "Kill me if you have the ability. As long as I don't die, I will never give in to you. Take it." You become the master!”

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