"This guy's strength is not weak. It's just that I look down on him too much. Just breaking this layer of barrier has already cost me 70% of my strength. I really can't hold on any longer. The rest of the way is up to you." gone……"

If this is the case, considering that it has just woken up and has not practiced the mental method, it will inevitably suffer backlash if it exercises its power rashly. Its body cannot bear the load, and a series of problems will occur.

Chen Xuan nodded, touched its fur with some distress, and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, you have helped me a lot along the way. Just sleep for a while, we can go out later."

His voice was soft, as if he was coaxing a child. From the moment he brought out the wolf, he already regarded it as a part of himself. He became the owner of the wolf by chance, but he never regarded it as a part of himself. They are friends and partners in life and death.

"If you want to know Xin Hongcang, he is definitely not as simple as you think. He is also a demon cultivator..."

However, the wolf had no strength at the end. He became weaker and weaker, and he was breathing heavily with every word he spoke. Chen Xuan didn't want to see him in such pain, so he fed him a calming pill. After a while, , it fell into a deep sleep.

Chen Xuan's palm emitted a little spiritual light, covering its body, and it penetrated into his body.

Even the wolf sensed it. It seemed that there was indeed a problem. His opponent was not just Tang Yuan. Someone was using Tang Yuan's ascension to transcend the calamity to make a big fuss.

Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a game within a game. Tang Yuan was not as popular as he thought. He was a big tree and attracted the wind. His every move in Cangyun City was also feared by the big families. Once he was in a high position, no one was. innocent.

Perhaps they would do some extremely gambling things for profit, for relatives and friends, or for themselves. Chen Xuan sat on the spot. He no longer pried into Tang Yuan's inner world. Maybe that was not the original truth.

His inner world has been deleted, and even he himself doesn't know what is true and what is false.

In the history of Cangyun City, there was a difficult period. At that time, monsters were raging, disasters occurred one after another, and the people were miserable. However, blessings and disasters coexisted. At that time, the inheritance of an Immortal Lord was actually opened, and this Immortal Lord , but it is the inheritance of a demon cultivator, unlike the righteous inheritance, which has many mechanisms and means a life of ten deaths.

But the benefits are not worse than those inherited from the righteous way, and are even much better, because a demon cultivator spends his whole life plundering, and they don't care what is yours or mine, as long as they like it, they will use any means to get it. , and therefore, their profound inheritance makes people flock to them.

It is said that the beneficiaries of this inheritance were also demon cultivators. Even though Cangyun City was already in dire straits back then, no one from the major families left. People died every day, dogs froze to death on the road, and people starved to death on the ground.

At that time, Cangyun City was a purgatory on earth. Countless people entered the inheritance, but only a handful came out. Among those who survived, they were all left with more or less disabilities.

In that turbulent era, everyone was looking forward to a savior coming, but they didn't wait. What they waited for was the massacre of the demon cultivator. He wanted to use the blood of the entire Cangyun City to commemorate the greatness of the demon cultivator's inheritance. , opens the last level.

Chen Xuan looked at the shocking scene in front of him, and his heart seemed to be tightly grasped by a big hand. He had never thought that people could be so crazy. For the sake of profit, they could sacrifice a whole city of people. Maybe these people were just nothing in his eyes. Like ants.

Chen Xuan couldn't accept it, but the last scene made him see clearly the face of the demon cultivator. It was actually Tang Yuan. He was not mistaken. The man standing at the top smiling arrogantly was really the man who people said was benevolent and righteous. Tang Yuan, and behind him is Bai Mocheng, his real master.

Chen Xuan looked down. When he saw that scene, his eyes widened with disbelief. The person killed by Tang Yuan's sword... was Yao Lao? !

How can this be? Yao Lao was not dead at all. He taught himself how to practice kung fu, and all the pharmacological knowledge he learned was taught by him carefully. He had been in Yao Lao's world, and it really existed.

But now, he couldn't think further. He felt a tearing pain in his head. The pain swept through every corner of his body. He couldn't stand it. He squatted down and wanted to The pain was driven away, but he found that it had completely affected him.

"You've done a great job, and now you are a complete devil..."

Bai Mocheng smiled in front of Tang Yuan. He seemed to be a devil. Looking at the blood in front of him, he became more and more excited.

For Chen Xuan, perhaps this is the most terrifying thing. He is alive but has become a demon.

He wanted to kill all the people in this world and bury them with him, and Tang Yuan was one of them.

"I never imagined that you have trained me for so many years, and now I know how to do it. In order to thank you, I also want to give you a big gift."

Tang Yuan slowly stepped forward, his eyes filled with smiles, but a silver light flashed in his hands.

Bai Mocheng didn't seem to see it. All he could think about was that he had received the inheritance and would soon be the first person in the world. Huge joy enveloped him tightly.

"I didn't expect you to have such thoughts. I really want to know, what is this great gift of yours?"

Tang Yuan raised his lips and smiled, holding his hands tightly. In an instant, iron nets rose up all around. The iron nets gradually tightened, and finally enveloped Baimo City.

Bai Mocheng's smile froze on his face, and his eyes were cold, "What do you mean? Do you want to do something to me? Don't forget, you have achieved what you have now, but it is entirely because of me. Do you want to burn down the bridge? ?”

"I can't help it. This is what you taught me. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. And I have been coveting this demonic cultivation inheritance for a long time. I can't just watch it fall into the hands of others and remain indifferent myself."

Tang Yuan shrugged, of course.

Chen Xuan looked at him in front of him, and suddenly felt as if the wolf cub had grown up.

This Baimo City has been planning for so many years, but I didn't expect that in the end it would be a dowry for others.

Tang Yuan slowly walked towards the inheritance. He was filled with joy and a bright future. He knew that he had encountered many accidents along the way, but he had no regrets. Death would be the only outcome for being cowardly and incompetent.

It's those people who are useless, no wonder him, this is a world where the jungle is strong and the strong eat the strong. If you want to survive, you must become strong!

"Stinky man, I've long expected that you would be capable of this. Don't forget, you were chosen by me. I did it back then. You look a lot like me when I was young, and what you do now is what I did before. of!"

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