Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2013 Discovering Liu Xiang'er

Since Lu Qing'er insisted that there was no problem, he could only follow her. Lu Qing'er seemed to have come to a new world and was extremely curious about everything. It seemed that she had stayed in that city for too long.

Chen Xuan looked at the lively Lu Qing'er and couldn't help but feel cute. The two of them maintained this distance one after another.

The two walked for a while and were already approaching the mountains. The real danger was hidden inside.

Chen Xuan walked in front, while Lu Qing'er was protected behind him. The roar of the beast in front was getting closer and closer. Chen Xuan couldn't help but said to Lu Qing'er: "The place in front is different from the place we just came in. It is already very dangerous, even with me. It’s not that safe to protect you.”

Lu Qing'er was slightly disappointed. The scenery and joy along the way made her not want to go back, and her curiosity about the mountains was getting deeper and deeper. However, Chen Xuan insisted, so she could only agree.

The two of them walked side by side on the way back. After walking for a long time, Chen Xuan realized that something was wrong. At the speed just now, even if he didn't go out, he should be close to the exit.

But now they seem to be standing still, walking for a long time before returning to where they were before.

Chen Xuan summoned the mysterious sword and pulled Lu Qing'er to stand on the sword, trying to break through from the air.

Xuan Jian led the two of them straight towards the exit, but strangely, as the space was slightly distorted, they returned to the original place.

Now there's trouble.

Could it be the chaotic space left behind by some great space master?

Even the city lord who can create space would not dare to touch this kind of thing. In addition to the unknown energy hidden in it, the many causes and effects will also have a great impact.

He thought about countermeasures and decided to come down first and look for a way out on the ground.

Putting away the Xuanjian, the two walked on the road.

Since the way back is impassable, we can only go inside.

I can only take a gamble.

Chen Xuan asked Lu Qing'er to follow him closely to protect her.

The aura coming from the mountains made Chen Xuan feel a little solemn.

I had no choice but to keep walking. It was weird. No matter how hard I walked on the way back, I couldn't reach the end. I kept spinning in circles. But as I walked deeper, the surrounding scenery immediately changed.

Could it be that someone let us in on purpose?

Maybe the person who arranged this mysterious place, with his cultivation level, wouldn't it be more convenient to just capture the two of them and go in?

Now Chen Xuan is also confused.

Originally, he guessed that this was due to space, so he bet that the way back would be deep in the mountains, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

Suddenly, a huge ferocious beast sprang out from the mountains, its ferocious mouth exuded a fishy stench, its eyes were extremely ferocious, and it stared at Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan.

Lu Qing'er was a little scared when she hid behind Chen Xuan, but he was not afraid of the beast at all, but he was a little shocked.

The ferocious beast in front of me is the descendant of a certain mythical beast in ancient times. It has been slaughtered by the enemy's mythical beast long ago. Because this beast has very strange abilities, it will be recorded in the classics.

How could he not be shocked when something that had become extinct now appeared in front of him.

But the most important thing right now is to escape from this ferocious beast. After all, it is the descendant of the ancient beast, and it is not something he can compete with now.

"Wolf! Wake up!" Chen Xuan anxiously woke up the sleeping wolf in his body.

The ferocious beast in front of him put great pressure on him.

When the wolf woke up, it also felt the giant beast in front of it, and looked at the giant beast with a strange expression.

"Hey, I, you have encountered an illusion, right?" The wolf's voice sounded, making Chen Xuan slightly stunned.


"This beast is stronger than my bloodline. If it is true, I should be able to feel the suppression of the bloodline. And isn't this thing extinct long ago? No matter how powerful a person is, it is impossible for it to reappear."

After hearing Wolf's words, Chen Xuan finally calmed down.

He patted the frightened Lu Qing'er and comforted her with a few words.

"Then how should we get out now? This illusion is too real."

The wolf thought for a while and said to Chen Xuan: "Isn't the beast in front of you immobile? Go challenge it and let it crash into you. Maybe the illusion will be broken."

Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, with a strange look on his face. Was he provoking a ferocious beast? It seems that I can only do it by myself. Lu Qing'er must not be allowed to do such dangerous things.

After he stabilized Lu Qing'er, he drew out his black sword and slashed at the beast's head.

The shock coming from the sword almost made Chen Xuan unable to handle it.

He regretted a little at this moment. The overwhelming momentum and extremely rigid defense in front of him were nothing like an illusion.

Chen Xuan called out to the wolf in his heart, but it only had time to say two words before the giant beast rushed over.


Chen Xuan seemed to be knocked into the air, and as if a giant beast had penetrated his body. The only thing he could feel was a faint pain, but it was not that obvious.

The wolf watched everything that happened inside his body and couldn't help but clicked his tongue. This illusion was too terrifying.


An explosion brought Chen Xuan back to reality.

There were no mountains around, and the ferocious beast in front of him had disappeared. Only his body was still aching faintly, and he suddenly remembered something.

Looking back quickly, Lu Qing'er closed her eyes tightly and lay on the ground.

Fortunately, nothing happened. He probably hasn't come out of the illusion yet.

Before Chen Xuan could breathe a sigh of relief, the figure in front made him open his eyes wide.

That enchanting figure was none other than Liu Xiang'er whom I had seen a few days ago!

There was no one else around. It seemed that Liu Xiang'er should have run away alone with the Fire Snake Silver Spear.

She hadn't noticed him yet.

Chen Xuan slowly touched it, and the thing next to Liu Xiang'er moved his heart.

It's the Fire Snake Silver Spear!

It seems that I am very lucky. I can find a fiery snake and a silver spear in any city I find.

From the current point of view, Liu Xiang'er should not have conquered the Fire Snake Silver Spear yet, which undoubtedly makes Chen Xuan's chances a little greater. What we have to think about now is how to get the silver gun from Liu Xiang'er.

While he was thinking, Liu Xiang'er in front of him didn't know when he had arrived in front of him.

Grinning at him and smiling.

Chen Xuang was about to scream in surprise, but was suppressed by the wolf. When he regained his composure, Liu Xiang'er was still next to the Fire Snake Silver Spear in the distance.

This illusion is really too terrifying!

Let people dry it without realizing it.

This made the wolf a little solemn.

"I didn't expect this girl to have a phantom body, but it's not difficult to do."

"Phantom body?"

"They have very rare physiques and can release illusions at any time. Their cultivation methods are also very unique. As long as someone is in their illusions, their cultivation level will increase." Lang looked at Liuxiang'er in front of him with a complicated expression and continued: "On the ancient battlefield, there was a woman with a phantom body, known as the Empress of Phantom. During her most terrifying period, she caused 300 million living beings to fall into a state of death, sleeping until their bodies withered."

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