Chen Xuan followed his memory and came to this magical place.

"This is it. It feels like this should be a Gao Rao cave."

After so many years of wandering around, Chen Xuan is extremely sensitive to these places.

There was an open space in front of me, surrounded by weeds, nothing special.

But Chen Xuan knew that this was just a psychedelic formation.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Xuan gathered his energy into a sword at an inconspicuous location and stabbed it with one strike!


A strong sound of space trembling was heard, and a loud clicking sound suddenly came from where Chen Xuan's sword stabbed.

This was the sound of something cracking, and the crack was getting bigger and bigger, as if it might explode at any time.

"One more blow!"

When Chen Xuan saw the crack, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he stepped back to a certain extent. Then he waved his arm, and a violent fist blast came out of his hand, and he attacked again with a terrifying momentum.


Chen Xuan shouted.

The moment the huge fist struck, there was no buzzing, only the sound of explosion.

Yes, the originally empty scene changed instantly.

Broken, this psychedelic formation was finally broken open by Chen Xuan, revealing the scene inside.

There is a very narrow and simple road here, which can only accommodate one or two walking people. It winds and circles, and there is a mysterious atmosphere in front of it.

After breaking through the formation, what Chen Xuan saw was not like the places he had explored in the past. There were no treasures and techniques as he imagined. Some of them were actually such a hole.

Chen Xuan's eyes flickered uncertainly, as he was considering whether to enter this passage.

Chen Xuan was hesitant at this time.

He finally went. Since the formation had been broken, Chen Xuan was still a little unwilling to stop here.

"No, just take care of yourself as you come, and leave without taking a second look. This doesn't suit my style, doesn't it?"

Chen Xuan paused for a moment, a firm light flashed in his eyes.

"The cluster is so deep that you have to break through the psychedelic formation before you can step into it. There must be some kind of treasure there.

Chen Xuan thought, and without stopping, he walked forward and stepped into the deep and mysterious road in front of him.

He knows that crisis is a test and an opportunity, and good and bad things depend on each other.

The moment Chen Xuan stepped into the road, he suddenly had a very strange feeling. At this time, he was alone, walking aimlessly on the road. It was very quiet around him, and there was no other person.

Looking back at the road he stepped into, Chen Xuan was shocked again.

"Another psychedelic array"

Chen Xuan's pupils condensed, this is the formation within the formation! In an instant, the scene around him continued to change.


A series of sharp whistling sounds came from the air. Chen Xuan's eyes narrowed again, and then his body turned slightly to avoid the sudden rays of light. However, he still felt a burning pain on his face. blessing

"I knew it wasn't that simple. In addition to the illusion formation, there is also this killing formation."

Chen Xuan's eyes were completely surprised. His unconfident eyes understood everything. The arrangement of this series of arrays was really elusive and impossible to guard against!

Chen Xuan would never look down upon this chain formation. He had suffered a lot in the big formation back then!

The killing in the serial formation is definitely not a joke to him, it will kill him if he doesn't.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Two more terrifying sharp whistling sounds came, extremely harsh!

Chen Xuan stood there, closed his eyes, and used his consciousness to quietly feel the location where the strong wind was hitting.

His palm moved and suddenly slapped out. Several waves of reincarnation power hit the two flying sharp weapons, and those sharp weapons fell to the ground in an instant.

"Chi, chi..."

A sharp and harsh sound passed over Chen Xuan's head. Chen Xuan's figure was like the wind and he immediately ran away. There was a loud bang and a ray of light flashed past, leaving behind a terrifying aura.

"What a scary place!"

Chen Xuan's eyes completely froze here again. When he stepped here, attacks came one after another, almost killing him. Chen Xuan was thinking that in such a terrible place, there should be a satisfying harvest. Bar!

At the moment when Chen Xuan was lost in thought, several more voices came in.


Wild roars and harsh sounds sounded at the same time, and several arrows and swords were seen flying through the air towards Chen Xuan, slashing at Chen Xuan from the void. It seemed more terrifying than the attack just now.

"Give it all to me and get out of here!"

Chen Xuan shouted angrily again, and the power of reincarnation was released from all over his body. An extremely domineering aura came from Chen Xuan's body. The power of reincarnation was as sharp as a sword. He faced those whose arrows were directly aimed at the power of reincarnation. Torn apart under the momentum.


Chen Xuan let out a long breath, and then glanced at him with the power of his spiritual consciousness. Then he was suddenly stunned again, and then saw Chen Xuan lift his head and look above his head.

When I saw this, my face was full of surprise!

Above my head, I saw a towering statue floating there, motionless, as if none of Chen Xuan's attacks just now could shake him at all. As long as all the attacks fell around him, All will be of no use.

"What's going on?"

Chen Xuan's heart trembled violently. The sculpture flashed by, appeared for an instant and then disappeared again. However, it seemed to contain a vast and profound meaning. The statue was always in Chen Xuan's mind. Can't get it out of my mind.

"This is the will of the great road"

"And so familiar?"

Chen Xuan murmured to himself that every avenue has its own independent will. The statue seemed to have a will just now. With just one glance, it was in Chen Xuan's mind and could no longer be erased.

Chen Xuan closed his eyes and felt with his heart, feeling the mystery of this avenue.

The howling wind blew past Chen Xuan at will, and Chen Xuan was also fluttering like the wind. There was a wonderful feeling in his mind that he needed to comprehend and capture.

Appeared, and the statue just now appeared in my mind.

Chen Xuan was extremely happy.

This statue seems to be an ancient god that has existed forever. It will never live or die in a confrontation!

Moreover, in addition to feeling the pattern painted on the statue, Chen Xuan also clearly felt that there was a stripe line on the body of the statue. It was a very strange and weird pattern, like every link connecting the body of the sculpture. An important context.

"This is, is this a kind of skill?"

Chen Xuan's heart trembled suddenly. Could it be that the strange lines on this sculpture were providing him with a set of exercises? For him to understand

But why does this technique not have any written explanation? It is just a set of lines and veins for you to feel and understand. This is too mysterious!

Chen Xuan feels incredible!

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