Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2027: Discussion, the secret of the upper world!

"Ting Qing'er, he has accepted you as his disciple? And he is only a registered disciple." It was Fan who spoke, and his tone was obviously a bit unkind.

Chen Xuan disagreed and said:

"Fan Qing is destined to me, that's all!" What he means is that your son is destined to me, otherwise he wouldn't be a registered disciple.

"Oh, is it so?"

"My son is in his early 20s and has entered the realm of immortality not long ago. With such a talent, he can't be as discerning as your Excellency?" Fan was a little unhappy.

"Master Fan, Fan Qing's talent is indeed good, but when I recruit a disciple, I don't just have to have a good talent."

"In this case, Fan is not talented. Let me ask you for some advice to see what your level is."

When Fan Qing heard this, he became a little anxious. Fan Qing had seen how powerful Chen Xuan was. With just a piece of power left casually, he could instantly kill the peak immortal without any effort. This was at least the level of the peak xuanxian!

Fan Qing knew that his father was also very powerful, but he always felt that his father was no match. The reason why Chen Xuan was as powerful as his father was because of family affection.

But it was too late to stop it.

"Haha! It's just what I want. I want to see if it's like Fan Qing, and how real he is."

Chen Xuan finished and casually arranged a barrier to avoid the aftermath of the battle. After all, we are in Xuancheng Zheng

"Arrogant! I hope you won't regret it!"

Fan Zhu was really angry. Such an arrogant person must be taught a lesson.

At the end, a large ray of light suddenly emerged from his body, fluctuating in layers, and condensed into a python shadow as big as a hill behind him, with a huge horn growing on his head.

The one-horned python seemed to be conscious. The python's mouth suddenly opened and it sprayed hard at Chen Xuan!

Countless invisible ripples emerged, rolling and hitting Chen Xuan.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan calmly raised one hand, poked his palm out of his sleeve, slapped the ripples with his palm, and roared,

"Reincarnation Palm"

There was a "boom"!

A terrifying force of reincarnation turned into waves of air and collided with the invisible ripples.


There was a crackling sound, and the invisible ripples were crushed like a torrent, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At this moment, a biting chill hit the pavement, and two crystal clear ice dragons, one on the left and one on the right, flew towards Chen Xuan with their teeth and claws open.

Chen Xuan's eyelids blinked, and two terrifying rays of light were like two invisible hands. They seemed to be able to crush everything and squeeze it towards the giant dragon.


There was another loud noise, and the blue dragon was destroyed by these two forces.

This scene surprised Fan.

He frowned, with a doubtful light in his eyes.

Similarly, Chen Xuan was also a little surprised. This Fan was quite capable, so if the Demon God was not demonized, he might not be his opponent.

"Yes, you have some strength. If you can take my move, you will be qualified to be Qing'er's teacher."


I saw a huge lotus shadow appear in the sky, and then the temperature of the surrounding space suddenly rose, even the boundary was shaken. This shows how powerful this move is, and it seems that it is going to use its full strength.

"The Tao of Reincarnation will destroy the void!"

It was this move again, yes, the Demon God died under this move, but compared with the previous Demon God, the momentum was obviously weaker. After all, it was not a life and death battle, just an ordinary sparring.

The huge lotus shadow came towards Chen Xuan with a terrifying temperature, and just when it was about to reach Chen Xuan, it suddenly disappeared and turned into nothingness.

This scene made Fan's eyes drop to the ground. This was the Dao Technique of the Upper Realm, so vulnerable?


"This is space power, how is it possible? How is this possible? Why does this kind of power appear in the lower realm? Who are you?"

Fan, like the Demon God before, asked whether Chen Xuan was too strong in this round.

"This is not the power of space, this is the power of reincarnation."

Chen Xuan said lightly.

"The power of reincarnation!" These words were spoken by Fan so hard that he was in disbelief.

The power of reincarnation is more powerful than the power of space, so it's no wonder that he is so gloomy.

"Did you just enter the realm?"

This fight has ended, and the outcome is obvious. Before Chen Xuan finally stopped, Fan was already a corpse.

Fan calmed down and his attitude was somewhat respectful. After all, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. What's more, Chen Xuan possesses the power of reincarnation. Such a strong person cannot be offended.

"Senior! Aren't you from the upper realm?"


"But senior, your power of reincarnation should not belong to this world."

"I know this. It's a long story. Can you go to the next world with me?"

Chen Xuan asked.

Senior, would you like to listen to a story? "

Fan asked rhetorically

"Of course, I'd like to hear the details!"

"The upper realm is actually the highest plane known now. We call it the Eternal God Realm of Samsara. It is rumored that the Eternal God Realm of Samsara was created by an ancient god."

Fan Wei said.

"It is said that at the beginning of ancient times, the earth was void, chaotic, mysterious, and full of endless unknowns."


"In the depths of the universe, where the energy of creation is strongest, a divine body evolved. After hundreds of millions of epochs, the divine body opened its mind and called itself the 'Ancient God'."

"The ancient magical power is invincible, the power is infinite, and the power it possesses is unrivaled. It can cause chaos in the universe with just a flick of the hand."

But once, on a whim, the ancient god opened up the land with a wave of his hand, opening up countless planes in the space, and countless lives came into being. "

"This is the origin of life, and some people say this ancient god is Nuwa."

"You mean, the upper world was opened by Nuwa?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Yes, the upper world was created by the ancient goddess Nuwa."

"You know so much about the upper world, don't you?"

"As the seniors thought, I was chased by my enemies back then, and by chance, I arrived in your world through the turbulent flow of space."


"Yes, senior, according to the division of the upper world, you belong to the same world here."

"In the upper world, some powerful families own hundreds or thousands of such worlds, although the rules are not as complete as here."

After hearing this, Chen Xuan fell into deep thought. He thought that he was very powerful, but in the end, there was really someone outside him.

"Then do you know how to get to the upper world?" Chen Xuan asked expectantly.

Fan seemed to know that Chen Xuan would ask, and said:

"Only by finding the turbulence of time and space can we reach the upper realm."

"Is there no other way?"

"No, because this is an independent world. I have been here for many years and have not found any connection with the upper world." Fan replied regretfully.

After a pause, Chen Xuan continued to ask:

"Where is the turbulence of time and space?"

"The turbulence of time and space is not a place, but a crack in space and time caused when space is unstable."

Chapter 2041 Black Mountain Abyss

"So, where space is unstable, there is turbulence in time and space?"

"That's okay!"

"Furthermore, because space is stable in most planes, it is almost impossible to find it unless a Dao Lord Realm expert who has mastered the power of space can create it."

"Daojun Realm?"

"What realm is this?"

When Chen Xuan heard about this new realm, his blood suddenly boiled. This was indeed his purpose.

Seeing Chen Xuan's appearance, Fan really believed Chen Xuan's words.

"Is he really from this world?"

"If so, that's terrible. I don't know what the attitude of the Samsara Saint will be when he sees Chen Xuan, maybe..." Fan thought in his heart.

After hearing these words, Chen Xuan was in a good mood. He had another goal in life. Why wouldn't he be happy?

Now, he just wants to get out of here.

The barrier was broken and the two people came out one after another.

When Fan Qing saw the two people coming out, he quickly went up and asked:

"How about it, Master, is my father very powerful?"

Seeing the two of them coming out safely, Fan Qing thought they were evenly matched, so he asked.

"Qing'er, you have found a very strong master! Yes, follow your master well. Don't be discouraged just because you are a registered disciple. You have to work hard, you know?"

Fan opened his mouth and lectured.

"Of course, by the way, father, how do you win or lose?" Fan Qing asked curiously.

"Uh, this, your master~"

Fan Zheng was thinking about something when he was interrupted by Chen Xuan's voice: "Winning or losing, your father is indeed very powerful."

Hearing this, Fan cast a grateful look at Chen Xuan. Everyone wants to maintain their dignity in front of their children.

I stayed at Fan's house for a few days, firstly to teach Fan Qing that since he has accepted a disciple, he must act like a master.

The second purpose is to find out where space turbulence has occurred in this place.

A few days later, the Fan family

"Brother Chen, these places are where space turbulence has occurred. I have already marked them."

The two of them circled around a map and drew.

"This place, and this place,"

Half an hour later, Chen Xuan put the map away and said goodbye to Fan with clasped fists.

"Brother Fan, I've been bothering you for the past few days."


"Chen Xuan, you're welcome. Brother Chen, isn't he a creature of the pond? I'm waiting for your good news.

"Then let me borrow Brother Fan's good words."

"I have made arrangements for Fan Qing. Even though I am not here, the things I gave him are enough for him to practice."

Finished, transformed into flowing light, disappearing.

Black Mountain Forest, a dense primitive jungle, with several figures chasing each other.

"Liu Kun, you can't run away, just hand over your demon wolf heart!"

"Despicable man, even if I destroy this wolf demon's heart, I won't let you be such a shameless person."

"The treasure is inhabited by those who have the ability. If you want to blame it, it's your lack of ability."


"If you hadn't poisoned me, your cultivation wouldn't have been enough."

In a world where the jungle prevails, this kind of thing happens all the time, and Chen Xuan has long taken it lightly.

Just as he was about to turn around and walk away, the middle-aged man who was being chased by several people ran up to him.

"Fellow Taoist, if you can help me, I will definitely thank you very much!" Liu Kun said, cupping his fists.

"Sorry, I have something else to do."

Chen Xuan is not a kind person, there is no need to cause trouble for himself, not to mention, he does have something to do.

"Wait, if fellow Taoist can help me, I can give this to you." He took out the demon wolf heart.

Before Chen Xuan could reply, the figures chasing behind him gradually approached, and several figures appeared.

"Haha, Liu Kun, there is no other way to go! Hand it over obediently, as a friend, I can consider saving your life."

Liu Kun once again looked at Chen Xuan for help, but Chen Xuan remained unmoved.

"If you want this demon wolf heart, I can give it to you, but I won't give it to you until this fellow Taoist leaves." Liu Kun said weakly.

Several people fell into silence. This demon wolf heart is only likely to appear when hunting adult demon wolves. It is a rare treasure. There will definitely be people who will covet it, just like them.

"Do it!"

Several figures quickly took action, locked onto Liu Kun, and launched a sweeping attack.

"You! Shameless, I will drag you to the grave even if I die!"

Then, he rushed into the crowd, planning to blow himself up and fight for his life.

Chen Xuan didn't intend to watch anymore. It was obvious that Liu Kun ran towards him on purpose to get him to take action. After all, if he dared to come to the depths of the forest, Liu Kun believed that Chen Xuan still had some strength.

"That's all, my last words to you, it doesn't matter if I save your life."

Then, Chen Xuan raised his palm, and the power of reincarnation instantly burst out from his palm, forming a mountain and pressing down on everyone except Liu Kun.


Those few people didn't even have a chance to respond. They were spread out on the ground, lifeless.

Instant kill, simple and direct.

He put away his gesture, looked at Liu Kun who was stunned and said:

"Don't let me ask you a few questions."

"Yes, yes, people must tell everything they know and tell everything." Liu Kun was frightened. How strong he is. In front of a strong person, he will inevitably panic.

"Are you from here? Or do you know the Black Mountain Forest?"

"Senior, I am from Black Mountain City, right on the edge of the forest. I have been hunting monsters and collecting medicinal materials in the Black Mountain Forest all year round, so I still have a certain understanding of it."

"That's good!"

"Let me ask you, do you know where the Black Mountain Abyss is? Why can't it be found on the map?"

"Senior are you looking for that place?"

"Senior, he's from outside, right?"

"The Black Mountain Abyss is not a fixed place. Sometimes it will appear at the edge of the forest, and sometimes it will appear deep in the forest!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Xuan became a little excited. It seemed that the rescue was not in vain!

"Don't they appear in the same place? It seems right, it must be space turbulence." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

Chen Xuan has followed Fan's mark to many places without success, and now he finally found it.

"Liu Kun, right? Tell me where the Black Mountain Abyss appears as you know it, and this will be my reward for taking action."

"Senior, are you going to the Black Mountain Abyss? That place is very dangerous. Many people unfortunately entered it, but no one came out." Liu Kun said with some worry, after all, he was his benefactor.

"You don't need to worry about this. Just tell me where the Black Mountain Abyss has appeared."

"Senior, I have only heard the rumors about the Black Mountain Abyss. I don't know the details. However, you can recommend a person to your senior. It is said that this person has seen the birth of the Black Mountain Abyss with his own eyes."

"who is it?"

"Old man Heishan, he is in Heishan City. I can recommend him to my relatives."

"Okay, without further ado, let's set off."

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