At that time, Chen Xuan was not dead.

He was just practicing in another way.

There is no end to practicing, but there are thousands of ways, and the end is the same. No matter what way you practice, the ultimate goal is to find your own way.

"It's a long way!" Chen Xuan sighed.

Then Chen Xuan flipped through a lot of secrets, with the purpose of understanding how to go on his future path of cultivation.

Because he slowly discovered that the spiritual energy and earth rules of this world could not satisfy his own practice, he felt that he had reached the peak of this land.

"No matter what, go out and take a look, maybe there will be gains." Chen Xuan put down a pile of books in his hand and talked.

Xuancheng is more prosperous than before, and the city is bustling with people.

Chen Xuan's consciousness now easily spreads throughout the city, and every corner is in sight, and Chen Xuan also found several powerful auras.

"It seems that the human race has become stronger in the past few years since I was away. Not bad, not bad!" Chen Xuan said in his heart with some satisfaction.


A very puzzled voice came.

Chen Xuan turned around and saw the young man named Fan Qing. Chen Xuan had not expected that he had some fate with this generation, and this generation,


Chen Xuan exclaimed, then quickly grabbed Fan Qing's hand, and injected a force of reincarnation into Fan Qing's body to check, which made Fan Qing confused, but knowing that Chen Xuan had no ill will towards him, he cooperated generously.

"Tsk tsk! This boy has a good talent." Chen Xuan secretly admired in his heart.

Because it has only been a few months, this boy can actually resonate with the power of reincarnation, which is not simple. You know, this power of reincarnation is one of the highest powers in the universe.

After a while, Chen Xuan frowned again and fell into deep thought.

"Is it just in line with the power of life?"

"It's a bit of a pity."

Seeing Chen Xuan frowning, Fan Qing was a little panicked.

"Is there something wrong with my body?" He asked urgently, "Senior, what's wrong with me?" This interrupted Chen Xuan's thoughts, and he came back to his senses and said with a smile: "No problem, but..." "But what?" "I ask you, have you used up the power of reincarnation I gave you once?" "Yes, senior, then after you left..." Fan Qing told Chen Xuan about the things one by one. "That's right. What I gave you is not a treasure. It is the power of reincarnation that I practiced. It can save you three times when you are in trouble."

"But if the opponent is not strong enough and the power of reincarnation is not completely used up, it will stay in your body for a short time."

"And if your body is suitable for this power, it will resonate with your body and stay until you use it up."

"And you are just suitable."

After listening to Chen Xuan's words, Fan Qing was very enthusiastic. He had a deep understanding of the power. The peak immortals were already the peerless strongmen standing in this place. Under this power, they were vulnerable. It can be seen that this power is so strong that it is incredible.

Looking at Fan Qing's enthusiastic eyes, Chen Xuan seemed to see himself at the beginning, and he was also like this, but the path of cultivation is difficult!


"Son, don't be too happy too soon. You only have the life force in the power of reincarnation, not the complete one. Of course, your strength will be greatly reduced."

"That is to say, the remaining power of reincarnation can only deal with a fairy of the first or second level at most."

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, Fan Qing was a little discouraged, but when he heard that he could still fight against a fairy after being greatly reduced, he instantly became enthusiastic again and looked at Chen Xuan with burning eyes.


Fan Qing knelt on his knees and looked at Chen Xuan with sincere eyes.

"Senior, I claim to have some talent. I hope to worship under you and listen to your teachings."

This sudden kneeling attracted the attention of the people around him, and they consciously formed a circle to watch the sudden scene.

"Isn't this the eldest son of the Fan family?"

"I heard that he has already stepped into the realm of immortality at the age of only 20."

"Yes! What's going on?"

"It seems that Mr. Fan wants to worship the person in front of him as his teacher."

"What kind of strong man is this person that the eldest son of the Fan family has to kneel down to beg for worship?"

"Yes, yes, these two people look about the same age!"

After a while, the crowd became larger and larger, and there was endless discussion.

In this situation, Chen Xuan was the most troubled. He preferred quietness. If he refused, it seemed that this guy would not give up. Moreover, he had helped him. Although the gift of the power of reincarnation was considered even, it was just that this guy had this talent, even if it was only one in a million.

Having made up his mind, Chen Xuan raised his hand to help him up, patted Fan Qing on the shoulder and said:

"Son, I will promise you for now, I will be your registered disciple first, and I will come later."

Although it was only a registered disciple, Fan Qing was still very happy. For such a strong man, even if he was a registered disciple, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Fan Qing believed that with his own strength, he would be a formal disciple one day.

"Yes, senior, I will definitely not let you down!" Fan Qing replied excitedly, with a smile on his face and a trembling voice.

"Son, you are still calling me senior, and besides, am I that old?" Chen Xuan said pretending to be unhappy.

When Fan Qing heard this, he suddenly realized that he was wrong, and immediately changed his words, shouting respectfully: "Yes, Master!"

Just as he was about to say something else, Chen Xuan immediately interrupted: "This is not the place for words."

Looking at the people discussing fiercely around him, Fan Qing said sheepishly:

"Master, I'm sorry. I didn't think anything of this excitement. If Master comes to my home as a guest, my father will definitely be very happy if he knows about it."

With that, the master and apprentice strode towards the direction of the Fan family.

Xuancheng, the Fan family, Chen Xuan had never heard of this family, because it must have just emerged. After all, a lot of things have changed in the past thousand years.

As soon as I walked in the door.

"Master, where have you been? If you are running around recklessly, how can I explain to the master?"

"The master has been released from seclusion and is now looking for you, young master!" an old man said earnestly.

"What! My father is out of confinement, great. Come on, Master, I will take you to see my father."

Fan's hall, the hall, is specially used to receive guests.

In the main seat of the hall, a middle-aged man in white robe sat, with a looming strong aura, and the same contemptuous temperament exuding between his brows.

Of course, the one sitting in the guest seat was Chen Xuan, and the one standing next to him was Fan Qing.

Hearing that Fan Qing's own father was very powerful, possibly as powerful as him, made Chen Xuan a little interested.

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