Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2017 Reincarnation of Life and Death

Yao Lao looked much younger than before. He looked at Chen Xuan with a smile and said slowly: "Destined man, you have completed the first step of inheritance. Next, I will pass on the final creation to you. What can you become? Take good care of it.”

Chen Xuan nodded, the Yao Lao in front of him raised his right hand slightly, and a brilliant light slowly passed into Chen Xuan's body.

As the light entered, Yaolao's body became lighter and lighter.

Chen Xuan didn't feel good at the moment. The seven-colored brilliance was burning like the sun in his body, and the blood in his body was boiling. Could it be that what he wanted to do was absorb this light?

It was too difficult. At this moment, he understood why Lin Yi had to absorb the energy of the ocean. If there was no such energy package at this time, his body would have been burned long ago and would not be able to accommodate the existence of brilliance.

He gritted his teeth, sweating profusely, trying to disperse the light and integrate it into his body.

The wolf outside looked at Chen Xuan's changes and guessed something in his heart. He couldn't help but sweat for Chen Xuan, and said to himself: "You must hold on, maybe you will get those ancient physiques!"

It also didn't expect that there was such a great effort in this inheritance monument. It seemed to be extremely mysterious. There was no way of knowing what it would look like in the end, but what he knew was that if Chen Xuan held on, it would be It will become extremely powerful!

Chen Xuan roared in pain and gasped for breath. This process was so painful that he almost collapsed.

The light burned Chen Xuan's body step by step, and at the same time, a trace of energy merged into it, repairing his wounds.

What Chen Xuan has to do now is to persist in this process. Only by guarding his mind can he truly break out of his cocoon and become a butterfly.

In the blink of an eye, a long time has passed, and more than half of the ball of light has been absorbed, leaving only the last ball appearing at Chen Xuan's heart. He knows that the current situation is extremely dangerous, and it is also the most important moment. As long as he gets through it, he can success.

The rest of his fused body was now glowing with gleaming light, except for his heart, which was still dim.

The wolf looked at Chen Xuan, and it had already felt the difference in Chen Xuan's physical body.

"The breathing body is very good, but the reincarnation body above the breathing body is the real abnormality..."

Chen Xuan felt the changes in his body while merging the brilliance. The vitality of the physical body was much more, and the repair power should be stronger. However, Chen Xuan was a little unwilling. He deeply felt the power of this colorful brilliance. If only now At this level, it was undoubtedly a waste of money, so he decided to give it a try!

He took advantage of the fact that the strands of brilliance that had been integrated into his body had not yet completely merged, and forced it out again, integrating it all into his chest.

Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and tried his best to blend in. His heart was beating slower and slower, and the surface had been burned to a terrible extent. The most terrible thing was that the ocean energy he had absorbed previously had been exhausted now, and his heart was no longer protected. , even more fragile under the brilliance.

The wolf noticed his intention and shouted in horror: "No! You will die if you do this!!"

But Chen Xuan couldn't hear it at all at this time, all his energy was in his body.

Finally, his heart lost its power under the burning of the light, and the blood in his body stopped flowing. He suddenly lost his strength, and the look in his eyes gradually disappeared.

The wolf was stunned. It could feel its life passing by. This meant that Chen Xuan...

Chen Xuan murmured in his heart: "Are you going to die?"

At the last moment of his life, he was unwilling to be his partner in Yongzhou City! Yao Lao’s expectations! There are still so many companions waiting for him, and there are countless demons whose revenge has not been avenged. He cannot die like this.

The heart that had stopped beating began to beat weakly again under the brilliance. The power gradually became stronger, and the whole body was full of vitality. At this time, the brilliance had completely integrated into his heart, and an unprecedented feeling filled his body. Body.

The wolf had closed its eyes and waited for dissipation, but suddenly felt something strange inside Chen Xuan's body. It quickly opened its eyes and saw Chen Xuan's blue-green eyes. It was stunned and couldn't believe it. This kind of thing actually happens.

It quickly looked at Chen Xuan's body. The vast energy of the starry sky filled Chen Xuan's body, exuding tough and powerful vitality, and his heart was beating powerfully. Brilliant seven colors shuttled around the heart, and the whole heart It exudes a mysterious atmosphere.

" this, the body of reincarnation?"

The wolf's voice was trembling. It looked at Chen Xuan with wide eyes. The emotion in its heart could no longer be described as shocking.

This kind of thing can be called a miracle. Yao Lao never thought that the inheritance he left behind would lead to the birth of Chen Xuan's reincarnation body.

Chen Xuan stepped back from the inheritance monument. He exhaled softly, feeling the extremely powerful power in his body and was very satisfied.

He looked at the wolf who was laughing like crazy and asked with some confusion.

"What’s wrong with you?"

The wolf came back to his senses and laughed and cursed: "You bastard, you are the body of reincarnation!! You really don't know how to be blessed in the midst of blessings."

Chen Xuan was a little confused: "Reincarnation body?"

"One of the most powerful physiques. It can be said that. Except for one person who had the reincarnation body in the past and present, he was killed in the early stage. The remaining people, without exception, became Immortal Emperors! Immortal Emperors! That's why I You don't know how blessed you are." Wolf swallowed and continued: "Even the one who was killed killed several mysterious immortals in the immortal period, and finally it was a golden immortal who managed to kill him. , you still can’t understand the abnormality of the reincarnation body.”

Chen Xuan looked at his body in disbelief. Listening to the wolf's words, he seemed to have created a miracle?

"But." The wolf became serious, and then said: "Only the two of us know that you have a reincarnation body. If word spreads, countless people will try their best to kill you, and there will be countless old people in the Golden Immortal stage. Monsters are coming to take away your home, so be careful!”

He nodded solemnly and put away the energy in his body. On the surface, it looked no different from usual.

The wolf watched Chen Xuan finish all this before nodding with satisfaction.

Just as Chen Xuan was preparing to take a rest, there was a knock on the door and Lu Qing'er's anxious voice.

"Chen Xuan! The Demon Sect has invaded. My father is trapped now. Come out quickly!"

When the wolf heard this, his eyes were slightly blurred, showing a cruel look.

"Chen Xuan, let's go and feel your new physique. Demon Sect? Humph!"

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