Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2012 Moving forward towards Lihai

After handing over to the front desk, Lu Qing'er excitedly took Chen Xuan to a huge market, located to the west of the city gate. Chen Xuan curiously followed Lu Qing'er in. It didn't look very conspicuous from the outside, but once inside, it was huge and boundless. The space made Chen Xuan feel a little moved.

"There should be space laws in this place. It's such a big deal." Chen Xuan walked inside and asked Lu Qing'er casually.

"This is a rule set by my father himself." Lu Qing'er jumped up and down and said casually.

Chen Xuan was a little surprised. He originally thought that this was created by some powerful person with connections, but he didn't expect that it was Lu Qing'er's father, the city lord.

It seems that the city lord is more powerful than he imagined.

Lu Qing'er took Chen Xuan to a dilapidated shop and stopped.

"We're here. There are things we need when we go out. We'll buy more later."

Chen Xuan followed Lu Qing'er and walked in. He looked around and saw countless products hanging on the wall. He took out a bag and felt it, and his expression became strange.

It turned out to be a sixth-level good luck elixir. This elixir could be auctioned elsewhere. Unexpectedly, it was just hanging on the wall here.

There are also many rare magic weapons and talismans, too numerous to count.

This Xuancheng was more powerful than he imagined. It seemed that he had come to the right place.

Lu Qing'er carefully selected a few items from them, and after making sure that they were fully prepared, she took Chen Xuan away directly.

Chen Xuan was stunned and looked at Lu Qing'er with a strange expression. She pulled Chen Xuan and looked up at him.

"Let's go, what are you doing here?" Lu Qing'er asked in confusion.

"You...just leave like this?"

"if not?"

"No need to pay? Forget it... you are the daughter of the city lord."

Lu Qing'er rolled her eyes at him and said, "Of course I will give it, but it will have to wait until I come back."

The two of them walked to the city gate together, showed their union certificates, and walked out directly.

Chen Xuan was still thinking about Yao Lao and was a little distracted. Lu Qing'er patted him. He looked in the direction of Lu Qing'er's finger and saw a beast cart parked there.

The handsome horse has white fur and a blue gemstone on its forehead. Behind the horse is a two-seater chair.

"Let's go, sit here."

Chen Xuan looked at it casually. Although the fourth-level alien beast looked good, it was not very strong, and its speed was more than a little slower than Chen Xuan's Xuanjian.

He shook his head at Lu Qing'er and said, "You sit down, it's too slow to drive in this beast cart. I have my own methods."

Lu Qing'er looked at Chen Xuan curiously.

"what way."

Chen Xuan drew out the Xuan Sword and injected spiritual power to make it stronger. He stood directly on the sword.

Lu Qing'er had some doubts in her eyes. She always felt that she had seen this sword somewhere, but she just couldn't remember it.

Forget it, let’s get on our way first.

Lu Qing'er stopped Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan, how about we compete. My horse will definitely be faster than your flying sword."

Chen Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly and agreed.

In terms of speed, he really wasn't afraid of anyone.

So, when Lu Qing'er's initial voice fell, Chen Xuan flew out like an arrow from a string.

Lu Qing'er, however, was not in a hurry. He took out four talismans from his arms and stuck them on the beast. In an instant, the speed of the divine horse increased several times, and he quickly caught up with Chen Xuan.

He looked at Lu Qing'er chasing after him, a little surprised, and noticed the talisman attached to the horse's body.

This should have been bought in the shop just now. I didn't expect Xuancheng to be extremely skilled in talismans.

It seems that except for some shortcomings in cultivation and exotic beasts, the rest of the fields are very strong.

The two slowed down slightly.

Half a day later, the coast towards the sea could be seen in the distance.

The sea surface is blue and crystal clear, like crystal, and it is located next to the foggy mountains.

Although the name refers to the sea, it can actually be a relatively large lake.

A mountain range on the seaside surrounds half of the sea. What Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan need to do is to explore what is on the mountain range. What to explore specifically. The requirements given by the union are very vague. In Lu Qing'er's view, it is nothing more than a formality.

But Chen Xuan was different. He felt something different from the moment he approached this sea area. There was a powerful aura hidden in the mountains, and there were countless dangers hidden in the sea. He always had a kind of crisis blessing.

He walked cautiously next to Lu Qing'er, but she didn't take it seriously, happily feeling the freedom and freshness she hadn't experienced in a long time.

"Hey, be careful, this place is a bit weird, I always feel a strong aura around us."

After Lu Qing'er heard Chen Xuan's words, she turned to look at him and said, "There's nothing weird about it. My father took me here once. It's not as dangerous as yours."

"Your father is so powerful, who can make a mistake in front of him?"

Hearing what he said seemed to make some sense, Lu Qing'er was slightly scared, and the body of the horse under her seat was shaking a little, obviously because she was afraid of something.

Chen Xuan looked solemnly at the misty purple mist in front of him, his eyes a little complicated.

"I guess this is not a simple exploration mission at all. It's obvious that someone wants to harm you."

Lu Qing'er was stunned for a moment. She recalled that during this period, it seemed that someone had recommended this task to her, and the idea of ​​going out to the city for fun seemed to have been brought up by someone else.

Thinking of this, her back felt cold.

It seems that some things need to be resolved by going back to my father.

But now that Chen Xuan is here, it shouldn't be a big problem. After all, she has a brief understanding of Chen Xuan's strength.

Now that she's out, let's play outside first. Anyway, Chen Xuan is here, and she still has the trump card given by her father.

There was a vast beast roar in the distance, and the horse raised its front hooves in shock and was about to run away.

Fortunately, Chen Xuan had quick eyes and quick hands, so he caught the horse in time and stabilized himself.

However, the strange beast in the distance seemed to be very powerful. Not only could it frighten the horse, but the momentum coming from it made Chen Xuan feel a little solemn.

The a bit sinister.

And judging from the fluctuations coming from the surroundings, there were quite a few powerful beasts hidden among them. He was thinking about whether to go back. He was naturally fine, but Lu Qing'er, who had a relatively low cultivation level on the side, was in danger.

He glanced at Lu Qing'er and was about to speak, but Lu Qing'er beat him to it.

"I know what you are thinking. I am not as weak as you think. You must know that my father is the city lord." Lu Qing'er glanced at him.

"Well, you must be careful."


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