Chen Xuan asked curiously in his heart: "What is Shen Qiansha?"

Wolf smiled bitterly and shook his head, but did not answer Chen Xuan and looked at Lu Xuanqing with desolate eyes.

"Lao Er Lu, Lao Er Lu, I really didn't expect you to dare to touch that thing. If Mo'er finds out, he will definitely hold your ears and teach you a lesson."

At the moment, it was better to deal with the demons in front of him first. Chen Xuan flew over like a meteor with a floating fist.

The demon's pupils shrank, it was so fast that there was no time to dodge, and the fist hit him in the face!


Unexpectedly, his head dissipated like black smoke, making a hissing sound under the floating force.

Chen Xuan was shocked!


Just as he was about to turn around, the black blade in the demon's hand appeared in front of him.

He was about to stab his head, so he dodged with all his strength, barely allowing the black blade to change its trajectory, and it hit his shoulder, causing blood to drip from his body.

Soon he distanced himself from the demons, and covered his shoulder with his right hand. There was something strange about this black blade, and a strange energy continuously penetrated Chen Xuan's body, preventing his wounds from healing.

The demon succeeded and looked at Chen Xuan with a mocking laugh: "If you have been stabbed by my black evil blade, you should give up resistance as soon as possible."

Chen Xuan smiled slightly. If this thing were placed on an ordinary person, it would be fatal, but he was different. He was a person with the body of reincarnation. This kind of magic could be easily resolved.

I saw the stars surging in his body, and soon the strange power was eroded away, and the wounds quickly healed under the horrified eyes of the demons.

"This... this is impossible. Even if the Xuan Immortal wants to repair it, it will still have to be repaired. How can it be possible for an immortal like you!"

The demon's face was pale, with shock written all over his face.

Chen Xuan stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the demons, and said calmly: "It's impossible, it's just that you are too confident in your abilities."

The demon gritted his teeth, his eyes cruel.

"If that's the case, then take advantage of my trick!"

"The Ninth Demon Buddha!"

Mysterious chanting sounds sounded, and a blood lotus platform appeared in front of him. On the lotus platform, an evil Buddha was sitting on it, which was extremely monstrous.

"This is?"

The demon's ferocious face looked even more terrifying under the strange light of the Buddha. He roared in a low voice: "The demon Buddha is born to harvest living beings. You... none of you can survive!"

Chen Xuan's face was solemn. He couldn't see through the power of this demon Buddha. He only felt extremely terrifying and even slightly depressed.

"In that case..."

Chen Xuan gave a soft drink, his silver consciousness surged all over his body, and a huge Buddha appeared behind him.

It is the strongest killer of the sixth level of Fushengjue

The power of the wolf covers the Buddha, forming a faint protection. The golden and green light complement each other, making the Buddha extremely powerful.

At this time, Chen Xuan's eyes had changed.

The left eye is a silver-white eye belonging to the Fu Sheng Jue, while the right eye is a strange blue-green, and a powerful aura bursts out from Chen Xuan's body.

Buddha vs. Demon Buddha!

Chen Xuan's body glowed, and gradually flew up and merged into the Buddha's head, controlling the ancient Buddha to fight. The same was true for the demon Buddha on the other side, and the demons entered the demon Buddha's chest.

Lu Xuanqing and Luo Yan in the distance also noticed this.

"This boy is very powerful. He can fight against the Zuo Protector at the Xuanxian level even if he is a ninth-level Immortal. He is still not inferior at all. When this matter is over, we must win him over. Wait... what is that?"

Luo Yan was thinking secretly in his heart. He suddenly noticed Chen Xuan's right eye. The strange blue-green light gradually emitted, and a terrible idea emerged from his heart.

Could it be...that one?

However, this idea was quickly rejected by him. That kind of physique has not appeared in tens of millions of years. The most recent time was during the War of Ancient Gods. How could it appear in an immortal.

At this time, Chen Xuan didn't know that his strange blue-green eyes had attracted a lot of attention.


Lu Xuanqing punched Luo Yan in the chest.

He said coldly: "You dare to distract yourself when you fight with me?"

Luo Yan's eyes were fierce, he wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and fought with Lu Xuanqing again.

The Golden Immortal level was really terrifying, and raising your hand was the rule. Lu Xuanqing squeezed his right hand tightly, and the space around Luo Yan collapsed instantly, but soon his own energy exploded, and he eliminated the terrifying space distortion.

"Supreme Dragon Platform!"

A golden dragon-headed jade platform stretched thousands of miles across. It was a little suppressed in the air. The jade platform let out a faint dragon roar and pressed towards Luo Yan.

Luo Yan sneered and formed seals with his hands.

"Some luck."

Then he held up a strange ancient lamp in his hand, and a trace of flame burned in the lamp. No matter how fierce the jade platform was, the flame did not move at all and was still burning slowly.

"The unusually long corpse lamp!"

Mysterious fluctuations came from the lamp, and then the flame spread out in Luo Yan's hand. The flame turned into a huge fire, showing strange laws, and confronted the jade platform.

The sound of chi chi sounded, the flame and the jade platform were consuming each other, and they were evenly matched. Seeing this, Luo Yan took action again, and a drop of turbid water flew straight towards the flame. The moment the water drop melted into the flame, the huge flow of water that was already flowing was The fire became a little bigger, changing from a bright yellow flame to a faint green.

Lu Xuanqing was a little moved, looked at Luo Yan and said, "I didn't expect you to get this corpse lamp and Huangquan water. It seems that you haven't had any opportunities in these years."

Luo Yan sneered and remained silent, continuously sending demonic energy into the flame.

Soon, the jade platform could no longer hold on and began to collapse and melt.

When Lu Xuanqing saw this, he muttered something, and a giant lion roared and rushed over.

The giant lion opened its mouth wide and breathed ice-blue breath into the flames. Cracks appeared in the space under the double destruction of extreme cold and extreme fire.

"There are many tricks, but... they are useless!"

Luo Yan's eyes were sharp, and his chest emitted strange fluctuations. Then his whole body became as hard as iron, and his body surface glowed with cold light.

He said a little crazy: "In order to get this King Kong Body, I searched all over the Northern Continent and killed the Beast King before I got a trace of the King Kong Body."

"Hmph, so what, you will still be defeated today!"

“It’s still uncertain who will lose!”

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