Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2002: Recognize the Thief as the Master

"Son, do you know why I like you? Your personality is really similar to mine when I was young..."

On a rockery, the demon cultivator sat comfortably on it, eating freshly picked wild fruits and looking down at him.

At this moment, Tang Yuan felt that he was a prey in a urn, and the hunter was this demonic cultivator. His disgusting smile was his lifelong nightmare.

He trembled and tried to keep himself calm, but he found that the more he acted like this, the rage in his heart would not stop for a moment.

"What do you want to do? What do you want from me?"

He had suffered enough humiliation, and at the same time he began to hate Yao Lao in his heart. If it hadn't been for him, he would never have met this demon cultivator, let alone be kidnapped by him and suffer unkind torture. He was the culprit of all this. It's all him.

Seeing the humiliation and hatred in his eyes, Demon Cultivator Bai Mocheng knew that he had succeeded. He smiled even more openly, "Be my disciple, and I will teach you the skills in the future. I can guarantee that you will be better than your half-hearted self." The master is much stronger!"

"Impossible. I have already joined the master's sect. As a disciple, I swore a solemn oath that I would never do anything that would disgrace my master's sect in this life. You'd better kill me with one sword!"

Tang Yuan scratched his head, he was already prepared to die.

But at this moment, he was still young, so he still ignored the power of the demon cultivator.

"My child, I will give you another chance. You must think carefully. This world has always been decided by the strong. Who cares about your benevolence and morality? Besides, I am a demon cultivator. I have thousands of ways to torture you. You, make your life worse than death..."

Bai Mocheng jumped down, looked at Tang Yuan on the ground, grabbed a wild fruit and stuffed it into his mouth.

Tang Yuan had a tough mouth and refused to eat. Finally, he slapped him directly. Tang Yuan's face immediately tilted, and there was a thunder in his skull. A stream of blood came out of his throat, mixed with his teeth, and he spat it out. He stared at the blood on the ground helplessly.

He never knew he would bleed so much, and the pain in his body was unprecedented.

But at this moment, he was even more frightened by the demon cultivator in front of him, and he didn't even dare to hate him...

He knew that he was no match for him, and he only hated his low cultivation level and age, which was why he was beaten down by him, but if he was allowed to grow up, he would never be like this.

He wants to take revenge and let all those who bullied him die!

The flame of revenge was burning in his heart. In the end, he was like a confused beast. He bit his lip tightly and swallowed the blood that came out. He looked at Bai Mocheng and said, "You can really make me stronger. I agree to your request!"

After this, the nightmare began. Chen Xuan watched all this from the side and sighed heavily. This Baimo City is really hateful. I'm afraid it's not that simple for him to use him like this.

As he thought, in the following days, Baimocheng did not directly teach him how to practice. Instead, he secretly lured him out at night and taught him how to practice.

Once Tang Yuan refused, he would think of Fa'er to torture him. Although he was still in the gang, he was already a zombie. Even so, no one noticed anything unusual about him, not even his closest master.

He still acted like a hero with unparalleled benevolence and righteousness. He was full of benevolence, justice and morality, and everyone praised him when they saw him. But only Yao Lao felt that everything seemed to be different, but he didn't know exactly what it was. Perhaps it was because Tang Yuan's eyes were getting colder and colder.

Regarding the last time he was kidnapped by Baimo City, he always felt that he was sorry for Tang Yuan and explained to him many times, but Tang Yuan told him that it was okay. The reason why he was able to come back was that he met a hero who rescued him on the road, but that hero Xia was a master hermit and did not want to be famous, so he was unable to repay the favor, and no one doubted him.

It's all just fate, but Chen Xuan knows that even if Baimo City doesn't appear, Tang Yuan will eventually change. His heart is colder than anyone else, but he still pretends to be enthusiastic. This kind of person is good at pretending. , no different from a cunning fox.


A wolf howled, and Chen Xuan thought he was hearing hallucinations. But after a while, he finally confirmed that this was the wolf waking up. The wolf was growing faster and faster, from the height of his knees to now. It was almost reaching his waist.

Its spiritual power is also developing at an alarming speed, and Chen Xuan often feeds it with essence and blood mixed with elixirs, and it is now fully able to stand on its own.

"You woke up at the wrong time!" Chen Xuan sighed.

In Tang Yuan's nightmare world, he doesn't know what will happen. Even if he is trapped, it doesn't matter. But the wolf is an ancient ferocious beast. Once trapped, it will unleash a thunderous wrath. I'm afraid this will happen. The space will be out of control, and when the time comes, it will break into pieces, which will probably bring disaster.

"Do you think I want to wake up? I can sleep for a hundred years. If I hadn't sensed that you were in danger, I wouldn't be willing to wade into this muddy water. Get out of here quickly, it's eating you!"

The last sentence made Chen Xuan's heart skip a beat.

He put his fingers together on his temples, closed his eyes, and carefully sensed his surroundings. Finally, when he opened his eyes again, his pupils had turned gray-green.

These eyes were a fusion of the wolf and him.

The wolf's transformed figure was right next to him. He sniffed it carefully, and then he saw a powerful energy body around Chen Xuan.

"That's it. I don't know who you have offended to come up with such a sinister trick to deal with you. But fortunately, I am by your side. Don't worry, this won't be a problem for me!"

Hearing his confident words, Chen Xuan couldn't help but smile.

He had just woken up, and he had been by his side since he hatched. When did he know this? However, he didn't ask any more questions. He only saw the wolf taking a deep breath, its belly bulging rapidly, and the wind around it. With the fierce roar, even Chen Xuan felt a bit of pressure.

Behind his disciple, the wolf's eyes were as big as bells. It roared, and the gas in its stomach rushed out.

The hurricane was getting stronger and stronger, making Chen Xuan unable to open his eyes, but at this moment, he felt unusually at ease, and the sense of depression that had been tightly pressing on his heart had disappeared.

As if he had regained freedom, he breathed freely. At this moment, he thought of something and ran quickly towards the wolf.

The wolf seemed to be extremely tired and drooped his head. Chen Xuan hugged his head. The wolf raised his head and gave him a bright smile.

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