"Senior, you're welcome."

Chen Xuan bowed in agreement and returned the greeting.

"Senior, actually I may have something to do with your grandson's situation." Chen Xuan said weakly.


These words were like a thunderbolt, and the old man's eyes were filled with stars as he looked at Chen Xuan excitedly:

"Friend, please don't laugh, this is not a joke."

Chen Xuan was a little angry. Chen Xuan hated being looked down upon by others.

Somewhat unhappy, he said: "Since senior doesn't believe me, I'll resign."

Then he turned around and left.

The old man stopped Chen Xuan immediately. In fact, he didn't mean it like that, it was just a bit unbelievable, but Chen Xuan didn't need to lie to him. Wuxu also felt that the young man in front of him might really be able to do it. This feeling was very strong.

"Friend, I don't mean to stay, I don't mean that, I do. If your friend succeeds, I will definitely thank you again!"

"I have a condition to save your grandson. If I succeed, your family must obey me once."

"Senior, don't worry, I will never let you do anything to harm Li."

"Okay! I promise you, as long as you save my grandson, it doesn't matter if I give you my life!"

"Senior, your words are serious."

"Senior, if you can trust me, please leave the room and never be disturbed by outsiders."

Wrinkle didn't stay for a moment, turned around and disappeared.

"Qing'er has gone out too. Brother Chen Xuan wants to save someone, so Qing'er won't disturb him."

"Okay, actually, it doesn't matter if Qing'er can't get out."

Before she finished speaking, Qing'er's figure had disappeared.

Looking at the boy lying on the ice bed, Chen Xuan said to himself:

"Son, you and I are destined. No one in this world can save you except me just now. We just happened to meet again. What a coincidence."

Then, Chen Xuan mobilized the power of reincarnation and injected it into the boy's body. When the power of death around the boy encountered the power of reincarnation, it was like a son seeing his father. He was very intimate and allowed to be manipulated by Chen Xuan.

After temporarily putting away these powers of death, Chen Xuan mobilized the power of life in his body to restore the boy's body to life.

This is a long process.

Outside, Wrinkle Yi and a group of people were waiting anxiously.

"Grandpa, don't worry, brother Chen Xuan can definitely do it." Qing'er was not worried at all, because he believed in Chen Xuan, very much.

"Then I'll lend Miss Qing'er some good words."

A few hours passed. In the room, looking at the boy whose complexion had returned to rosy, Chen Xuan smiled knowingly.

"Wake up!"


Several coughs sounded in this quiet room, so they sounded unusually loud.

The young man opened his eyes, looked at Chen Xuan and said with confusion:

"Who are you?"

"How do you feel? Zi."

"Is this hell? I'm still here. I'm sorry grandpa, I couldn't promise you." The boy cried.

"Hey! Son, didn't you hear what I said? What are you thinking about? The body of death is still afraid of death!"


"No, my hands are still warm,"


"I can still feel pain, I'm not dead? Haha! I'm not dead, grandpa, I did it, I'm not dead." The young man danced happily.

"Hey, hey, you think I don't exist! I worked so hard to save you, and you can't even thank me?" Chen Xuan pretended to be very dissatisfied.


The boy who was dancing with excitement just now fell to his knees with a clang.

"Thank you! I was so excited just now that I thought I was going to die, so..."

In fact, Chen Xuan can understand the feeling of rebirth very well. Chen Xuan, who is on the edge of life and death, can control his emotions, but this young man, Eyeball, probably has not lived a good life.

Chen Xuan quickly helped him up.

"It's too early to be happy, this is just relief."

Before Chen Xuan could finish speaking, the young man spoke again: "Grandpa, my body of death is terminally ill. For my father's sake..."

"I'm very satisfied that I can spend more time with my grandpa."

It is hard to imagine that such a young man would say such a thing. Yes, for him, being able to see the bright sun is already a luxury.

"Don't be so pessimistic, I'm not done yet."

"Son, your situation will only last for one year at most. After one year, unless the Holy Lord of Samsara is still alive, otherwise..."

"However, there is no way to crack it, unless..."

"Unless what?" The young man looked at Chen Xuan hopefully.

"Unless you worship me as your teacher, there is no other way."


"Why don't you want to? Then I have no choice."

"No, no, I think that worshiping you as my teacher will cure my disease?"


"How can it be?"

"Believe it or not."

"Senior, I am willing, very willing."


The young man knelt down on the ground again and sincerely bowed three times to Chen Xuan.

"My master, Zi Wan, is willing to become my teacher, and I sincerely ask you to take me under your wing."

"Okay, okay, okay!"

"My name is Chen Xuan. I cultivate the way of reincarnation, control life and death, and transform yin and yang. Remember, my path is called the Great Way of Reincarnation!"

"Wrinkle, you are the body of death. You can practice my death method. Are you willing?"

"If my disciple is willing, I will definitely carry forward this way of death, which points to eternity."

"Remember, my path is somewhat special. You must not tell outsiders about it, otherwise you will be in danger of disappearing from the path of life and death. After all, ordinary people are not guilty, and they are guilty of having a jade. You must not tell others that you practice the path of reincarnation and death. "


"Understood, I will definitely keep this in mind, my disciple."

"Okay, let's go out! Your grandfathers are waiting impatiently."


The heavy stone door was pushed open, and the old man and his party came to the door with hot eyes. When they saw that Chen Xuan was the only one, they shook their heads in despair again.

"Did you still fail?"

"Senior, do you really not believe in me?"

"Wrinkle, come out!"

After saying this, the young man walked towards the crowd calmly.



At this moment, Wuzhen could no longer control his emotions, and so did Wuzhen. The two hugged each other and started crying. These were tears of happiness.

If outsiders were to see him again, they would definitely be surprised. Wrinkle Yi, a Taoist Lord who had long been famous, was crying like a child.

Chen Xuan didn't bother them either. At this time, it was better to leave first and not disturb the family reunion.

So he took Qing'er, left the empty auction house, and returned to the inn.

Empty auction house here.

"Son, are you really okay?"

Wrinkle still feels very incredible.

"Yes, Grandpa, I'm fine. Not only am I fine, I can also practice."

"Cultivation, what are you doing?"

There was another loud bang.

"Friend, what's interesting is..."

Wrinkle Yi originally wanted to confirm it to Chen Xuan, but turned around and found that no one was there.

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