Lu Qing'er looked at Chen Xuan blankly and took the spar in his hand. This was a unique product of Chaolihai, and Chen Xuan had made preparations before coming.

Originally, he was accompanying Lu Qing'er on a mission, but actually he was just out for fun. Unexpectedly, he met Liu Xiang'er.

Now that he has obtained the Fire Snake Silver Spear, he is now very curious about the inheritance monument that Lu Qing'er passed before.

The two rested for a while, and the way back became normal. While rushing on the road, Chen Xuan was still thinking about Liu Xiang'er. The phantom body was really terrifying. If it weren't for the wolf, he wouldn't know what the consequences would be.

With such a perverted physique, I don’t know how many more demon cultivators, descendants of ancient beasts, and chaotic space there are in this world. Chen Xuan vaguely feels that the future is getting more and more exciting.

Soon, with the speed of Xuanjian, the two of them had arrived at the city gate. After handing over four spiritual crystals, they went in together.

Lu Qing'er looked uncertain. She sensed something unusual from the previous incident. After handing the crystal to Chen Xuan, she gave a brief explanation and hurried home.

Chen Xuan had no choice but to go to the guild to hand in the task first. While waiting for the processing time, he felt someone staring at him and raised his spiritual power vigilantly. Fortunately, this feeling lasted for a while and then disappeared.

After coming out of the union, Chen Xuan stretched himself. He found an inn to stay at and sat cross-legged on the bed.

The Fire Serpent Silver Spear in his right hand was very quiet, but at the same time it contained great energy. He felt that as long as he thought about it, the Fire Serpent Silver Spear would appear in his hand, which was extremely convenient.

What troubles him now is the demonic nature of the Fire Snake Silver Spear. The title of the Demonic Spear is certainly not unfounded. It is not possible to rely on wolves to suppress it, and it will not harm itself.

He sighed, he could only wait until he met Yao Lao to deal with this gun.

Then he sat down to practice. Lu Qing'er left and asked him to go to Xuan Temple to find her in three days. He was extremely interested in Yao Lao's inheritance monument and quietly waited for the passage of time while practicing.

Three days passed quickly. Chen Xuan opened his eyes, exhaled a breath of thick air, and then left the room.

He was walking along the road leading to the temple, but what puzzled him was that he kept hearing pedestrians talking about rebellion along the way.

"Do you hear that the Lin family has rebelled?"

"Not only the Lin family, but also the Mo family."

"Why did the two families take refuge in the Demon Sect after a good bet?"

"I heard it was discovered by the city lord's daughter."



Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment. The family rebellion was Xuancheng's own business, but joining the Demon Sect was different, not to mention that it was Lu Qing'er who discovered it.

We must ask clearly about this matter. Thinking about it, Chen Xuan quickened his pace.

From a distance, Lu Qing'er was seen standing at the entrance of the temple. She waved to Chen Xuan and called him over.

Chen Xuan looked at Lu Qing'er in front of him and couldn't help but said, "Why are you so calm?"

Lu Qing'er was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chen Xuan was a little worried: "Are the families in your city going to rebel? If you come out like this, won't you be targeted by them?"

Lu Qing'er finally understood and pulled Chen Xuan into the temple.

"It's okay. I just mentioned it to my father. Who knows, those two families really seem to have this intention. There are many rumors outside, and they insist that the two families are going to rebel. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding."

"'s up to you."


When the guard at the door saw Lu Qing'er, he quickly saluted her and let the two of them in.

Chen Xuan looked curiously at the inside of the temple. It was extremely empty and larger than he thought. There were not many decorations inside, but most of them were classical, exuding a luxurious atmosphere.

"This is my home, and my father is in it."

Chen Xuan looked at her strangely. Such a luxurious temple was actually just Lu Qing'er's home. It was conceivable that her father was very powerful and powerful.

Soon Lu Qing'er took him to the inside of the temple. She pointed to the room on the side and said to Chen Xuande, "Go in, my father is waiting for you inside. He seems to be quite interested in you."

He nodded and knocked on the door thoughtfully. After all, the person sitting inside was the lord of a city, not to mention that this city lord was extremely powerful.


Chen Xuan then opened the door and walked in.

The room was small and extremely simple, with only a bed, table and chairs, and nothing else.

If Lu Qing'er hadn't brought him here, he would never have imagined that such a powerful person would live in such a simple room, and he couldn't help but become curious about the man in front of him.

The middle-aged man sitting on the desk in front looked up at Chen Xuan, and the wolf was instantly awakened.

"Where are you and how did you meet such a strong person?"

Chen Xuan explained to the wolf in his heart that this was Lu Qing'er's father, and then it became quiet.

He saluted the man, cupped his fists and said, "Chen Xuan has met the Lord of the City."

The city lord waved his hand, then motioned Chen Xuan to sit down, and slowly said, "Iron Wolf, long time no see."

The wolf's eyes widened and he said to Chen Xuande, "Let me out. I want to see who this person is."

Then the wolf was released from the body with Chen Xuan's power. It looked at the man in front of it, thought about it, and exclaimed, "Second Lu?!"

The city lord, whom the wolf called Lu Lao Er, looked at the wolf with a smile.

"Brother Wolf, long time no see."

The wolf was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head and yelled, "Lao Er Lu, you Wang An, give me back my purple spirit! The purple spirit that swallowed me is now so advanced, look at what I have become now."

It looked a little excited, as if it had known the city lord many years ago.

Lu Laoer wasn't angry either. He raised his palm and a flash of purple flew towards the wolf, slowly wrapping it around it.

"I have been thinking about you for so many years, and I have prepared this Zi Xuan Essence just waiting for you to come back. I didn't expect that we would be separated for decades. Qing'er and I were awakened by the dark green energy. I guessed it might be you, I didn’t expect this young man to come over.”

Lu Laoer was also quite emotional. They said goodbye back then, but now they meet again. One person has become the city lord, and the other wolf has turned into a contracted beast.

The wolf raised his eyes and glanced at him, saying, "You have a conscience, where is Mo'er?"

The city lord suddenly fell silent, and after a while he slowly spoke: "Mo'er... died at the hands of the Demon Sect."


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