Bai Mocheng behind him suddenly laughed, and his laughter was cold.

Tang Yuan's back stiffened, and he looked back in shock, only to see that he had torn open the spiritual net, and rushed towards Tang Yuan like an arrow from a string.

The huge momentum hit him, and he staggered back. Before he could recover, a heavy punch hit him hard on the cheek.

His head tilted, blood flowed out, his brain was buzzing, and his consciousness was blurred for an instant.

"When did you start to find out? I have been working in low profile these years, and I have always been loyal to you..."

Tang Yuan didn't believe it. Years of planning had now collapsed.

"You have done a good job, but you have ignored one thing, that is our identity. We are all big demons, on the verge of death at any time. No one can trust except yourself, even the ones you value most. People, because it’s always your own people who give you the fatal blow!”

Bai Mocheng directly took out a wooden box in front of him. In the box was a round bead with exquisite patterns carved on it.

"Do you know what this is?"

Chen Xuan took a closer look and the picture began to blur. He couldn't see the patterns clearly, but he could clearly feel a familiar atmosphere somewhere.

"It's him?!"

But after his feelings were analyzed, he took two steps back in shock, "You took in his spiritual spirit. Did you do this just to attack me?"

At this moment, he seemed to be a supported beast.

Chen Xuan was surprised by this. Who could make him so flustered now?

He is obviously already very powerful.

"I never tire of your drama of falling in love and killing each other. It wouldn't be fun if he died like this."

Bai Mocheng threw the bead into the air, and a spiritual light shone out. Only then did Chen Xuan see that it was Yao Lao!

But now he is just a shadow, a ray of soul among the seven souls and six souls.

What exactly does Baimo City want to do? Chen Xuan suddenly had a bad thought in his heart.

He seemed to have fallen into a huge trap. When Zheng

"Give him to me!"

Tang Yuan ran over to grab it, but was knocked to the ground by Bai Mocheng's palm. He didn't even have the strength to resist.

His whole face no longer had any luster, but more of a look of death, as if all hope had left him.

"What a joke! I will teach my disciples that I will not starve the master to death. This guy saved my life. Logically, I owe him a favor."

He was minding his own business and looked up at Yao Lao floating in the air, "But if you don't behave, I will punish you."

Then, with a wave of his hand, he actually pinched the shadow in the air. His hand was slowly tightening, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger.

Soon, Yao Lao felt that it was difficult. He struggled desperately, but he had no resistance.

"Stop! You bastard!"

Tang Yuan ran forward and hugged his legs tightly, but he kicked him away, "You feel uncomfortable? It seems that what I thought is true. You really did that. The Fire Snake Silver Spear is a good person." "

Chen Xuan listened confusedly, so the master is not dead?

Was his spirit preserved? But what about the Yaolao world?

Unexpectedly, the Fire Snake Silver Spear came like this.

"To this end, you have thought of thousands of ways. One of them is to double cultivate with Yao Lao and improve together. This will help the Fire Snake Silver Spear recognize the master. But what you didn't expect is that the Fire Snake Silver Spear recognizes Yao Lao. Always be the master.”

Bai Mocheng said slowly, with more mockery in his eyes, "You have been planning for so many years, but you didn't expect that you were taken advantage of in the end. I can understand you."

Tang Yuan's face became more and more gloomy, and every word he said was like a sharp blade stabbing into his heart.

This is his reverse scale, and he will never allow anyone to touch it.

But at this moment, Chen Xuan saw that the master's soul was floating in the air. Banli's eyes seemed to be suffering from other pains. There was a trace of blood red between his eyebrows. The blood red became bigger and bigger, spreading to his entire body. , and finally he roared with difficulty, and the red light burst out in all directions.


"not good!"

Seeing this situation, both of them were shocked, "I know, that's it, why can't I find it!"

Bai Mocheng's eyes widened in surprise and he quickly ran in the direction of Yao Lao.

Under the shroud of red light, little bits of fire burst out, and the fire fell on one spot, where it was instantly burnt to ashes.

Yao Lao closed his eyes and was trapped in the center. The closer he got, the majestic fire spread like a fire dragon, crazily spreading to all sides.

Every time the two of them took a step forward, they felt the fire rising towards them, and could almost smell the burning flesh.

But even so, the excitement in their eyes did not weaken by half, and the speed actually became much faster.

"Are these two people crazy?" Chen Xuan was a little confused, but at the same time he didn't know why the master's soul power became so powerful.

"Hurry up, this is the real power of the Fire Serpent Silver Spear! Don't let them succeed, this is the breakthrough." The wolf suddenly shouted excitedly inside him

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