In the valley, Chen Xuan once again opened his consciousness and looked carefully. After a while, he smiled knowingly.

"I finally found it, it's not easy!"

Chen Xuan immediately came to a huge boulder. If he took a closer look, he would find that this boulder was very strange. It looked broken, but it was strangely connected together.

"Sure enough, these rubbles are controlled by the power of space and connected together. If the power of space here is unstable, then is there turbulence in space here?" Chen Xuan thought.

"You'll know after you try it."

Then, he gathered the power of reincarnation and punched the boulder.


A sound broke through the air. However, the boulder was unscathed and still stood there quietly, as if again:

"Yeah! Can you please try harder?"

"I'll go!" Chen Xuan cursed lightly, and then said to himself:

"What's going on?"

Chen Xuan thought that as long as he blasted away the boulder, he should be able to enter the space turbulence.

Because since the Black Mountain Abyss has appeared in this place, the space here will definitely be destroyed. This is what Fan told Chen Xuan at the beginning.

"I don't believe it anymore. There's nothing you can do with a broken rock."

After that, he used all his strength to blast the boulder again, but the boulder still didn't move at all.

Chen Xuan was so tired that he collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden movement in the valley, bursts of crackling sounds like firecrackers, and the surrounding space also fluctuated layer by layer.

"This is?"

The sudden change made Chen Xuan immediately sit up from the ground.

At this moment, the boulder also cracked under this terrifying change, rubble flew around, and a dark garden hole appeared out of thin air.

Looking at this black hole, Chen Xuan showed enthusiasm for yearning, and dived into the hole regardless of the situation.

"This is?"

Looking at the scene behind the cave, Chen Xuan was also a little scared. This time he was impulsive, but after a while, there was nothing but endless void.

"Is this space turbulence?"

"I don't know where he's going to take me."

In the void, Chen Xuan could not move even an inch. The pressure in the void made Chen Xuan have the urge to explode and die.

Chen Xuan tried hard to suppress this impulse. If the reincarnation body was not tough enough and coupled with the continuous treatment of the power of life, Chen Xuan would have turned into nothingness long ago.

"There is no way to continue like this. The power of reincarnation is not endless." Chen Xuan said worriedly.

I don't know how long he had been floating in the void. Finally, Chen Xuan gradually lost consciousness and fell into the void.

When Chen Xuan woke up, he found himself lying on the bed with a pretty and lovely girl sleeping next to him.

Chen Xuan originally thought about something, but found that he could not move his body and could not speak when he opened his mouth. So he gave up and went to sleep quietly.

The bright light outside the window illuminates the room. Chen Xuan on the bed here is also sitting cross-legged, recuperating.

"This time it was so abrupt that I almost lost my life."

"But the delivery was good." Chen Xuan said with a smile in his heart.

Although this trip to the void almost killed Chen Xuan, it also made Chen Xuan's body and cultivation improve qualitatively.

Although the power of reincarnation in the body is now thin, it seems to be purer than before, and the body is stronger.

"I believe it will heal in a few months."

Thinking about it, Chen Xuan got out of bed and opened the door.

Going out is a somewhat dilapidated yard, but there are some flowers and plants planted around it, which makes this dilapidated yard lose a few points.

There was no one in the courtyard. Looking around, there were several sparsely located courtyards like this, so it must be a village.


"Brother, you're awake."

There was a whisper from behind, and Chen Xuan turned around, only to see the delicate and charming girl standing behind him holding a plate.

This is a girl about sixteen or seventeen years old. Her light yellow cloth is embroidered with flowers. Her black hair is tied into a bun and looks very attractive. Her big eyes are even more charming, making her look particularly delicate and delicate.

There was no reply from Chen Xuan.

Girls take care of themselves:

"Well, I went up the mountain to collect medicine and found you lying on the ground, covered in blood, but still breathing, so I carried you home to treat you."

The girl's voice was also clear and moving, which made Chen Xuan feel very comfortable.

"Thank you, girl, this is Chen Xuan."

Chen Xuan was very grateful to the girl who saved him and thanked her with clasped fists.

"No! This is medicine for you. Although you are recovering well now, these are tonics and you can still drink them."

Then he handed the medicine he was holding to Chen Xuan.

Somehow, Chen Xuan believed in this kind girl and swallowed it in one gulp without any hesitation.

"Girl, do you want to tell me where this place is?" Chen Xuan asked after finishing the drink.

"This is a village at the foot of Fengshan Mountain."

"What kind of place is Fengshan?"

The girl is not surprised, this is where my brother is isolated from the world.

"Girl, can you be more specific?" Chen Xuan asked again.

From the girl's mouth, I learned that this is Xuan Continent, a place in this world. It seems that Chen Xuan has successfully left his plane world and came to a new place.

The girl's name is Qing'er. Her father is a doctor who is very prestigious in this village. However, he passed away a few years ago. Qing'er inherited his father's legacy and agreed to treat people in this village.

A few months later.

"Brother Chen Xuan! Are you going hunting again?"

"Qing'er, Qing'er doesn't like eating meat, even monsters are still alive!"

Qing'er taught Chen Xuandao some unpleasant lessons.

"Well, Qing'er, don't be angry. This beast is harassing the villagers. I just..."

"Okay, this time it's extenuating, there won't be a next time."

What else was Chen Xuan thinking? Seeing Qing'er's angry look, he couldn't bear it.

"Well, as long as those beasts harass the villagers, I won't bother them."

"Okay, it's time to eat."

In fact, at Chen Xuan's level, it doesn't matter whether he eats or not, but seeing Qing'er working so hard, Chen Xuan was embarrassed not to eat.

after eating.

"Well, Qing'er, I have to go out for a few days. I may not be back for a few days."


"Is Brother Chen Xuan leaving?"

Qing'er was a little reluctant to give up.

"No, I'm not leaving, I'm going. Anyway, I have something to do and I'll be back in a few days."

After listening to Chen Xuan's explanation, Qing'er felt relieved and said:

"Okay then! Come back soon."

In fact, when Chen Xuan was helping Qing'er collect medicine, he accidentally discovered a strange place and wanted to check it out. The injury was not healed at first, but now there is no problem.

Seeing Chen Xuan's leaving figure, Qing'er was very complicated and whispered:

"Brother Chen Xuan, will you be like them?"

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