The city lord looked serious and his eyes were complicated, and said to the visitor: "Ask the person guarding Jin Mang to come and see me."


After the man left, the city lord looked out the window worriedly and sighed softly.

Chen Xuan was a little confused and asked: "Then if the head of the Jin family escapes, will the consequences be serious?"

The city lord's eyes were profound.

"What you don't know is that the identity of the head of the Jin family has been revealed. He is the son of the elder of the Demon Sect. Now that he has escaped, the Demon Sect will definitely make a comeback."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan was a little surprised. Two of the four major families in the city had rebelled. One of them even had the head of the family from the Demon Sect. This Demon Sect was too powerful and well hidden.

"Inform the city lord that the person guarding Jin Mang has been brought here."

"Well, you go down first."

As soon as the guard came in, he knelt down in front of the city lord with a plop, a little scared.

The city lord glanced at him and said, "Get up first. How did Jin Mang escape?"

The man's voice was trembling: "Report... report to the city lord, he is very thirsty, and asked me to give him some water to drink. I thought that his cultivation level was banned, so he should be fine, so I gave it to him, but he just picked it up When he got into the water, he put a piece of black stuff on my body, and I fainted. When I woke up, I found that he had taken the key, opened the cell door and ran away. "

Afterwards, he kowtowed to the city lord on the ground: "It was all my negligence that made him run away. City lord, please punish me!"

The city lord sighed with his hands behind his back, waved to the man, and said: "Forget it, I can't blame you entirely. You can go."

What else was the man thinking, but when he looked at the city lord, he took back his words, thanked the city lord and then retreated.

"I didn't expect him to be able to do that kind of thing."

Chen Xuan asked with some confusion: "What?"

The city lord's eyes were profound.

"You must have felt it too, the man who was guarding just now. The first level of Xuanxian cultivation was knocked unconscious by Jin Mang, who had no cultivation at that time. That black thing is unique to the Demon Sect. I was struck by this thing at that time. The Xie Cai was seriously injured, and the refining of that thing was extremely cruel. It seems that Jin Mang is indeed a member of the Demon Sect. "

Chen Xuan wanted to know how that thing was refined, but seeing the anger deep in the city lord's eyes, he could vaguely guess it, so he stopped asking.

"Then what should we do now."

The city lord stood with his hands behind his back and said nothing. He just called the guard outside the door in and said to him and Chen Xuan: "Notify, the whole city is on alert and ready to fight at any time!"


Chen Xuan already felt that war... was coming.

He looked at the extremely majestic city lord, and a sense of heroism surged into his heart.

The wolf also woke up at this time. It felt Chen Xuan's emotions and was a little excited, with the corners of its mouth raised slightly.

"The Demon Sect... I will make sure you never come back this time!"

The city lord's order has been notified, and preparations have begun throughout the city.

All the old, weak, women and children entered the secret room prepared in advance. Defenses were set up outside the city wall. All the spirit stones were taken out to provide energy for defense. There were energy cannons on the city wall, extremely fierce and dark. The muzzle of the gun is facing outside the city.

Everyone knows that war... is coming.


A loud shout rang out. The city lord at the city gate was extremely majestic, standing with his hands behind his back. In front of him were countless sophisticated soldiers and horses.

A heavy voice sounded.

"General Xuan listens to the order!!"


"In this war, we must win! We must not lose! Even if it costs your lives, you must kill a few more demons for me. If you lose one demon, your family will have more hope of survival!"


Chen Xuan was shocked. A total of 300,000 Xuan generals came here again, making him truly feel the atmosphere of war.

"Go down and be on alert everywhere in the city gate!"

The majestic voice of the city lord resounded everywhere.

Suddenly a person came and ran to the city lord in a panic. He first saluted and then said: "Report to the city lord! The demon army is coming!"

The city lord's eyes narrowed slightly, the demons were coming faster than he thought.

"How far have you come? How far are you from the city gate now?"

"It's about eighty miles away, and the number of people... is over one million."

"There are so many here, please go down first."

The city lord then came to the city wall in person, and from a distance saw countless magic soldiers coming densely from the horizon.

He shouted loudly: "Everyone listen to the order!! General Xuan will follow me down to fight! The remaining people, guard the city gate!"


The city lord suddenly saw a person sitting on a chariot in the middle of the demon army in the distance, who looked a little familiar.

He looked carefully, his eyes widened, and then he clenched his fists, anger burning deep in his eyes.

"Luo Yan..."

Chen Xuan followed the city lord and General Xuan out of the city gate. Looking at the two opposing sides, with a huge disparity in numbers, he felt that this war... was difficult to fight.

There were several demon generals standing next to the chariot, who were obviously high-ranking demon soldiers. Among them was the demon who had managed to escape before. He gritted his teeth and looked at the city lord, and then said to an old man on the side: "Elder Jin , this is the man who killed my two younger brothers and is planning to push your son to be executed!"

The old man glanced at the city lord, snorted coldly, raised his right hand and circulated the black energy, and a magical attack went straight towards the city lord.

Chen Xuan was horrified. If the city lord was defeated by the enemy before the fight even started, there would be no need to fight this battle.

Judging from the elder's casual attack fluctuations, he was at least at the seventh level of Xuanxian, and his cultivation was higher than that of the city lord.

Just when Chen Xuan was worried about the city lord, he suddenly made a move. He simply raised his hand, and the attack was blown away like a balloon blown by a child.

How could this be possible! Even if the city lord's cultivation was the same as that of the elder, it would be impossible for him to resist the attack so easily.

Could it be?

A strange idea was born in Chen Xuan's heart. He was a little excited, and the wolf was staring at the city lord at this time, and suddenly became excited: "This old man, I knew his strength was not that weak, it turned out that he was sealed up."

Chen Xuan looked along the city lord's hand. At this time, he was putting his left hand on his chest and moving it, as if he was removing the seal.

As the city lord's hand speed increased, a terrifying momentum suddenly broke out!

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