The streets were in chaos, filled with the screams of the people. Demon soldiers could be seen everywhere, and countless demon cultivators were slaughtering wantonly in the city.

"How did they get in?" Chen Xuan asked as he flew towards the temple.

Lu Qing'er bit her teeth lightly, her eyes filled with sorrow and anger.

"The Jin and Wang families actually set up a teleportation array in the city. So many demons came in at once, and my father was seriously injured."

Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly. It seemed that the city lord's guess that day was true. With so many demons, the demon sect had made a big move.

Soon, Chen Xuan entered the temple. From a distance, he saw the surging demonic energy and the golden aura confronting each other. The city lord felt uncomfortable. He fought three demons alone. The city lord's cultivation was at the sixth level of Xuanxian. , the three demons he fought were all at level 3 or higher of the Mysterious Immortal. Although their individual strength was not as strong as the city lord, the three of them together put great pressure on the city lord, not to mention that he was seriously injured at the moment.


The explosion sounded, and the ferocious face of the demon appeared behind the city lord and gave him a blow. He gritted his teeth, turned around and hit the demon with a blow, but in the blink of an eye, another attack came from behind, and the city lord had no choice but to keep avoiding it. .

The wolf's eyes were extremely red at this moment, and he merged directly with Chen Xuan, bursting out with momentum and attacking.

When the three demons saw someone coming, they distanced themselves from the city lord. Chen Xuan had already arrived at the city lord's side with sharp eyes. He spoke slowly, but it was a wolf's voice: "Second Lu, can you handle it? ?”

The city lord laughed loudly.

"These few devil cubs can't do anything to me."

"Chen Xuan's current strength is limited, I will help you share one, and the remaining two will be left to you."

"no problem."

The two of them explained their tactics and attacked the demons separately.

Chen Xuan took the initiative to hand over control of his body to the wolf. He could feel the wolf's anger and had already communicated with the floating spirit body in advance. In other words, the wolf could now use all Chen Xuan's methods!

The wolf was now facing a demon who had cultivated to the third level of the Mysterious Demon. Although he was the weakest among them, it was not easy to defeat Chen Xuanlai, who was at the ninth level of the Immortal Demon.



As soon as the wolf came up, he used his killing move and smashed his fiery fist at the demon.

"Treat me as a soft persimmon? You will regret it."

The demon frowned, his eyes becoming crueler.

Chichi, the sound of burning demonic energy sounded. Fushengquan has always been somewhat restrained against the demons, which surprised the demons. However, the difference in cultivation was so great that the impact of restraint was very small.


The sound of the two colliding sounded, and the demonic energy in the demon's right hand entangled and eroded towards Chen Xuan, making a hissing sound on his body. If it were Chen Xuan from before, just the erosion of the demonic energy would have injured him.

The demon looked at Chen Xuan's arm in surprise. It collided with him and came into contact with the demonic energy, but nothing happened. He was either a person who specializes in physical training or has a special physique.

The demons and Chen Xuan distanced themselves.

The wolf looked at the city lord on the other side. Although he had taken away one person, the remaining two were extremely cunning and not easy to deal with, so he decided to fight quickly.

Chen Xuan communicated with the floating spirit body, and the silvery white color flowed throughout the body. This was the sixth level of the Fusheng Art.

Chen Xuan violently attacked the demon clan.

"So fast!"

The demon's pupils shrank slightly, and he subconsciously raised his hands to block Chen Xuan's attack.


The sound of broken bones sounded. He did not expect that he would be injured in the hands of a ninth-level immortal. He was immediately furious and burst out with endless power. The demonic energy turned into a rainbow and poured straight towards Chen Xuan. Such a huge The amount of demonic energy puts Chen Xuan under some pressure, but under the reincarnation body, this demonic energy will not cause much harm to him, not to mention that he is still in the sixth level of Fushengjue. The damage is minimal.

Rush forward again and punch the second time!


This hit directly hit the demon's chest, and several sternum bones were obviously broken. He couldn't help coughing up blood. Another demon noticed this and exclaimed: "Third Brother!!"

As soon as he was distracted, the city lord's attack came forward.


Two people...severely injured!

At this moment, the demon's advantage no longer existed, and the city lord looked at Chen Xuan with complicated eyes.

"I didn't expect that he would get such an opportunity, but it is also good for Brother Wolf."

He was a little relieved. The physical injuries seemed to have alleviated a lot. Now that there was only one person left, it was extremely easy for him to deal with it.

A huge Buddha appeared behind Chen Xuan, leaving several demons stunned.

Countless hands behind the Buddha were raised, and they hit several demons fiercely. Three demons were coughed up blood, and the one with the weakest cultivation among them was dying and on the verge of death.

The demon with the least injury gritted his teeth, looked cruelly at the Buddha behind Chen Xuan, and trembled and roared: "Let's go!"

After completely enveloping the other two demons, they turned into black energy and suddenly dissipated.

Chen Xuan was shocked and tried to cast a spell to stop the demons, but it didn't work at all.

The city lord looked into the distance and said, "It's useless. Their secret methods are much more mysterious, but this time, at least two of them will die."

He smiled mysteriously, and when the demons left just now, he used some tricks.

In a mountain range unknown how far away, a demon roared in pain in a secret room.

"Second brother!! Third brother!!"

Next to him lay two dead demons.

The remaining demon's eyes were extremely red. He took out the token and crushed it, and a mysterious wave spread out.

"Elder, we failed..."

After Chen Xuan and the city lord repelled the three demons, they began to deal with the demon soldiers in the city.

Although the solution was relatively timely, the casualties in the city were still somewhat heavy.

The whole city was extremely silent.

For the next three days, all the traitors from the Jin and Wang families were arrested. Except for the mortals in the family, the rest of the principal criminals were imprisoned and awaited execution in seven days.

Chen Xuan was sitting in the city lord's room, and the wolf was released from Chen Xuan's body. The city lord was standing at the window, looking at the scenery outside, and sighed.

"During this period, not only we are here, but other parts of the continent are also not at peace. These demons seem to be ready to move again. This is not good news for the current continent."

Chen Xuan was silent. He was still thinking about Yao Lao. It seemed that he had to go back as soon as possible.

The wolf yawned. He was a little tired after working for a long time, and he was afraid that he would fall asleep soon.

"Nowadays, young people have to let young people do their work. But if those old devils come out to cause trouble, we have to stop them at all costs." Lang said seriously.

"Okay! Even if I risk my life, I have to stop him."


"City Lord! The head of the Jin family was kidnapped and ran away!!"


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