Feeling the danger approaching, Chen Xuan quickly opened his eyes and looked directly at the dazzling light.

In the haziness, he seemed to see a huge bat coming back towards Yaolao, and quickly enveloped him.

"Purple Sea Bat King, it turns out to be you. How come I smell a stink from all the way away? You are not staying in your Jiangbei, but you come here to join in the fun!"

After seeing the person coming, Bai Mocheng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was the only one to ask for it. If the other three villains all arrived, it would be troublesome.

But that’s the way it is, the more afraid you are, the more likely it will happen.

Three black shadows suddenly appeared on the side, appearing from three directions, southeast and west, hovering in the air, and evil laughter could not be heard.

"I can't believe that you, Baimo City, will end up like you are now. Back then, you were considered to have defeated Jiangbei's invincible opponent. Why are you still arguing with others!"

The voice was an evil female voice, and the laughter was charming, but she didn't look like much. She had a big face with plain features, and freckles on both sides of her cheeks. Under her slender eyebrows, she had a pair of eyes that were as transparent as a mouse. A hint of shrewdness.

Although this woman was not good-looking, her face was covered with a thick layer of powder. She was green and frighteningly white.

The other two are black and white, one black and one white, wearing black and white masks with long tongues. No eyes can be seen under the masks, only a burst of darkness.

The Zihai Bat King who held Yaolao hostage was their boss. As soon as the other three appeared, they saluted him.

"What? Now you also want to take a share of the pie, but that also depends on whether you have the strength."

He knew that his opponent was difficult to deal with, but at this moment, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

These four people are the four famous evil thieves in Jiangbei. They are all demon cultivators, and each has their own abilities, which must not be ignored.

"Son, I can forget about your rudeness to me just now. Now, you follow my lead and kill them!"

He didn't know who his opponent was before, but now that they had appeared and knew their opponent's strength, he couldn't ignore them, so he simply put down his face and cooperated with Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan originally had this intention. He got half of the inheritance, and now he wants Yao Lao. These people will never let him go.

Cooperating with Baimo City is currently the best way out.


He replied without thinking and arrived at Baimo City in an instant.

Baimo City took back the murderers it had released just now, and Tang Yuan's sword was also aimed at the four evil men.

The two of them had fought side by side before, so now they were very comfortable dealing with the four villains.

"Are you guys here specifically to die? I just happened to have this inheritance. There is a killing move in it that I haven't used yet. I'll use you to practice it today!"

Tang Yuan curled his lips and smiled evilly, and looked at each other with Bai Mocheng. Bai Mocheng quickly understood and rushed forward first, leaving Tang Yuan with time to prepare.

"Sacrifice the devil!"

Tang Yuan suddenly flew up, and his body rotated rapidly. Every time he rotated, the aura around him strengthened, and this aura also formed a vortex, shrouding everything in it.

When the four villains saw that something was wrong and wanted to retreat, Tang Yuan suddenly grabbed them. His hands were like sharp claws and he did not let go for a moment.

"You want to leave? Why not stay together!"

He grabbed their pipa bones and took a deep breath. The black and white impermanent spiritual power poured out from the Dantian and was directly absorbed by Tang Yuan.

"Third brother! Fourth brother!"

The Purple Sea Bat King screamed in horror and rushed forward with Liu Xiang'er.

After all, Tang Yuan had just mastered this technique and hadn't fully understood it yet. Being able to catch the black and white impermanence was already his greatest ability. Seeing these two people coming to kill him, he had no choice but to throw them away.

Chen Xuan took advantage of this moment and was about to go around, but at this moment, he noticed something strange. He narrowed his eyes slightly, shot a dart in the direction of Chen Xuan, and asked with a cold face, "Who is there?" There, get out of here!"

Chen Xuan held his breath and hid quickly, but Baimo City did not intend to let him go just like that.

The darts came one after another. Fortunately, Chen Xuan reacted quickly. Just as he was about to approach Yaolao, Liuxiang'er flew directly towards him and blocked his way.

"Where did the handsome fire come from? Where are you going?"

Damn it, how could she see herself? Chen Xuan was a little surprised.

Whichever direction he went, Liuxiang'er followed him, and Chen Xuan found that the fragrance emanating from her body seemed to have a hint of intoxication.

Chen Xuan felt vaguely dizzy, but he was Yao Lao's disciple after all. He quickly took a Qingxin Pill, and then he calmed down the restlessness in his heart.

"I don't have time to talk to you, get out of the way."

Although he didn't know what was going on, time was tight and he couldn't delay for a moment.

But this woman was so ignorant that she kept following her with a smile on her face, as if she wanted to tease him.

"Yo! Your temper..."

Before she could finish her words, Chen Xuan had already put his sword on her neck, with a stern look on his face, "You are looking for death!"

"You can try. If you dare to touch a hair on my head, I can guarantee that you will never leave here safely. I still know that old poisoner in Baimo City. He will never be dismissed so easily. Dare you do anything under his nose?" Grab something, huh!"

Although she was threatened by Chen Xuan at this moment, she was not afraid at all. Instead, she looked at Chen Xuan with a proud look on her face, her charming eyes blinking.

Chen Xuan felt nauseated, but he still held back his temper and asked, "Then what are you doing here?"

Four people were dispatched at once, were they all looking for death? Chen Xuan is not that stupid.


She smiled mysteriously and leaned forward. Her neck was completely pressed against the tip of Chen Xuan's sword. A trace of red blood flowed out, but she still smiled as if she could not feel the pain at all.

"You don't dare to kill me, but you also want to get the Fire Snake Silver Spear?"

Chen Xuan paused his hand but did not object.

He really doesn't know what this woman wants to do now, but he always feels that she is not that simple.

"That thing is useless. Even if they fight to the death, no one can own it in the end. Although this Fire Snake Silver Spear is also a treasure, it recognizes people and not everyone can own it easily."

She casually wiped away the blood on her neck.

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