The momentum was like a hurricane, pressing towards the demon soldiers in front. Some of the weak ones were actually injured under the momentum, turning pale and spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Luo Yan was sitting in the chariot. He was naturally unaffected. His eyes narrowed slightly. He seemed to recognize the city lord: "Is that bastard from the Lu family? Interesting..." He licked his lips, his eyes cruel.

At this time, the city lord's cultivation level is also gradually rising: the eighth level of Xuanxian, the ninth level of Xuanxian, the peak of Xuanxian...

Suddenly a golden light flashed through, and the city lord's entire aura underwent an earth-shaking change.

Golden fairy!

Luo Yan couldn't sit still at this time. He himself was only the fifth level of the Golden Immortal, but the city lord looked like he was not over yet.

The second level of golden immortality, the third level of golden immortality, the fourth level of golden immortality...

Finally, Shengsheng slowly stopped when he reached the sixth level of Golden Immortal.

The true strength of the city lord is—the peak of the sixth level of Golden Immortal!

The demon who had the chance to escape was already frightened. He stared at the city lord in front of him in disbelief. His eyes widened. He did not expect that the city lord's real strength was so high, even higher than that of the deputy lord. , if he were to fight the city lord now, even if there were ten of him, he wouldn't be enough to kill the city lord.

The doubts in Chen Xuan's heart were finally solved. No wonder he was so embarrassed that day against the three demons who were not even at the fifth level of Xuanxian. It turned out that he had suppressed his cultivation and sealed himself.

But why he wanted to seal his cultivation level, he still doesn't know.

But what's interesting is that as the city lord unlocks his true cultivation, this war becomes a real confrontation.

The city lord stood with his hands behind his hands, staring at Luo Yan closely with deep eyes. The same was true for Luo Yan. The key to this war lay in the two of them.

Luo Yan sneered and said: "I was lucky enough to save a dog's life, and now it bites its owner?" His face was full of ridicule, and he wanted to see how Lu Xuanqing would make a decision.

Lu Xuanqing, the city lord, looked livid at this time and his eyes were full of murderous intent. He ignored Luo Yan and directly raised his hand to strike Luo Yan from the air.

He laughed loudly and flew up to fight with Lu Xuanqing.

As the coaches of both sides took action, 300,000 mysterious generals and mighty demon soldiers also fought together!

Chen Xuan let out a breath and decided to help the city lord share as much of the burden as possible.

The wolf couldn't wait to take action.

Wolf fusion!

The sixth level of Fushengjue!

The reincarnation of life and death!

Chen Xuan directly used his strongest form and flew towards several high-ranking demon clan members beside the chariot.

The first is the demon clan that escaped that day.

"Hey, I let you escape, but now you don't have that chance!"

The wolf's voice sounded, and Chen Xuan's temperament became a little evil at the moment. He stared at the demons as if he were staring at prey.

The demon gritted his teeth, opened his palm, and blood suddenly flowed out. He had a hunch that if he didn't show his true strength, he would be killed directly by the person in front of him. After all, when he killed the third child, It didn't feel as depressing as it does now.

After opening his palm, he directly printed it on his chest, and a burst of strange purple light suddenly erupted, and then he shouted: "Double Stars of the Demonic Way!"

A shadow appeared on the body, and then black energy surged, as if a person separated from the body.

Two identical demons appeared in front of Chen Xuan.

"Is it a clone? No, it's like another real person." He looked at the demon in front of him and thought.

The wolf didn't take it seriously and curled his lips.

"The Demonic Twin Stars are nothing more than incomplete objects of the ancient method. If he can use the complete Demonic Nine Star Art, that will be the real thorny issue."

In this case, Chen Xuan didn't have too many worries. He stepped forward and relied on his invincibility to punch the demons with one punch.

"So fast!"

The demon's pupils shrank, looking at Chen Xuan who almost teleported in front of him, he subconsciously raised his hand to block it.

The punch made his arm hurt, and he took a breath of cold air. The terror of Chen Xuan's physical body made him cautious, and his clone quickly flew towards Chen Xuan, trying to sneak attack from behind.


Chen Xuan backhanded an elbow, hitting the clone's head, and the clone's attack also hit Chen Xuan's back. He just felt a little shocked, but it was nothing serious, but the clone was different. It was blasted by Chen Xuan There are actually some signs of dissipation on the head.

But soon the black energy surged, and the head returned to its original appearance. At this moment, the demon attack came up again. Although Chen Xuan was fighting against two people alone, he could still withstand it. Most of the credit should be given to this. It's all thanks to his reincarnation body, otherwise even if he was in the sixth level of Fushengjue, he wouldn't dare to resist the damage of the Xuanxian level like this.

He was diffused by the energy of the mountain and returned to his original appearance almost in a breath.

The demon opened his eyes wide. He knew his own strength. Even though this young man was terrifying in strength, he was still a Mystic Immortal. It was simply shocking that the Immortal could receive a blow from the Mystic Immortal and nothing would happen.

He must report this matter to the sect leader. This child will definitely be a big disaster when he grows up.

But for now, it is better to suppress him first. After the sect leader solves the problem, he will not be able to escape!

The demon thought cruelly.

Chen Xuan stepped forward, and countless fist shadows bombarded him. The momentum that covered the ground and the suppressed demonic energy stopped somewhat.

The battle on their side was fierce, and the battle on the city lord's side was equally fierce.

The winning or losing of this war all depends on the two of them, and the fight between the golden immortals is really shocking.

Luo Yan stood on a hell flame dragon and looked down at Lu Xuanqing with a somewhat complicated look. The collision just now caused the blood and energy in his body to surge, a feeling that had not occurred for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the bastard who defected back then has grown to the point where he is now, and is still under pressure. The attack on Xuancheng was indeed premeditated. He also knew about it, but he had been in seclusion, and the sect leader personally While promoting this matter, he didn't care about it. He didn't expect that the lord of Xuan City would be that bastard.

If he had known, he would have come here in person last time. He licked his lips, feeling a little excited. The fighting desire and demonic nature that had been quiet for many years were once again aroused.

He said ferociously to Lu Xuanqing: "I asked you to escape back then, but now even though you are also a Golden Immortal, I will not hold back this time."

Lu Xuanqing's face was calm and he didn't say anything, but he still calmly welcomed Luo Yan's moves.

The moment Jinxian raised his hand, it was a peerless killing blow.

Almost half of the sky was colored by Luo Yan's black energy, while the other side was golden and belonged to Lu Xuanqing's spiritual power.

Luo Yan looked at the golden color on the ground in front of him. He seemed to feel something. He suddenly opened his eyes wide and said, "No wonder you survived and became a golden immortal when you were supported so heavily. I didn't expect you to use I got that thing, but even I didn’t dare to touch that thing, and you just melted into it, hahaha, you don’t have much time left.”

When the wolf in the distance heard this, he looked at Lu Xuanqing with a calm face and the golden aura in disbelief.

There was a faint smell of death and decay in the golden yellow.

"Shen Qiansha?"

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