Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2016 City Lord, Heritage Monument

The wolf couldn't believe what Lu Laoer said, its eyes widened and its voice trembled.

"You bastard! Didn't I ask you to protect her? How could you let those demon sects..."

He sighed, his eyes filled with vicissitudes of life.

"Back then, when the Demon Sect surrounded us and we both lost our fighting power, Mo'er was unwilling to accept it. He detonated the core and used the last talisman to send me away. I managed to save my life, but Mo'er, she …”

The wolf gritted his teeth and said: "Demon Sect!! I will definitely make you pay the price!"

Chen Xuan felt the wolf's sadness, and he felt like he was about to explode.

Lu Laoer adjusted his mood and said to Chen Xuan and Lang: "Qing'er and I met a few days ago. Someone seemed to be secretly trying to harm her. I followed the trade union to check and found that two families in my city seemed to be related to each other. There is collusion in that case!”

"Are you... colluding with the Demon Sect?"

"There are just some clues, I can't be sure yet, and I feel that the city is going to change."

He looked outside with some worry. It involved the dispute between the sect families, and he was not sure whether he could suppress it alone.

"Are you okay?" Wolf looked at Lu Laoer and asked.

He was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "I am now a Xuanxian cultivator. No matter what happens, I will still be the lord of the city, no problem!"

The wolf sighed and returned to Chen Xuan's body without saying goodbye.

Chen Xuan couldn't hear what they said just now. He could only feel that the wolf's emotional changes were very unstable, so he asked a question.

"Is everything okay?"

Everything that happened today really shocked the wolf. It just shook its head and fell into a deep sleep.

Then Lu Laoer looked at Chen Xuan and said, "I heard clearly, are you Yao Lao's disciple?"


"I got this stele by chance a few years ago. You can use it to meditate on it. It should have no effect on you now."

Chen Xuan looked at the ring handed over by the city lord and couldn't believe that such a valuable thing was given to him like this?

He was a little pushy, but the city lord stopped him and scolded him with a smile: "You bastard, you won't let me go unless you take Qing'er, not to mention you are a disciple of Yao Lao, this should be yours."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan took Najie and thanked him.

The city lord closed his eyes and waved his hand towards Chen Xuan.

"There are some things inside the ring. Let's take a look at it when you go back. Okay, you can go."

Chen Xuan hugged his fists, said goodbye, opened the door and walked out.

Lu Qing'er, who was outside the door, had been waiting for a long time. When she saw Chen Xuan coming out, she hurriedly asked: "How is it? Did you get it?"

He was a bit dumbfounded. It seemed that the city lord was very controlled by his daughter. She already knew in advance that the city lord would give him the inheritance monument.

Chen Xuan nodded.

Lu Qing'er breathed a sigh of relief and curled her lips.

"My father is very angry, but he has already given it to you, so it will be okay."

He thought of the city lord's room, which seemed to be Lu Qing'er's. This was the first time he had seen such a city lord.

Then Lu Qing'er looked at Chen Xuan and asked, "Where are you going next? Why don't you accompany me around the city."

Chen Xuan looked at Lu Qing'er, who was looking up at him, his eyes full of expectation. He couldn't bear to refuse, but there was more important thing to do, so he could only say: "I have to go back to study and play now. Just let it go first.”

Lu Qing'er was a little disappointed. She lowered her head and said, turned around and left.

He looked at Lu Qing'er's back, shook his head with a wry smile, and then returned to his resting place.

As soon as he opened the ring, Chen Xuan was extremely surprised by what was inside. He recalled what Lu Qing'er had said, "My father was very angry..."

Are the countless spiritual treasure pills in front of me really angry?

After roughly checking, many of them were used to repair beast spirits, basically for use by contracted beasts. Chen Xuan looked at the pile of herbs.

It seems that the relationship between the wolf and the city lord is unusual.

Next came the highlight. He took out the piece of crystal clear jade, which was engraved with mysterious words. Chen Xuan glanced at it casually, and the content on it turned out to be the first volume of the Classic of Grass and Woods.

It seems that there is quite a lot in this tablet.

Chen Xuan was a little excited. He immersed his consciousness in it. A silvery white light flashed. Countless herbal elixirs suddenly appeared in front of him, arranged in an extremely mysterious formation. The natural breath of the vegetation was surging, wrapping it like an ocean. Chen Xuan.

Yao Lao's voice sounded in Chen Xuan's heart.

"The way of herbal medicine is for life and death, for the great road, and for all things. To understand it, you must first empathize with it, use your body as a furnace, and use the earth as medicine, before you can understand the life and death of good and evil."

Chen Xuan benefited a lot from Xuan Miao's words. He tried to blend into the sea of ​​herbs in front of him, using his body as a furnace, gradually blending into it and absorbing the energy of the plants.

The wolf in the outside world looked at Chen Xuan who was lost in meditation, smiled slightly, and sighed: "This kid really got a great opportunity."

Chen Xuan, who was meditating, followed the guidance of the mysterious herbalist and took the herbs into his body, turning them into little starlight that filled his body.

As time went by, more and more herbs were absorbed by Chen Xuan. The ocean changed from dark green to light green, and he absorbed a lot of the energy in it. He could feel that his body was developing in a good direction. Only after it was completely absorbed could the benefits of enlightenment be truly reflected.

There were more and more dots of starlight in his body, turning faintly into a silvery white color, and his body gradually sublimated under the refining of the starlight.

Chen Xuan has roughly figured out the method and effect of this enlightenment. In layman's terms, it is to integrate the energy of plants and trees contained in the stele into one's own body according to the method pointed out by Yao Lao. While comprehending the avenue, it also truly strengthens oneself. Finally, he will There is no way to know what it will look like, but he feels that when he finally succeeds, his body will bring about unexpected changes.

A large ocean had shrunk to the shape of a lake, and the energy contained in it was getting weaker and weaker as he absorbed it.

He was looking forward to it and worked harder to absorb it.

Finally, with his efforts, the entire ocean of vegetation had been refined. Endless starlight lingered in his body, and he felt that he was full of mysterious power.

At the last moment when the ocean was absorbed, Yao Lao's figure appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

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