Chen Xuan was half-aware, as if he had expected something. He rushed forward without hesitation, and this time, he really felt the heat of the fireball, and as he got closer to Yao Lao, the roaring flames seemed to be engulfing him. Got him.

Of course, his current speed was not as fast as those two, and he soon fell far behind, but he was not discouraged and fought hard to catch up.

"You are a demon cultivator, don't think you can get it. I have at least half of Yaolao's blood in me!"

The two people were fighting in the air. Tang Yuan's moves were fierce, but Bai Mocheng was not to be outdone. While dodging, he did not forget to speed up.

"Hahaha! It really took no effort to get it. Although this Fire Snake Silver Spear is your decent treasure, I have many ways to make it surrender to me!"

He didn't take Tang Yuan seriously at all. After all, he was taught by himself. He could think of his tricks with his eyes closed.

Tang Yuan was secretly angry when he saw that several of his killing moves failed to hit him.

His speed has surpassed his own, and he must not be allowed to get the fiery silver spear, otherwise, not only himself, but the entire Cangyun City will suffer.

He is not so righteous as to think about those people, but he has other uses.

"You forced me to do this!"

Tang Yuan suddenly stopped, looking straight at Bai Mocheng's figure. Suddenly, he clasped his palms together, and all the spiritual power in his body gathered in one place. His body trembled slightly, and his hands were wrapped with a cold light, and he slowly aimed at After arriving at Baimo City, he roared and went to kill him.

The cold air around his body turned into substance, forming several sharp swords, hovering in the sky above Baimo City. Baimo City dodged, but found that this sword was unusual. In just the blink of an eye, he would break into many pieces, each one They all surrounded him tightly, and he became increasingly powerless.

Damn it, when did he master such a powerful technique, he didn’t even know!

Soon, Tang Yuan caught up, looked at his master condescendingly, and said with a mocking smile, "Haven't you heard a sentence?" Taught the apprentice and starved the master to death. I kept a secret when I was learning from you. "


Looking at the sharp swords around him, Bai Mocheng was unable to do anything for a moment, but he never gave up easily.

"Son, I've killed more people than you've ever seen. You still want to fight me with your modest skills? Come on! The worst is, we'll die together! Hahaha!"

Bai Mocheng's eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and a violent aura suddenly appeared in his palms. He roared angrily, and several tigers and wolves sprang out from his body. These tigers and wolves ran towards Tang Yuan fiercely.

They were extremely fast. When they hit the sword, they rushed forward and turned into a burst of smoke. The sword disappeared. Then, they transformed into shape again, with the same target.

"Phantom beast!"

Tang Yuan recognized this move at a glance, but he did not expect that Baimo City would be so radical. He really wanted to die with him, no! Or at any time, he had no intention of letting him go.

Chen Xuan watched them fight with cold eyes, smiled disdainfully, and tried to avoid them from the side.

But at this moment, Yao Lao in the center of the fire suddenly woke up. Spiritual energy continued to flow through his body, and veins popped up on his forehead. He was panting rapidly, and his hair was flying, as if he was suffering from huge pain. The pain made him feel uncomfortable. He roared again and again, and he struggled, trying to escape from the restraints, but with his fierce movements, the surrounding formations became more powerful, and the entire space was turbulent.

Chen Xuan felt a little tired and couldn't move forward rashly, otherwise, he would be trapped inside. But now, is he really letting it go?

He was a little unwilling. Suddenly, he turned his attention to Tangyuan and Baimo City. There was no way out. Originally, he had to avoid them, but now he had to rely on them.

He approached quietly, and just when he was about to take action, the ferocious beast that emerged from Baimo City suddenly bit him. He was unprepared and was bitten on his arm.

He frowned but did not cry out, but his teeth almost penetrated his entire arm.

The most disgusting thing was that the teeth of this ferocious beast were actually quenched with venom. The poisonous blood instantly spread throughout his body, and his entire arm became numb.

Tang Yuan suddenly turned around. Just now, he felt another force. This was definitely not an illusion.

He calmly became alert. This inheritance had attracted many practitioners. Although he was the final winner, there were countless pairs of eyes watching in the dark.

"Baimo City, you and I don't want to fight anymore, why don't we cooperate and solve the matter in front of us first!" Tang Yuan suddenly yelled.

When Bai Mocheng, who was busy trying to get out of trouble, heard this, he laughed three times and said, "If you are scared, you can call me grandpa three times and kneel down to me to admit your mistake. I will spare you. I will not let go of these people." In the eyes!”

He had known for a long time that there was someone in the dark, but he had just kept silent.

This person in the dark is just waiting for them to fight with each other so that he can reap the benefits.

This stubborn old man really didn't want to live anymore and thought he could resist it with his own strength.

"Then it's up to you. Whether you live or die has nothing to do with me!"

Tang Yuan continued to resist. He had no hope for Baimo City now. Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. If the two of them joined forces, he might not be his opponent. Only when they fought to the death could he take advantage of his unpreparedness and rescue his master.

No wonder the master always forgot something before. Although he was in Xuanxu Realm and had superb medical skills, he couldn't remember the lost memory. Now that he thought about it, it was related to this soul. His seven souls were lost. One soul, one soul missing from the six souls, how could he be like a normal person?

However, Chen Xuan was puzzled as to how he survived after such a long time, but now was not the time to pursue such matters.

Seeing that he was about to reach the middle, the toxins in his body suddenly broke out. His feet slowed down a step, his body stumbled forward, and he spat out a mouthful of black blood.

No, I didn’t expect it to be so toxic!

Although I had taken the Qingxin Pill before, I could only resist it for a while. If I wanted to completely eliminate the remaining poison, I had to meditate.

But now he is in a dilemma. If he gives up like this, he is afraid that the master's soul will be completely trapped.

He is unwilling to do so, but does he really want to risk his life?

Forget it, once he is a teacher, he will always be a father. Yao Lao has taught him everything he has to offer, and he should repay the favor.

Master, just wait for me. I will give you a big gift this time when I go back!

With his last breath, Chen Xuan flew forward with difficulty, and was about to get it. At this time, the outside world was suddenly shrouded in golden light. The golden light pierced Chen Xuan and he couldn't open his eyes. He closed his eyes subconsciously, but there was something in his ears. There were several arrogant laughs.

"It really takes no effort at all. You idiots, just keep making trouble. I will take this guy away first, the Fire Snake Silver Spear. This is a treasure that has not appeared on the mainland for a long time. I didn't expect it to be found in this kid." !”

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